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Lost Hall of Records

Room Descriptions

0. Hatch and entry The hatch opens to a ladder leading down

about 30 feet before darkness is all that can be seen without
any aid.
If the characters use a light source and shine it down it
illuminates down to about 60 feet or so before fading into
darkness as well. If they have a tight beam type flashlight or
lower a device that emits light down the shaft extends about
100 feet down before ending in what appears to be tile
covered floor and walls.
Once the characters get to the bottom of the shaft the walls
and floor seem to be made of some type of tile each about
3in x 3in in size and of a greyish white color. They are
seamless and do not appear to have any material binding or
mortaring them together.
The hallway runs for about 30 feet before ending in a solid
metal door that appears to be fused to the walls and floor
with no visible way of opening. The door is covered in what
appears to be writing or symbols
and धारणा repeat over and over on the door.
To the left of the door on the left wall is what appears to be a
screen about 1 foot by 1 foot in size with a keypad set into
the wall below it. The keys are covered in a heavy layer of
If the dust is removed or cleaned off the keys have script in
what appears to be cuneiform on top and another language
below it on each key.
The script is Sanskrit and Sumerian cuneiform
If the characters, try and type in the characters on the door
into the keypad have them make a computer operation
check difficulty 20 if using the Sanskrit symbols or difficulty
18 if using the cuneiform to make sure they input the correct
After the characters make it thru the door a long hallway of
about 120 feet extends made of the same tile material. It is
lit with a dim bluish/white glow that seems to be coming from
the ceiling but with gaps at around 40 and 70 feet down the
hallway, otherwise all appears normal and clean very little
dust and no debris after passing the sealed door. At the end
of the hallway it turns to the left and 10 feet after turning left
are a set of what appear to be airlock doors with another
keypad and screen to the left of the door mounted flush with
the wall.
If the characters input the same symbols from the first door
the screen responds with a message in whichever language
they input. The following is displayed in either Sanskrit or
Sumerian: Please enter entry sequence code or override
authorization code. …

P लेअसे एन्टेर् एन्ट्र्य् सेक़ु एन्c ए c ओडे ओर् ओवेर्रिडे औतोरिज़टिओन्
c ओडे
Please enter entry sequence code or override authorization code

If nothing is entered the system will respond again after 10

seconds and repeat Please enter entry sequence code or
override authorization code in both Sanskrit and Sumerian
then after that it will pause for 3 seconds and display the
following in both languages: enter १११११ or 11111 if new

If the characters enter १११११ or 11111 then the system will

flash and display an animated image of 1 person at a time
entering the decontamination chamber and passing out the
other side before another person enters and repeats the
Once out of the decontamination chamber another door with
another keypad and display are mounted in the left wall.
If the characters enter १११११ or 11111 on the keypad the
door responds by opening, if they input anything else on the
keypad they get the same phrase repeated on the previous
keypad about entry sequence code or override authorization
Once out of this door the hallway heads to the south for
about 100 feet before ending in a door that seems like the
others but not as secure, a blue triangular button and an
orange colored square button are set into the wall to the left
of the door the blue above the orange button.
The DM should make a hidden check for the character with
the highest awareness score or detect concealment (if they
have it). If the result is over 20 the character notices that
something seems a bit off or different about 30 feet down the
corridor on the right-hand side. There is a concealed door
on the right side about 30 feet down the keypad is hidden in
the wall and accessible by depressing the 3x3 tile directly
above it.
1. Hanger This large room contains the vehicle.

2. Library Behind the door is a huge room measuring 150 feet

by 110 feet and lit with the same bluish white glow with what
appears to be a few areas in the ceiling not working or
burned out. Laid out every 20 square feet is what appears to
be a terminal of some type. They are all identical and stand
about 4 feet high with a 2 foot by 1-foot screen all are dark
and do not appear to be powered on or functioning at first
look. Along the walls and in 6 long shelves running the
length of the room are what seems to be thousands of
individual storage niches. A door is in the southeast corner
of the room that seems to be the same type of door as the
one entered from. The shelves are all different in color and
are from west side to east side of room as follows: Purple,
Blue, Yellow, Orange, Red, and Green.
If the characters investigate the terminals describe them as
follows: they appear to be about 4 feet tall with a 2 foot by 1-
foot screen at the top at about a 45-degree angle and a
keypad below, it looks like a standing computer terminal
from a library or something. Located to the right and left
side of the screen are what seem to be small slots 1-inch
square in size.
If the characters examine the shelfs, they see that they go
from floor to ceiling about 20 feet above and are divided into
2 square inch compartments that each contain a crystal of
what appears to be quartz measuring 1 square inch by 3
inches in length. Each shelf is a certain color from west side
of room to east they are as follows: Purple
(philosophy/ethics/morality), Blue (art), Yellow (history)
Orange (human sciences) Red (mathematics) Green
(natural sciences. The crystal in each shelf are also colored
with a slight hint of whatever color corresponds to the shelf
they belong in.
If the characters take a crystal from the shelves and insert it
into a terminal the terminal will light up with a faint blue color
all over and the screen activates and displays text in both
Sanskrit and Sumerian and two other languages (linear A,
and what seem to be Egyptian hieroglyphics). The text reads
[please select language] along with a flashing curser next to
each line of language.
If the characters select a language the display changes to
text of that language displayed in dense lines of text or
If the characters enter १११११ or 11111 into the keypad on
the terminal the screen changes to a bluish white screen and
shows an image of a person standing in front of the terminal
and a beam coming from the screen to what appears to scan
the person.
If the characters do so and let the terminal scan them after
about 30 seconds, the screen will stop scanning and flash
bluish white and the text will change to English or whatever
the character’s native language is and the keyboard will also
change to a standard computer interface style layout.

