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A Competition Entry

Agapie David- 6E

Last summer, I went to a summer camp, I thought that it was going to be

awful, but I really liked it. Its name was Lumina Camp, you could go there only if
you won the first place at a math competition. There I met lots of new people and I
learned a lot of new things, like making a fire with only rocks and how to build a
“house” only from wood. We did sports, too, like football or basketball, we also
went to a river to do canoe, it was scarry, at first, but at the end I liked it. As in all
the summer camps, we had a fire where we told scarry stories. In that night, we
played Hide and Seek for two or three hours at night. We slept outside, in sleeping

It was a great exerience and I’d like to go on a trip like this again!

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