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Q1: This actress is the daughter of Kathlyn Beaty, a drama teacher in Virginia?

The crrect Answer is: Shirley MacLaine

Q2: Don't let le gazon grow under your feet?

The crrect Answer is: grass

Q3: It isn't insulting to be called a gopher if you live in this "Gopher State"?

The crrect Answer is: Minnesota

Q4: A word meaning great delight is happy to add an E to be a young 'roo?

The crrect Answer is: joy & joey

Q5: Luxembourg,Belgium,The Netherlands?

The crrect Answer is: the Netherlands

Q6: Of 0, 10, or 100, # of gallons of beer per year one adult can legally brew at home?

The crrect Answer is: 100

Q7: (Alex presents the clue from the Galapagos.) One of the most famous ships to visit the
Galapagos Islands was a whaling vessel called the Essex; shortly after leaving this island of
Floreana, it was attacked and destroyed by a sperm whale--hm, the inspiration for this 1851

The crrect Answer is: <i>Moby-Dick</i>

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