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Sunburn cause by excessive exposure to sunlight

Evaporation the process by which water changes to water vapor
Water Cycle is a continuous process of changing liquid water into water vapour when
heated and back to liquid water when cooled
Precipitation when the condensed water vapour become heavy, it falls back to the earth in
the form of rain, hail, snow, and sleet
Condensation the process by which water vapour in the atmosphere had cooled
Transpiration occur when water particles are released from the leaves of plants
Respiration animals and humans give off water particles when they perspire
Sun is the main source of heat and light
Photosynthesis the food making of plants
Weather charts tell about weather components that determine the weather condition at
any given time.
Anemometer measures wind speed.
Wind vane is a device that tells the direction of the wind.
Wind direction is the direction from which the wind is blowing.
Temperature is the hotness and coldness of air around us.
Thermometer is used to measure air temperature.
Room thermometer has numbers etched on each side.
Hydrosphere is the water part of the earth.
Why the earth is called a blue planet? Because water covers a larger area of its surface
than land.
Water is a renewable resources because of the water cycle.
Freshwater is used for cleansing, washing, bathing, preparing food and other household
Seawater is the habitat of aquatic plants and animals.
Groundwater is found beneath the earth’s surface.
Seawater is salty and contains plenty of salt.
Controlled Variables refers to the things, materials, or conditions that remain constant or
the same in the experiment.
Experimental or Manipulated Variable refers to the things, materials or conditions that are
varied or changed in the experiment.
Experimental or Responding Variable refers to the things, materials, or conditions that
respond to the changes.
Soil is the loose particles that is formed from the breaking of rocs into smaller particles due
to weathering.
Topsoil is the uppermost layer of the soil.
Subsoil is located just below the topsoil
Parent Rock is composed of rocks that are slowly breaking apart.
Bedrock is the lowest of the soil layers.
Clay is sticky when wet and has the finest texture.
Loam is a mixture of sand and clay and contains large amount of decaying plants and
Sand are coarse and loose.
Echolocation is the transmission of sound waves to locate objects.
Echo is the reflected or returned sound.
Noise is any undesirable sound which disturbs the activities of human or animal life.
Loudness is a measure of how strong a sound seems to us.
Volume is the softness and loudness of sound.
Sound is a type of energy made by vibrations.
Rainbow is formed when the light from the sun passes through raindrops or the result of
sunlight breaking into different colours.
Refraction is the bending of light as it travels from one type of materials to another like
from air to water.
Vibration is the back and forth movement of an objects.
Radiation is the transmission of heat across empty space or vacuum.
Radiant energy is the heat we receive from the sun.
Convection is the transfer of heat from one place to another by movement in fluids.
Conduction is the transfer of heat through solid materials.
Magnetism is the push and pull of a magnet.
House is a place where you find love and happiness.
Force is a push or a pull which occurs when two or more objects interact with each other.
Energy is the ability to do work.
Predation is the interaction where one benefits while the other one is harmed or badly
Competition is the striving or vying between organisms for the things needed for survival.
Parasitism is the type of interaction by which the parasites benefit from the host.
Mutualism is the type of interaction where both species benefit from the relationship.
Commensalism is the type of interaction where one organism benefits while the other is
not harmed nor affected.
Biotic is living things.
Abiotic is non-living things.
Ecosystems is interactions among living things and their environment enable them to live in
Birth is the start of the human life cycle begins after the baby is delivered out by its mother
to the world.
Infancy is characterized as lasting from birth through the first year of life.
Childhood takes place between ages 1 to 10.
Adolescence takes place between ages 12 and 18 and is a critical turning point because it is
when puberty takes place.
Adulthood lasts from 18 throughout old age.
Metamorphosis is a biological process by which an animal physically develops after birth or
Germination is the process in which the embryo or baby plant gets energy from the stored
food in the seed and starts to grow.
Monocot are seeds with one cotyledons.
Dicot are seeds with two cotyledons.
Seed coat is the outer covering of the seed. It protects the seed from injuries and from
drying up.
Cotyledon is the off white and the biggest part of the seed. It provides the young plant or
the seed the food it needs for growth.
Embryo is the young plant or immature plant found inside the seed. It will soon develop
into a plant.
Aquatic plants are plants that have adapted to living within aquatic environments. They are
also called as hydrophytes.
Terrestrial plants are plants that grow on land.
Population refers to the total number of animals in a particular habitat or community.
Habitat is an ecological or environmental area that is inhabited by a particular species of
animal, plant, or other type of organism.
Camouflage is the protective coloration of animals against their enemies.
Mimicry is the behaviour of some animals to imitate the shapes, smell, tastes, color or even
the sounds of other animals.
Adaptation is the structure or behaviour that helps an organisms survive in its
Human Brain is highly complex organ. It is found in the head and is protective by the skull.
