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Read and analyze each item below. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. I saw three children climbing the tree. The underlined words are example of _______.
A. Homonyms B. Homographs C. Hyponyms D. Synonyms
2. What is the appropriate homograph for the pictures below?
A. bat B. saw C. ring F. wave

3. The _______ shines during the day. What is the appropriate words to complete the sentence?
A. son B. sun C. night D. knight
4. My father needed a saw to cut the wood. What is the meaning of the underlined homograph in the sentence?
A. tool used to cut wood or metal
B. To look at something around you
C. The outer portion of a tree
D. A loud noise made by the dog
5. Which does not belong to the group.
A. mango B. apple C. chocolate D. pineapple
6. It refers to the challenge or obstacle that needs to be solved in the story.
A. problem B. solution C. character C. setting
7. What problem is shown in picture?
A. The boy is crying.
B. The boy broke the pencil while writing.
C. The boy broke the glass.
D. The boy did not study his lesson.

8. Carmela lost her ballpen. She asked her parents to buy a new one for her. The underlined sentence is the
A. problem B. solution C. challenge D. obstacle

Identify the best possible solution to the problem given.

9. You and your classmate are playing with a ball then you accidentally throw the ball in a wrong direction and
it broke a jar. What will be the solution to your problem?
A. Tell your teacher you didn’t do it and blame your classmate.
B. Leave the room together with your classmate.
C. ignore the broken glass and run away.
D. Sweep the broken glass and tell your teacher the truth.
10. Your teacher scolded you in the class because you are not listening. What are you going to do?
A. I will be mad at my teacher.
B. I will not listen to her.
C. I will go outside the room.
D. I will pay attention and say sorry to my teacher
Read and analyze each item below. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
11. What form of informational text shows similarities and/ or or differences between two or more items
A. Sequence C. Description
B. Cause and Effect D. Comparison and Contrast
12. What key word is used in Cause and Effect form of informational text?
A. because B. alike C. agree D. next
13. How can we identify if an informational text tells persuasion?
A. If the informational text tells a problem and possible solution to it.
B. If the informational text convinces a person to agree on certain issues.
C. If the informational text tells provides description of a person, place, thing, topic.
D. If the informational text shows similarities and/ or differences between two or more
14. Read the informational text below. What type of informational text is this?

Many pupils got sick due to the constantly changing weather. To solve this concern,
the local health officials had checked the vital signs of the pupils. They also distributed
medicines and vitamins.
A. Problem and Solution C. Sequence
B. Persuasion D. Cause and Effect
15. Your teacher ask you to read the informational text that shows sequence. Which informational text will you
A. We must act now. We have to save our environment. Plant trees. Conserve energy
and water. We can do something. Save Mother Earth.
B. Mount Taal is considered as the world’s smallest volcano. It is also one of the most
active volcanoes in the country. It is known as a volcano island situated at the center
of Taal Lake.
C. In planting flower seeds, get a pot and place soil in it. Then, put the flower seeds in it.
Water it regularly and expose it to appropriate amount of sunlight.
D. Many pupils got sick due to the constantly changing weather. To solve this concern,
the local health officials had checked the vital signs of the pupils. They also
distributed medicines and vitamins.

Identify the correct long vowel to complete each word.

16. t__me A. a B. i C. o D. u

17. c__be A. a B. i C. o D. u

18. n__se A. a B. i C. o D. u

19. c__ge A. a B. i C. o D. u

Read and analyze each item. Choose the letter of your answer.
20. Which of the following words has no long vowel sound?
A. bike B. lake C. hope D. cut
21. I can play a _______.What word will complete the sentence?
A. name B. game C. same D. flame
22. You have ______ toes on each foot. What is the missing word?
A. five B. time C. like D. mice
23. Dogs like to eat this. It is hard but they like it. What is it?
A. home B. bone C. cone D. robe
24. That elephant is _____. What is the missing word?
A. flute B. mule C. mute D. huge
25. The flowers look good in the chase. What word can we use to replace the underlined word to make the
sentence correct?
A. vase B. pane C. case D. nape
26. I like the tune of her song. Which words in the sentence contains long vowel sound?
A. like, her C. the, her
B. like, tune D. tune, song
27. Jane got a cash prize for winning the game. What are the words that have long vowel sound in the sentence?
A. Jane, cash, winning C. Jane, prize, winning
B. Jane, cash, game D. Jane, prize, game

Read the story and answer the questions that follow.

Jake and Kate baked a cake. They ate the cake beside the lake. After eating, they flew
kites while riding a bike. In the afternoon, they ate ice creams in a cone. Jake and Kate took cute
photos. They had fun and their happiness was pure.

28. Who are the children in the story?

A. Kate and Kale C. Kate and Jake
B. Kate and Dale D. Jake and Dale
29. Where did they ride while flying kites?
A. bike B. lake C. cake D. cone
30. How was the photos taken by Jake and Kate described in the story?
A. pure B. huge C. cute D. cube
Read the selection. Answer the questions that follow.

Penguins are interesting animals. Penguins are birds with black and white feathers, but they are not
able to fly. Their webbed feet help them paddle under water.
Penguins do not have teeth. They have beak with a hooked end to help catch their prey. Penguins
like to eat fish, squid, and krill.

31. What is something penguins can’t do?

A. walk B. fly C. Swim D. run
32. Why do penguins have webbed feet?
A. To help them fly.
B. To make them walk faster.
C. To help them run in the snow.
D. To help them in paddling under water.

Read the story. Answer the question that follows.

Bats and Birds

Both bats and birds can fly. You might see them on a rooftop. In other ways, bats and birds are
very different. Birds have feathers. Bats have fur. Birds have beaks. Bats have teeth. Bats hang upside down
when they rest. Birds never do that. Bats and birds are very easy to tell apart when they are not flying.

33. How are birds and bats alike?

A. Both can fly. C. Both have teeth.
B. Both have feathers. D. Both hang upside down when resting.
34. How are bats and birds different?
A. Bats have fur while birds have feathers.
B. Birds have beaks while bats have teeth.
C. Bats rest hanging upside down while birds are not.
D. All of the above
35.Which sentence is true about birds and bats?
A. Bats and birds are both birds.
B. Bats and birds are both colorful.
C. Bats flies during daytime while birds during nighttime.
D. Bats and birds are very easy to tell apart when they are not flying.

Read and analyze each item below. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
36. Shane will rewrite the song in her notebook. What is the word in the sentence that have prefix?
A. Shane B. rewrite C. song D. notebook.
37. The underlined word in the sentence has suffix. What is its meaning?
The bird is lifeless when I saw it.
A. dead B. having great power C. good-looking D. avoiding danger
38. What will you add to the word match to form new word that means to match incorrectly?
A. re B. un C. mis D. im
39. It is a text that narrates events. It can be fictional or non-fictional.
A. story B. editorial C. news D. journal
40. Arrange the following to form a simple story.

Oh! The puppy My goodness! Gus has fun with Place the puppy Gus, get the
runs to a mud The puppy is full his puppy on a in a tub to puppy out of the
hole! of mud! sunny day! mud hole.

clean it.

AC-A-B-D-E BB. C-B-A-E-D C C. C- D A-B-E-D E
D. C-A-E-B-D

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