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Q1: Film director whose life was the inspiration for the Clint Eastwood film "White Hunter,

Black Heart"?

The crrect Answer is: (John) Huston

Q2: She had a sheep location problem?

The crrect Answer is: Little Bo Peep

Q3: Australia's national bird, it has been hunted to scarcity because it's destructive to crops?

The crrect Answer is: the emu

Q4: The U.S. imports not 90, but 100% of this element, Sr?

The crrect Answer is: strontium

Q5: The number of pairs of these in mammals varies from 9 in whales to 24 in sloths;
humans normally have 12?

The crrect Answer is: ribs

Q6: Many believe this vitamin can prevent colds, but the AMA says there's no scientific

The crrect Answer is: vitamin C

Q7: During the Civil War, Lincoln suspended this, which prevents a person from being
detained illegally?

The crrect Answer is: habeas corpus

Q8: To get into a school accredited by the American Bar Association, be prepared to take the
entrance exam with this acronym?
The crrect Answer is: LSAT

Q9: A rainforest & coral reef make up the national park of this U.S. territory on the islands of
Tutuila, Ta'u & Ofu?

The crrect Answer is: American Samoa

Q10: This parrot feature is divided into an upper & lower mandible?

The crrect Answer is: a beak

Q11: This British-born boxer won the WBC heavyweight title in 1992?

The crrect Answer is: Lennox Lewis

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