1.5 kilograms is weight of human brain.
Asthma is a condition where a person experiences difficulty in breathing.
Rhinitis is characterized by sneezing, nasal discharge and itchiness in the nasal passage.
Bronchitis is characterized by persistent coughing and sometimes fever.
Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs.
Cold is marked by sneezing, runny nose, coughing, sore throat and sometimes fever and
Tuberculosis is an acute or chronic infectious disease of the lungs.
Lung Cancer develops in response to prolonged exposure to irritants like tobacco smoke.
Kidneys are bean-shaped paired organs which are about four to five inches long and two to
three inches wide.
Right Kidney is slightly lower due to the presence of liver on the right region of our body.
Ulcer/Hyperacidity is caused by not eating on time, too much intake of acidic drinks and
Diarrhea are frequent moving of the bowel with watery stool
Constipation difficult elimination of dry and hard stool or feces.
Appendicitis is the inflammation of the appendix caused by irritation from undigested food
that may block it.
Indigestion is caused by too much or rapid eating or drinking
Gastroenteritis is caused by bacterial infection from taking contaminated food and water.
Digestion is the process by which food is broken into nutrients.
Stomach is a large organ that is lined with layers of muscles.
Small Intestine is about 2.5 cm wide and 7m long coiled tube where food is finally digested
and absorbed.
Injury is an act or even that causes someone or something to no longer be fully healthy or
in good condition.
Disease is an illness that affects a person, animal, or plant. A condition that prevents the
body or mind from working normally.
Osteoporosis is a common disorder caused by the thinning and weakening of bones usually
experienced by elderly people.
Arthritis is a common joint disorder characterized by inflammation of the fingers and joints
of the body.
Rickets is a bone condition caused by a deficiency in vitamin D usually observed in children.
Polio is an acute infection caused by a virus that attacks the nerve cells of the brain and
spinal cord resulting to paralysis.
Fracture is a break in the bone.
Dislocation occurs when a bone in the joint is displaced or has moved out of its proper
Sprain is an injury to a ligament caused by excessive stretching.
Cramp is a strong muscle contraction that can be very painful lasting for a few minutes but
massaging the muscles can often relieve the pain.
Bruise occur when the muscles becomes black or blue due to blood clot when you get hit or
when you bumped into something hard.
Voluntary Muscles are muscles that you have the ability to consciously control, like your
arms, legs, face muscles, etc.
Involuntary muscles are controlled by nervous system and cannot be controlled like the
smooth muscles in the walls of many internal organs.
Skull protects the brain.
Ball and Sockets joints protect the eyes.
206 number of bones in the adult human
Backbones protect the spinal cord.
Ribs protect the heart and lungs.
Pelvic bones support our body when we sit.
Joints and Muscles allow our body to move.
Muscles give shape and forms to our body and protect delicate organs.
Mixture is a combination of two or more materials.
Heterogeneous Mixture is a mixture of solid materials with other solid materials.
Homogeneous Mixture is a mixture by which combined material cannot be identified.
Hammer is a hand tool usually consists of a solid head held on the end of a handle.
Pollution is the action or process of making land, water, air, dirty and not safe or suitable to
Biodegradable are capable of being slowly destroyed and broken down into very small
parts by natural processes.
Recycling is collecting, processing and manufacturing materials instead of throwing them
Compost are waste materials that are recycled as fertilizer
Diseases are illnesses that affects a person, animal, or plant, and a condition that prevents
the body or mind from working normally.
Typhoid is a waterborne disease.
Dysentery is a disease that can cause severe diarrhea.
Decay is to be slowly destroyed into bits in the presence of water, air and soil.
Sink means to fall to the bottom of water.
Float means to stay on top.
Absorb is to take in something in a natural or gradual way.
Porous is having small holes that allow air or liquid to pass through.
Non-porous are materials that do not allow air or liquid to pass through.
What will be the cause of improper disposing of decaying materials? Pollution
What will be the harmful effects of exposure of people to the decaying materials? Make
people sick
Reading Product Label intended to ensure the safety of the user.
Total Recycling Scheme are techniques or procedure that use to dispose of the materials
properly. (tgp.23)
Recycling helps to lessen the amount of garbage we have to dispose. (tgp.23)
What are you going to do with the materials that undergo decay to make it useful? Make a
compost (tgp.27)
If you are exposed to garbage, what kind of illness would you probably get? Asthma
(tgp. 34)
What happened to the ice cube when heated? It melts (tgp.50)
What are the 5R’s of Responsible Waste Management? Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Repair, Rot
Human Body composed of the major organs that work together to make the body function
properly. (tgp.72)
Interactions involved both beneficial and harmful effect to the lives of organisms in the
environment. Relationships that exists among organisms (tgp.72)
Joints the point where two bones meet and connect.