3. Bar This room appears to be a bar about 30 feet by 30 feet.

A long counter runs along the wall with shelves holding what
seems to be liquids and a few of what look to contain smoke
or gases of some type behind it. There are stools along the
bar and a table with chairs in a corner of the room.
If the characters investigate the bottles and containers, they
will find around 50 various bottles on the different shelves.
The bottles all seem to be made of some type of faceted
crystal and some have a simple crystal plug for a stopper
while the ones containing the gaseous looking substances
have a magnetic type stopper that must be twisted to
release. If the characters, try and sample any of the
containers have them roll on the table below.
1d2 Description
1 Beer, bright red in color tastes very light with low alcohol
2 Wine, Deep green in color tastes like apples and pears
3 Hard Cider, near black in color tastes like molasses and
4 Mead, bright orange in color with white flecks tastes like a
light mead
5 Sake, very strong alcohol taste with hints of mint
6 Gin, or at least it tastes like gin blue in color and no odor
7 Brandy, bright light green color tastes of apples with a strong
alcohol content
8 Whisky, sparkling and swirling rainbow of prismatic colors
smoky flavor
9 Rum, bright yellow thicker almost like a simple syrup tastes
sweet very strong
10 Tequila, pale blue something like tequila but with a milder
taste and citrusy
11 Vodka, purple in color tastes of vanilla and mint smooth and
very strong
12 Beer, pink in color tastes like a stout hearty beer with an
earthy flavor
13 Wine, light green color with blue flecks strong wine like a
14 Brandy ,deep purple color when poured turns green tastes of
15 Liqueur, almost black in color tastes of cherries and currant
16 Gin, clear no color when poured starts to evaporate in
smoke no taste
17 Whisky, orange poured turns sparkling tastes very odd
(carbonated whiskey)
18 Mead, deep blue tastes like grass and earth (very, very
strong alcohol)
19* Rum, mild, sweet, tastes of raisins gives +1 to all awareness
skills 15 minutes
20* Beer, light red tastes like a Big Red +1 to Agility attribute 10
4. Security checkpoint room The door to this room is
concealed and requires a difficulty 20 detect concealment
check to find. Anyone with an awareness of 9 or higher can
make a difficulty 20 awareness check to notice a door is
concealed here. Once located the character must make a
difficulty 14 Computer Operation or a difficulty 20 Detect
Concealment check to locate the opening mechanism.
When located the standard code will not work to open the
door it requires a security code. This is 50 feet long by 30
feet wide room with walls, ceiling, and floor of a greyish
ceramic like material. There is a small booth in the northeast
corner of the room, and a door in the southwest corner of the
5. Recreation room This seems to be a
recreation/entertainment room of some sorts. There are 12
booths or compartments that hold a single person, along
with a table in the southeast corner of the room. The table
seems to be some sort of gaming type device with stick and
button controls on each end.
If the characters sit in one of the compartments, once seated
the entire compartment will rotate 90 degrees sealing it off
and the walls, ceiling, and floor will turn black and the
character is surrounded by complete darkness. This lasts
for about 2 seconds then a bluish/white light will start at the
top of the pod and slowly scan down in a ring to the floor that
takes about 5 seconds. Then the entire pod seems to come
to life with lights and a menu system in the characters native
language appears floating in front of them. The menu has 4
selections: 1 Movies/Entertainment, 2 Games, 3
Holobook/story, 4 Study/Infotainment. If the characters
selects 1 a list of what seem to be movies or tv shows
appears with titles like: Action Man, Adventure series, Battle
systems on the move, Capers of the concealed agent, etc. if
the select option 2 games a list appears with titles like: One
on one melee, Team command, Spatial focus tuning,
billiards, Ballgame, etc. If the select option 3 Holobook/story
they see a menu with titles like: Adventure man in the
swamps of doom, Rescue the lost princess, Overthrow the
oppressors, Swashbucklers vs the natives, etc. If option 4 is
chosen a list appears with titles like: Universe encyclopedia,
Erath and its flora and fauna, Natives and how we improved
them, The schism and the rebels, etc.
6. Reactor core This room is heavily shielded with walls that
differ from all the other walls in the entire complex. The
walls of this room are a dark deep indigo color and seem to
be made of larger tiles than the other walls and rooms of the

7. Computer processor room This room is 50 feet by 50 feet

square and is very sparse in features. The walls and floor
are of the same light grey/whitish color as the rest of the tiles
of the complex. It contains 4 rows of 2 banks of what seem
to be computer processing units. There is enough room to
walk between each row but not enough of a gap to fit
between 2 banks. The units themselves seem to made of
some type of crystal or polymer substance and glow a very
faint indigo in color.

