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Group 3 (9.2)

 Tools
Bowl, Spoon, Cutting Board, Cup 200 ml, Small Spoon, Grater, Knife.

 Ingredients
Melon, Grapes, Kiwi, Apple, Strawberry, Cimory yoghurt, Mayonnaise, Cheese,
Condensed Milk.

Prepare the tools and materials, namely the tools consist of:
- Bowl, spoon, cutting board, Cup 200 ml, small spoon, and Knife, The ingredients are
- Melon, grapes, kiwi, apple, strawberry, cimory yoghurt, mayonnaise, cheese, and
condensed milk.
Step by step
 Step 1
Prepare the tools and ingredients then take the fruit.
 Step 2
Peel the fruit and cut it, then we make the salad dressing.
 Step 3
Prepare 1 pack of mayonnaise, 2 pack of cimory, condensed milk, cheese, bowl and
 Step 4
Then pour in enough cimory, mayonnaise, and condensed milk, then stir until evently
mixed, then grate the cheese.
 Step 5
Prepare a bowl and spoon then put the fruit in the bowl and pour the sauce over the fruit
then top with cheese topping, then you can add other fruit topping, and fruit salad is ready
to be served.

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