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I created a dashboard to show how my students' assignments rank among other classes

and peers. Not only the comparison, but also to show how many students are turning them
in. I created 4 different charts with data that comes from my own classroom, rounding the
numbers so that it is better visible on the charts. Almost of my digital assignments are
posted on Google Classroom for students to work on and complete.

My first chart is a pie chart showing the amount of students that have turned in every
assignment. Approximately, 92% of all of my students have turned in every assignment.

The second chart is a line chart depicting how certain students are ranked. I used 4
students from a class (changed their names of course) and input their grades on different
country reports. This would be a direct visual to pinpoint which students need individualized
content review.

The third chart is a bar graph showing how long students spend on an assignment.
Unfortunately, Google Classroom does not have a tool that utilizes this. But it if it did, it
would show me the correlation between the time taken to complete and assignment and
the grades associated with them.

The fourth graph compares classes to one another. It showcases the amount of students in
each class that complete assignments. The bar graph shows the amount of students in
each class that have submitted assignments and compares it to every other class I have.
The bars are linked in with the percentages at the bottom.

Google Classroom does not incorporate any visual data unfortunately. As a social studies
teacher, the work I give students is more content and facts instead of data based. It is
difficult to put it into a graph, so I chose to use the information I get from assignments in
Google Classroom. Google Classroom would be so much be better if it offered a way for my
to visually see how students are doing compared to what it has now.

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