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SCIENCE = is a systematic orderly arrangement of facts and knowledge.

MATTER = is anything that occupies space and has weight.

ABSORB = to take in (something, such as a liquid) in a natural or gradual way.

POROUS=having small holes that allow ait or liquid to pass through

NON-POROUS= materials that do not allow air or liquid to pass through.

SINK= means to fall to the bottom of water.

FLOAT= means to stay on top of the water

DECAY= to be slowly destroyed into the bits in the presence of water, air and soil.

DISEASES = an illness that affects a person, animal, or plant

= a condition that prevents the body or mind from working normally.

MALARIA AND DENGUE = are diseases that spread by specific types of mosquitoes.<

TYPHOID = is a waterborne disease. People who drink polluted water can become infected with

DYSENTERY = is a disease that can cause severe diarrhea. POLLUTION = action or process of making land,
water, air dirty and not safe to use.

COMPOST = waste materials that are recycled as fertilizer.

BIODEGRADABLE = capable of being slowly destroyed and broken down into very small parts by natural

NON-BIODEGRADABLE = are materials that can be recycled.

SOLID = has definite shape and volume. A

LIQUID = materials can be mixed with other liquid materials.


Skull=protect the brain.

BALL AND SOCKETS JOINTS protect the eyes.

BACK BONES-protect the spinal cord. RIBS form a protective cage around the heart and lungs.

PIC BONES support thier body when we sit INT the point where two bone meet and connect A strong
MUSCLES = form the fleshy parts of the body, they enable our body to move.

VOLUNTARY MUSCLES- are attached to bones.

INVOLUNTARY MUSCLES = are controlled by nervous system and cannot be controlled like the smooth
muscles in the walls of

many internal organs such as stomach, esophagus, diaphragm and walls of the blood vessels.

FRACTURE = is a break in the bone.

DISLOCATION = Occurs when a bone in the joint is displaced SPRAIN = an injury to a ligament caused by
excessive stretching

CRAMP = a strong muscle contraction that can be very painful fasting for a few minutes but massaging
the muscles can often relieve the pain.

BRUISE = muscles become black or blue due to blood clot when you get hit or when you bumped into
something hard. INJURY harm or damage: an act or event that causes someone or something to no
longer be fully healthy or in good condition.

OSTEOPOROSIS = is a common disorder caused by the thinning and weakening of bones usually
experienced by the elderly


ARTHRITIS = a commom joint disorder characterized by inflammation of the fingers and joints of the
body. RICKETS = a bone condition caused by a deficiency in vitamin D usually observed in children.

POLIO it is an acute infection caused by a virus that attacks the nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord
resulting to paralysis.

DIGESTION = takes place as soon as we start to chew our food, SALIVA breaks down starches into sugar.

STOMACH = food is broken down into small particles. It is a large organ that is lined with layers of

SMALL INTESTINE is about 2.5 cm, wide and 7 m long called tube where the food is finally digested and
absorbed. ULCER/HYPER-ACIDITY = caused by not eating on time, too much intake of acidic drinks and

DIARRHEA = frequent moving of the bowel with watery stool. CONSTIPATION = difficult elimination of
dry and hard stool or feces.

APPENDICITIS = inflammation of the appendix caused by irritation from undigested food that may block
INDIGESTION = caused by to much or rapid eating or drinking.

GASTROENTERITIS = caused by bacterial infection from taking contaminated food and water.

KIDNEY = are bean-shaped paired organs which are about four to five inches long and two to three
inches wide.
ART is a hollow muscular organ located between lungs and it is protected by rib cage. It is about the size
of your fist and located in the middle of the chest cavity.

ASTHMA = it is a condition where a person experiences difficulty in breathing2

RHINITIS = it is characterixed by sneezing, nasal discharge and itchiness in the nasal passage.

BRONCHITIS = it is characterized by persistent coughing and sometimes fever.ex

PNEUMONIA = it is an inflammation of the lungs.

COLD = it is marked by sneezing, funny nose, coughing, sore throat and sometimes fever and headache.

TUBERCULOSIS = it is an acute or chronic infections disease of the lungs. It is a highly communicable


LUNG CANCER = it is develops in response to prolonged exposure to irritants like tobacco smoke. 27
HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE OR HYPERTENSION = it is characterized by a sudden rise of blood pressure. 2

ANEMIA = it is characterized by the bloods inability to produced enough hemoglobin, the oxygen-
carrying pigment of the Red Blood Cells (RBC).

HEART ATTACK = it occurs when the blood clot or fat get lodged in blood vessels which blocks the
passage of blood to the heart. 20

LEUKEMIA = it occurs when there is an increase in White Blood Cells (WBC). !

RHEUMATIC FEVER = it is a complication of a throat infection.

BRAIN = is highly complex organ, it is found in the head and is protected by the skull, it weighs about 1.5
kilograms and

contains billions of neurons. FISH = have gills for breathing underwater and fins for swimming.

SHRIMP AND LOBSTER= are coved with outside skeleton or exoskeleton.

CLAMS AND MUSSELS = are covered with shells.

ADAPTATION = is the structure or behavior that helps an organism survive in its environment.

CAMOUFLAGE = some animals protect themselves against their enemies through protective coloration.
MIMICRY = other animals imitate the shapes, smell, tastes, color or even the sounds of other animals.

HABITAT = is an ecological or environmental area that is inhabited by a particular species of animals,

plant, or other type of organism.

