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Critical Study and Comparison of NPE 1986 and NEP

2020: A Focus on Pedagogical and Curriculum



Education policies play a pivotal role in shaping the educational

landscape of a nation. The National Policy on Education (NPE)

1986 marked a significant milestone in India's educational

history, and more recently, the National Education Policy (NEP)

2020 has brought about substantial changes. This critical study

aims to analyse and compare the pedagogical and curriculum

structures of these two policies.

NPE 1986:

Pedagogical Structure:
1. Formal and Non-Formal Education:

• NPE 1986: Emphasized the integration of formal and

non-formal education to cater to a diverse student


2. Child-Centric Approach:

• NPE 1986: Advocated a child-centric approach,

focusing on the overall development of students

rather than mere academic achievements.

Curriculum Structure:

1. 10+2 System:

• NPE 1986: Introduced the 10+2 system, dividing

school education into 10 years of general education

and two years of specialized education.

2. Curricular Renewal:
• NPE 1986: Emphasized the need for curricular

renewal to make education more relevant to the

socio-economic context of the country.

NEP 2020:

Pedagogical Structure:

1. Foundational Literacy and Numeracy:

• NEP 2020: Introduced a strong focus on

foundational literacy and numeracy, recognizing

these as essential building blocks for further learning.

2. Multidisciplinary Approach:

• NEP 2020: Encourages a multidisciplinary approach,

allowing students to choose subjects across streams

and promoting holistic development.

Curriculum Structure:

1. 5+3+3+4 Structure:

• NEP 2020: Introduces a 5+3+3+4 curricular

structure, focusing on early childhood care and

education, followed by a preparatory stage, middle

stage, and secondary stage.

2. Flexibility and Choice:

• NEP 2020: Advocates for flexibility in the choice of

subjects, allowing students to choose a combination

of arts, science, and vocational subjects.


Pedagogical Structure:

• NPE 1986: Emphasized a child-centric approach without a

specific focus on foundational literacy and numeracy.

• NEP 2020: Recognizes the importance of foundational

literacy and numeracy and promotes a multidisciplinary


Curriculum Structure:

• NPE 1986: Followed the 10+2 structure with an emphasis

on curricular renewal.

• NEP 2020: Introduces a more flexible 5+3+3+4 structure

with an emphasis on early childhood education and a

broad-based, flexible curriculum.


While NPE 1986 laid the foundation for significant educational

reforms in India, NEP 2020 represents a comprehensive and

contemporary overhaul of the education system. The focus on

foundational literacy, flexibility in curriculum, and a

multidisciplinary approach in NEP 2020 reflects a shift towards a

more holistic and inclusive education system. The critical study

highlights the evolution of educational policies in India,

acknowledging the changing needs of students and the socio-

economic landscape.

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