Muscles enable/help our body to move.
When does the digestion start? As soon as we start to chew our food tgp.81
What are common ailments caused by tension and fear? Hyperacidity tgp.83
Nephrons the kidney removing urea from blood through tiny filtering units.
Nephritis an inflammation of some parts of the kidneys, reducing its ability to filter blood.
Kidney Stones also known as “renal calculi” is composed of calcium and waste products
containing nitrogen.
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) an inflammation of any part of the urinary tract due to
bacterial infection.
Hematuria the presence of blood in the urine caused by infection.
Kidney Disease is now the number 10 cause of mortality in the Philippines.
What is the main cause of kidney disease? Increasing diabetic conditions (tgp. 86)
Heart is an hallow muscular organ located between the lungs in the middle of the chest
cavity and it is protected by the rib cage.
What is the size of our heart? About size of our fist.
Cardiac refer to the heart
Cardiac means its contractions cannot be controlled by your will.
Lungs filter or purified the oxygen that enters to our body. (tgp.89)
High Blood or hypertension characterized by a sudden rise of blood pressure.
Anemia characterized by blood’s inability to produce hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying
pigment of the RBC.
Leukemia occurs when there is an increase in WBC count.
Heart Attack occurs when blood clot or fat get lodged in blood vessels which blocks the
passage of blood to the heart.
Rheumatic is a complication of throat infection. (Tgp.91)
What is the main function of the brain? Process information receives and send instruction
to the different parts of the body.
Migraine an intense pain in the head caused by stress, fatigue, and hunger.
Stroke occurs when there is a blood clot or broken blood vessels going to the brain.
Epilepsy is a disorder due to irregular electrical signals in the brain, result of unsteady,
trembling of body and loss of consciousness.
Parkinson’s disease characterized by shaking, trembles and rigidity of the muscles in the
face. (Tgp.95)
What do you call spines and thorns of some plants which they use to protect themselves
from danger? Adaptive structure tgp.142
There are different people who work with plants. What do you call to those who have
knowledge of the varieties of plants used in ornamental gardening and landscaping?
Horticulturist tgp.142
How many basic parts are there in seeds? Three (tgp. 146)
What part of the bean develops as the first leaves of new the plant? Plumule
What part of seed becomes the young root stem? Hypocotyl
What part of seed becomes the primary root? Radicle
Life Cycle is a period involving one generation of an organism.
Instars stages of growth in larvae
Ecologists person who studies the interactions among organisms and their environment.
Tgp. 186
Ecosystem is the largest and most complex level of organization consist of plants, animal
and microorganisms.
Producers consist mainly of green plants
Abiotic substances are the non-living things which plants need in order to produce food
and to grow.
Primary consumers are plant eating animals or herbivores.
Secondary consumers are animals that eat other animals or carnivores
Decomposers break down dead plants and animals into simple nutrients.
Predation type of interaction where
Sun is made up of very hot gases.
5000 degrees Celsius sun’s surface
15000 degree Celsius sun’s temperature at the core
Sun plays the major role in the water cycle lmpg.307
Why we need to know weather conditions? To keep us safe lmpg. 296
Weather Report it gives accurate data on air temperature, wind speed and direction and
the sky condition.
Speed of the wind it blows gently sometimes blows fast.
What is the highest temperature? Noontime
What is the lowest temperature? Early in morning and Evening
Time and weather conditions affect the day’s temperature
How to read air temperature? It read in degree Fahrenheit or degree Celsius
97% salty water found in surroundings
3% water is fresh or potable
¾ of water covers earth surface
What are the problem encountered of our country with water? Distribution and quality/safety
Groundwater –is a safe source of water, cleanest water and contains plenty of dissolved
minerals which human body needs.
Water table accumulate in the underground layer
Clouds come from evaporating water
Rainwater comes from cloud
Why is soil important? To sustain life on earth
Humus soil rich in organic materials and minerals. It comes from decaying plants/animals
What layer of the soil are best for planting plants? Topsoil
Cutting Trees- affect the quality of air that we breathe. It can cause soil erosion.
Deforestation- cutting trees
Reforestation- planting trees
Solid Materials can be changed through many ways; Cutting, tearing, folding, twisting,
bending, stretching, pressing, colouring, crumpling, melting and hammering.
Mixture is a combination of two or more materials.
Heterogeneous Mixture is a mixture of solid materials with other solid materials. Can easily
identified the mixed materials.
Homogeneous Mixture is a mixture by which combined material cannot be identified.
Cactus- best example of desert plant.
Why hyacinths have long roots? So that they can reach the soil under the water.
What will produce when you rub your hands together? Heat
Reflection- is the bouncing back of light as it strikes a surface.
How light travels? It travels in a straight line
Transparent materials-objects that allow almost light that strikes them.