8. Briefing/conference room This room is 70 feet by 50 feet

and is dominated by a large oval table with 16 ornate chairs
around it. The table is made of what seems to be some type
of wood but is unlike any other the characters have seen. It
is of a deep purple color with bright red grain lines running
through out. The chairs seem to be made of the same
material as the table but have some type of ornate metal
inlays in the arms and backs.
9. Reactor maintenance and observation This room is 70
feet by 30 feet and contains 8 stations with readouts and
information on them. Running along the wall behind each
unit is a computer processing core similar to the ones in
room 7 but of a blue color and not as thick as the ones in
room 7.

10. Self-destruct and failsafe room This room is a

square 50 feet by 50 feet and the walls are of a black
material that is non reflective and almost seems to absorb
light. The room has 4 cylindrical containers located in the
west wall of the room each glowing a vibrant pulsing blue. In
front of them in the center of the room is a floor to ceiling
circular wall taking up half of the room.
11. Clone chamber This 70 feet by 140 feet room has 4
rows of computer systems in the front area of the room with
an interface system in the middle of the south wall by the
12. Barracks style quarters for 8 people Another square
50 feet by 50 feet room, this one is a barracks style sleeping
area. It contains 4 bunk beds and 2 tables along with a 8
lockers along the walls 4 to each side.

13. Living quarters (officer type) This is another living

quarter but seems to be set up for 1 person perhaps an
officer type. It contains a full bed, a sitting area with
entertainment system and even a mini kitchen. The security
code for the security door at room 4 is located in the
headboard of the bed in a sliding door that is concealed in
the headboard.
14. Fuel storage for ship This room is 30 feet by 50 feet
and contains four square tanks in the north of the room. The
tanks are made of some type of metal/ceramic alloy and are
a light blue color.

15. Astrometric lab: This room is 70 feet by 70 feet and is

dominated by a large near floor to ceiling holographic display
in the southeast corner of the room. On the display are the
last moments of events on earth before departure playing on
a loop. It shows a map of the Earth with the ice caps
covering the northern hemisphere, half of North America and
Europe are completely under ice. Asia is ice free other than
what is most of the Gobi Desert and Northern Siberia which
is under ice. As the scene plays what appear to be flight
paths head from Central America and the Caribbean to all
across Africa and the area between Australia and Asia. In
what would be the area of Singapore and Malaysia is a full
sized continent. The flight paths travel back and forth from
this area and the Caribbean with stops in Africa and the
Middle East. Ones originating in the Caribbean area are in
green and the ones from the Indian Ocean area are in blue.
As the scene plays on the flight paths increase rapidly until a
large red object appears over the North American continent
before splitting up into 5 smaller objects that impact the
North American and European ice sheets. Two impacting in
North America and 1 in the North Atlantic Ocean and the
other 2 impacting the European ice sheet. After the impacts
the flight paths increase in speed rapidly for about 30
seconds before slowing dramatically. After about 30 more
seconds only 1 or 2 flight paths appear every 10 seconds for
the next 2 minutes before stopping altogether. At this point
what appears to be a huge volcanic eruption occurs in North
America near the Yellowstone area. About 1 minute after
that a large bright blue spot appears in the Malaysian area
and begins to ascend to orbit twice around the Earth before
speeding away into space towards the Centaurus
16. Ship monitor room This small 30 feet by 30 feet room
contains two computer cores in the northeast corner of the
room. A large screen takes up floor to ceiling and 20 feet
wide part of the southwest of the room. 4 terminals are in
front of the screen two directly in front of the screen and two
behind those.
17. Target/holo training room A long room that is 30 feet
by 220 feet long, the ceiling, floor, and walls all seem to be
part of the same material and no seams or gaps are visible.
About a third of the way down the room next the entrance
door are 4 interface and computer systems.

18. Storage closet This small 30 feet by 30 feet room just

seems to be a storage closet. It contains a few boxes and
some shelves in the south wall.

19. Armor and weapons This room is 30 feet by 90 feet

and contains storage boxes along the south wall and storage
lockers along the north wall.
20. Food and treats This 30 feet by 70 feet room looks
like a small food or snack area containing multiple machines.

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