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Q1: "Girl Arranging Her Hair" from 1886 is by this female American impressionist?

The crrect Answer is: (Mary) Cassatt

Q2: Water on the knee is one challenge?

The crrect Answer is: <i>Operation</i>

Q3: Pulaski,Pope,Champaign?

The crrect Answer is: Illinois

Q4: Legend says the Dannebrog, now this country's flag, dropped from heaven during a
1219 battle?

The crrect Answer is: Denmark

Q5: A docked horse's tail, or a short haircut for women popular in the 1920s?

The crrect Answer is: a bob

Q6: In craps, when a new shooter rolls for the first time, it's called this roll, wherever you

The crrect Answer is: coming out

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