POPULATION = refers to the total number of animals in a particular habitat or community.

POPULATION = refers to the total number of animals in a particular habitat or community.

TERRESTIAL PLANT are plants that grow on land. AQUATIC PLANTS OR HYDROPHYTES = plants that grow
on water. 3

HYACINTHS plants that have a long roots so that they can reach the soil under the water. 3 SEED COAT--
outer covering of the seed. It protect the seed from injuries and from drying up. 8

seed the food it needs for growth.

EMBRYO = the young plant or immature plant found inside the seed. It will soon develop into a plant.
MONOCOT = in the seed and st-seeds with one cotyledon.

DICOT = seeds with two cotyledon. 1

GERMINATION = is the process which the embryo or baby plant gets energy from the stored food and
start to grow.20 METAMORPHOSIS = is a biological process by which an animal physically develops after
birth or hatching.. 12

EGG a female insect lays egg. =

LARVAE = hatch from egg but do not look adult 13

INSTARS = these stages of growth in larvae. PUPA = larvae make cocoon around themselves, and
become busy changing their adult forms.

ADULT = after a period of time larvae is nothing like it was and exits the cocoon or larval body as an

NYMPHS = look like small adults, but usually don't have wings. BIRTH = the start of the human life cycle
begins after the baby is delivered out by its mother to the world.

INFANCY = is categorized as lasting from birth through the first year of life.,

CHILDHOOD = takes place between ages 1 toi 10.

ADOLESCENCE = takes place between ages 12 and 18 and is critical turning point because it is when
puberty takes place.!!

ADULTHOOD = last from age 18 throughout old age. 17

ECOSYSTEM = consists of all living things and non-living thigs in a given area that interact with one

MUTUALISM = is the type of interaction where both species benefit from the relationship.

COMMENSALISM = is the type of interaction where one organism benefits while the other is not harmed
not affected.

FORCE= a push or a pull, which occurs when two or more objects interact with each other.

MAGNETS = have invicible magnetic field which are attracted to a certain metals.

MAGNETISM = is a push or pull of a magnet.

CONDUCTION=the transfer of heat through solid materials.

CONVECTION = is the transfer of heat from one place to another by movement of in fluids.

HEAT= can be also be transmitted across empty space or vacuum

RADIATION = does not depend on the presence of matter to transfer heat. RADIANT ENERGY-travels as
waves through space.

HEAT WAVES= hit earth and cause warming LIGHT always travel in a straight line when going through a
single medium, any substance through which a light wave can travel.

VIBRATION = when objects make sound/ they move back and forth. SOUND WAVE = travels at different
speeds through different media.

LOUDNESS OF A SOUND = refers to how sound strong the sound seems to us.

VOLUME = the softness and/or loudness of sound. SOUND is a type of energy made by vibrations =

LOUDNESS is a measure of how strong a sound seems to us. NOISE is any undesirable sound which
disturbs the activities of human or animal life.

ECHO = the sound that is reflected or returned sound,

ECHOLOCATION= is the transmission of sound waves to locate objects.


EARTH = is a place where we live in. It is compose of three parts, name: soil, water and air. SUN = as the
main source of energy on earth. It is also a center of the solar system.

ATMOSPHERE = the earth is surrounded by a blanket of air. TOP SOIL (A-Horizon) = is the upper most
layer of the soil.
SOIL = is made up of tiny particles of rocks and decayed plants and animals. SUB-SOIL (B- Horizon) = is
located just below the top soil. It is composed of loosely arranged rocks, sand and clay.
PARENT ROCK (C-Horizon) composed of rocks are slowly breaking apart.

BEDROCK (D-Horizon) = is the lowest of the soil layers. This layer contains materials good for
constructing buildings and making roads.

CONTROLLED VARIABLE = refers to the things, materials, or conditions that remain constant or the same
in the experiment. EXPERIMENTAL OR MANIPULATED VARIABLE = refers to the things, materials or
conditions that are varied or in the experiment.

EXPERIMENTAL OR RESPONDING VARIABLE = refers to the things, materials or conditions that respond
to the changes. WATER = comes from different sorces. It may come from open or closed sources. D

RAINWATER = comes from clouds.

SEAWATER = is salty. It contains plenty of salt.I\ It is also called HARD WATER.

FRESHWATER = is also called SURFACE WATER. It does not contain salt.

GROUNDWATER = is found beneath the earths surface. It is also the safe source of water. 6

CLOUDS = come from eveporating water. >>

GLACIERS AND ICEBERGS = are solid water found only in very cold countries and contain about two-
thirds of the earths freshwater.

HYDROSPHERE or WATER SPHERE = the water part of the earth.

WATER CYCLE = water continuously moved in the earth surface.→→ WATER VAPOR = only about 1% of
freshwater is found in rivers, lakes, ponds, and in the atmosphere.

THERMOMETER = is used to measure air temperature. 15 TEMPERATURE = is the hotness and coldness
of air around us.

WIND VANE = is a device thjat tells the direction of the wind.

ANEMOMETER = is a device use to measure wind speed.

PHOTOSYNTHESIS = plants can undergo the process of food making with the aid of the sunlight. 40

EVAPORATION = takes place in the bodies of water and on land.

TRANSPIRATION = water particles are released from the leaves of plants.

CONDENSATION = when water vapor in the atmosphere had cooled process takes place.

PRECIPITATION = when the condensed water vapor becomes heavy, it falls back to the earth in form of
rain, hail, s'

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