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(New Ending)
This is my story Rob, a robot from the Sensix company. This story begins when, I was in a car, with
Lola. Lola is a career woman who is the daughter of George and Myrtle, and the sister of Cassie. At
that time, I was invited to have dinner with Lola's family. I was a little hesitant, even though she said,
"Of course they'll like you and love you because you're perfect." But I still felt insecure because I felt
that I smelled weird. Because everyone said that. She asked, "Who said that?" I said, "Tina, so that
makes me self-conscious." Lola then said a little self-consciousness was good, and I could even look
down if I wanted to.

When I arrived at Lola's house, when I got out of the car I fell because my balance was still not
completely stable, fortunately Lola's family did not see me fall. When she arrived at Lola's doorstep,
she was greeted by her family, everyone greeted her by saying "Lola", then Cassie approached Lola
while talking, "What a surprise, why didn't you tell me?" Cassie said to Lola, "Because I wasn't sure I
could get here myself." Lola replied. After the conversation, Lola and I were allowed to enter and I
was introduced by Lola to her family.

Before dinner started, I had a little chat about sports with George, I told him that the Pistons were
playing and George said, "They'll lose for sure". The dinner hour arrived and the meal was served.

At the table, Myrtle asked me, "Do you like the food?" I replied, "It's so delicious, it's just that my
stomach isn't working very well" Lola helped explain about my stomach. I chatted about Lola and
Cassie's childhood stories at the dinner table, George asked me what I did at Sensix and I explained
my job to George that I was a researcher working in the field of artificial intelligence. After that,
Cassie asked Lola to help her bring dessert to the kitchen. I could faintly hear from the direction of the
kitchen that they were debating about my identity and my condition.

And if I heard them correctly, "She's not real, she's a robot," Cassie said. Lola then rebutted by
speaking "But he's real to me, Rob was created to be the perfect robot husband," Lola said.

"You've got to be kidding," Cassie said.

"Just don't let Mom and Dad know that Rob is a robot, let them think that Rob is human."

And that's when they started arguing about my condition and identity as a robot.

"But what will happen to the other humans? Other human families? And what will happen to our
family too?" Cassie asked.

"I don't know Cassie, but we can't stop it. We can only wait and see." Cassie replied
Hearing the commotion in the kitchen, Myrtle came over to Cassie and Lola who were in the kitchen.
Then she said, "Hey what's all this commotion about? Aren't you ashamed that we have guests and
you're fighting here?" With a little panic Lola replied, "Nothing mom we just saw a mouse jumping
towards the table."

And the arguing stopped but they were still in the kitchen. Soon George came from behind me,
carrying some water that he took from the dispenser beside the dining table. He was carrying two
glasses of water, and as he walked he offered me a drink, until the unexpected happened. George
slipped and spilled the water he was carrying right onto my Exo Skeleton system. Which caused me to
move erratically, and my system became chaotic. Seeing the incident, George was shocked and
immediately asked me, "Are you okay Rob." But I didn't answer, which made George panic even
more and went to the kitchen to call Cassie, Lola, and Myrtle.

"Myrtle, Lola, Cassie!!!" George shouted.

"What's wrong dad?" Asked Lola

"Rob... Rob... Rob... He's having a seizure!" George replied frantically

"Why dad?" Asked Lola once again

"I was offering Rob some water, then I slipped and it accidentally spilled on Rob and he had a
seizure." Rob replied

Then Lola screamed for me as she ran into the dining room, followed by her family.

Lola called out my name, right above my vision she tried to revive me, but unfortunately, after seeing
a faint glimpse of Lola's face, my system shut down, and I died completely.

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