Translucent materials- materials transmit light and scatter them in all direction.
Opaque materials- materials block the transmission of light.
Shadow- a dark spot formed when light strikes an opaque object.
Prism- is a piece of glass that separates white light into different colours.
Music- sound that pleasant to the ears.
Noise- sound that unpleasant to the ears.
Skin Cancer- caused by UV radiation
Psoriasis- condition where the skin sheds its cells too quickly develops itchy, scaly patches.
Ultra Violet- can effectively kill microorganisms such as viruses and bacteria
Heat stroke- can caused too much exposure to sunlight.
What is the news about the weather? Weather forecast
Typhoons- Calamity that can destroy properties and lives
Signal No. 1- is put into effect when a maximum wind speed of not more than 60 kph is expected to affect
within 36 hours.
Signal No. 2- announced when maximum wind speed is greater than 60 kph is expected to affect within 24
Signal No. 3- announced when maximum wind speed of more than 100 kph is expected to affect within 12-
18 hours
Signal No. 4- declared when strong winds of more than 185kph, affect within 12 hours.
Bile-produce green liquid that is used in the digestion of fat.
Rectum- lower end of the large intestine where the feces or stool collected before it is expelled out from
the body.
Anus-opening through which feces or stool is excreted out.
Villi-inside wall which covered by tiny fingerlike projections in the small intestine.
Peristalsis- rhythmic muscular movement of stomach
A food in the stomach becomes a thick, soupy mixture called chyme
Insect that have incomplete life cycle is cockroach
What department helps and protect animals? DENR or Department of Environmental and
Natural Resources
What are the bones that protect the vital organs? Skull or cranium, spinal column or
Vertebral column, Ribs, Pelvic or hip bones.
Skull or cranium- protects the brain.
Spinal Column or Vertebral Column- protects the spinal cord
Ribs- protect the heart and lungs
Pelvic or hip bones- protect the sex organ.
How many bones does a normal adult have? 206
What is the largest bone? Hipbone
What are the smallest bones? Hammer, anvil, stirrup. Where are the smallest bones
found? In the ears.
Bone joint- is a place where two bones, two cartilages, or a cartilage and a bone meet.
Immovable or fixed joint- they could not be moved. Ex skull
Slightly movable joint- could slightly be moved.
Freely movable joints- could be move freely, such as hinge, pivot, gliding, saddle, and ball
and socket joints.
Hinge joint- bone that moves back and forth.
Gliding joint- two flat bones slide over each other.
Pivot joint- a joint which allows rotation around one point.
Saddle joint- is a movement created by two opposing convex and concave surfaces. Ex.
Bones of your thumbs.
Ball and Socket joint- It allows movement in all directions including circular motion.
Ligament- an elastic tissue that forms a capsule that connects two bones together.
Cartilage- is a smooth, slippery pad found at the ends of the bones in the joints.
How are muscles connected to the bones? Muscles are connected to the bones by
Tendons- are tough, thread like bands of cord which attach the muscles to the bones.
When do muscles relax? When the body is at rest.
Where does the word muscle came from? It came from the latin word “musculus” which
means little mouse.
Digestive system-It is a body system which involves the breaking down of foods into useful
nutrients to enter the bloodstream.
What is the movement of the stomach wall called? Peristalsis movement
Defecation- removal of undigested and unabsorbed food, as solid waste.
Mouth- where first digestion starts
Esophagus- where food from the mouth passes to the stomach
Stomach- where food is stored and digestions of starch, fats, protein take place.
Liver- secretes a juice called bile which helps in the digestion of fats in the small intestines.
Pancreas-secretes pancreatic juice which helps in the digestion of protein, starch,
carbohydrates and fats in the small intestines.
Small Intestine-absorbs digested food through the villi into the blood stream.
Large Intestine- where undigested food goes.
What is the organ in which most digestion occurs? Small Intestine
What does the liver produce? Bile
Bile- is greenish-yellow liquid which stored in the gall bladder until it is needed.
What does the bile do in the small intestine? It helps in the digestion of fats by turning
them into permanent emulsions.
What is produced during energy transformation? Heat
Heat produced- when objects are rubbed, burned or when electricity moves through a
Conductor- is object that allows heat to pass through.
Insulator- object that does not allow heat to pass through
Temperature- degree of hotness or coldness of an object.
Thermometer- instrument that measures temperature.
Barometer-measures air pressure
Movement of air-responsible for the changing temperature.
Humidity- is the amount of water vapour in the air.
How is temperature reading measured? Celsius or in Fahrenheit scale.
37◦C or 98.6◦F- normal body temperature.
0◦C or 32◦F – Freezing point of water.
100◦C or 212◦F- Boiling water
Anemometer- instrument tells the direction from which wind is blowing.

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