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Chemistry of Water

Water, the elixir of life, is essential for maintaining the delicate balance of ecosystems and life on
Earth. In chemistry, water is considered a universal solvent, which is required in chemistry. Its distinct
features facilitate reactions, dissolution, and ionization, and it plays an important role in a wide range of
chemical processes critical to life and industry.

Molecular Structure of Water

According to Robb (2023), water is a simple molecule consisting of one oxygen atom bonded to
two different hydrogen atoms1. Because of the higher electronegativity of the oxygen atom, the bonds are
polar covalent (polar bonds). The oxygen atom attracts the shared electrons of the covalent bonds to a
significantly greater extent than the hydrogen atoms
The molecule adopts a bent structure because of the two lone pairs of electrons on the oxygen
atom. The H−O−H bond angle is about 105°, slightly smaller than the ideal 109.5° of a sp3 hybridized
atomic orbital1. The bent shape of the water molecule is critical because the polar O−H bonds do not
cancel one another and the molecule as a whole is polar.
The oxygen is the negative end of the molecule, while the area between the hydrogen atoms is the
positive end of the molecule. Polar molecules attract one another by dipole-dipole forces, as the positive
end of one molecule is attracted to the negative end of the nearby molecule.
Water, an interesting substance, possesses unique physical qualities that are essential to life. Its
high heat capacity maintains a steady atmosphere by regulating temperature. Furthermore, density
anomalies guarantee that ice floats, protecting aquatic ecosystems. The cohesion and adhesion qualities of
water aid in life-sustaining processes.
States of Matter of Water
Water freezes at 0 degrees Celsius (32 degrees Fahrenheit), converting from a liquid to a solid
and creating ice crystals. Moreover, the boiling point of water, 100 degrees Celsius (212 degrees
Fahrenheit) under standard atmospheric pressure, is the temperature at which it changes from a liquid to a
vapor. This phase transition is critical for many activities, including cooking, sterilizing, and the water
cycle, in which water evaporates from the Earth's surface into the atmosphere before condensing into
clouds and falling as rain or snow. Water's melting point is the temperature at which ice melts back into
liquid water, which occurs at 0 degrees Celsius (32 degrees Fahrenheit).

Phase Diagram of Water

In addition, water has a critical point and triple point property. The critical point of water is the
specific temperature (374 degrees Celsius) and pressure (22.1 megapascals) at which the distinction
between the liquid and gas phases disappears, and water exists as a singular, homogeneous fluid. Hence,
the triple point of water is the unique thermodynamic state where water coexists in equilibrium as solid,
liquid, and gas, occurring at a specific temperature (0.01 degrees Celsius) and pressure (611.657 pascals).
Anomalous Expansion of Water
However, water has a strange property, its maximum density at 4 degrees Celsius, causing it to
expand when cooled below this temperature and exhibiting a unique deviation from the usual behavior of
most liquids.
When water is heated from 000C to 400C it contracts continuously instead of expanding.
Conversely expands when cooled down from 40 0C to 000C. This expansion of water from 40 0C to 000C is
called anomalous expansion.
When heated from 400C to 10000C its expansion is normal like the expansion of other liquids.
Since water contracts when heated from 00 0C to 400C and expands from 400C to 10000C, its volume is
smallest and the density is maximum at 400C. Hence, water is heaviest at 400C.
Moreover, Water's exceptional solvent properties stem from its polar molecular structure. Its
oxygen atom attracts electrons more strongly than hydrogen, creating a partial negative charge near the
oxygen and partial positive charges near the hydrogens. This polarity enables water to dissolve a wide
array of substances, making it a universal solvent. The partial charges attract and surround charged or
polar molecules, facilitating the dissolution of ionic compounds and polar covalent compounds in water.
Additionally, there are hydrophilic and hydrophobic substances. Hydrophobic substances are non-
polar and tend to repel water. Oil molecules lack charges and do not interact well with water molecules,
causing them to separate and form distinct layers.

Oil in Water
Conversely, an example of a hydrophilic substance is table salt (sodium chloride). Hydrophilic
substances are polar or ionic, meaning they have charged components that interact well with water
molecules. Salt dissolves readily in water as the charged ions in salt form interactions with water
molecules, allowing the salt to become uniformly distributed throughout the water.
In the realm of chemical reactions involving water, acid-base reactions play a fundamental role.
These reactions involve the transfer of protons (H⁺ ions) between substances. The ionization of water
itself is a key aspect, as water molecules can act as both acids and bases. In the ionization of water, a
water molecule can donate a proton to another water molecule, forming a hydronium ion (H ₃O ⁺) and a
hydroxide ion (OH⁻). The pH scale is a crucial tool for quantifying the acidity or basicity of a solution.
Ranging from 0 to 14, a lower pH indicates acidity, while a higher pH suggests alkalinity. This scale is
logarithmic, meaning each unit change represents a tenfold difference in acidity or alkalinity.
Hydrolysis reactions involve the breakdown of chemical compounds through the addition of
water molecules. This process is particularly evident in the cleavage of larger molecules into smaller
constituents. In the context of acid-base reactions, hydrolysis often occurs when water reacts with salts or
esters. For example, in salt hydrolysis, water can split salt into its constituent ions. This reaction can
generate either acidic or basic conditions depending on the nature of the salt formed. Hydrolysis of esters
involves the breaking of ester bonds with the addition of water molecules, producing carboxylic acids and
On a biological level, water’s role as a solvent helps cells transport and use substances like
oxygen or nutrients. According to Sargen (2023), water-based solutions like blood help carry molecules to
the necessary locations. Thus, water’s role as a solvent facilitates the transport of molecules like oxygen
for respiration and has a major impact on the ability of drugs to reach their targets in the body.
Water also has an important structural role in biology. Visually, water fills cells to help maintain
shape and structure. The water inside many cells (including those that make up the human body) creates
pressure that opposes external forces, similar to putting air in a balloon. However, even some plants,
which can maintain their cell structure without water, still require water to survive. Water allows
everything inside cells to have the right shape at the molecular level. As shape is critical for biochemical
processes, this is also one of water’s most important roles.

Water impacts cell shape. Water creates pressure inside the cell that helps it maintain its shape. In
the hydrated cell (left), the water pushes outward and the cell maintains a round shape. In the dehydrated
cell, there is less water pushing outward so the cell becomes wrinkled
In conclusion, water's intricate chemistry, from its molecular structure to its states of matter and
anomalous properties, underscores its unparalleled significance in sustaining life and driving essential
chemical processes. As a universal solvent, water's polar nature allows it to dissolve a diverse array of
substances, influencing biological and industrial realms. Its unique physical properties, states of matter,
and anomalous expansion contribute to its role as the elixir of life, regulating temperature, protecting
ecosystems, and fostering selective interactions among substances. Water's impact extends beyond the
chemical realm, playing a vital role in biological processes such as cell structure maintenance and
molecular transport in blood. Appreciating the depth of water's chemistry enhances our understanding of
its indispensable role in shaping the world as we know it.

Robb, A. (2023). Water Molecule | Definition, Facts & Structure. Retrieved from

Sargen, M. (2023). Biological Roles of Water: Why is water necessary for life? Retrieved from STIN:

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