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October 12 2023 Benedict Villahermosa 11 Rizal

My personal Journal

There are many issues and problems occurring in our country, but I am going to talk about three
of them: the digital divide, addiction, and bullying.

What is the digital divide, you may ask? Well, I have an answer just for you: it is the gap
between people, communities, or countries that have access to the internet or technologies and
those that do not. Being on the other side of the divide is hard. Because of this, you lack certain
knowledge. I personally don’t like it when someone is left out, so instead of laughing at them for
not having access, I will be the one to inform and teach them, or I will share my device with

I'll admit we all can’t escape being stuck with our phones because, well, it is addicting.
Personally, I love to read books on my phone, so that’s mainly the reason why I'm always
addicted to my phone. But lately, I've been trying to lessen my interaction with my phone, and it
really shows that being always on your phone can affect your emotional state and your life.

Cyberbullying is a kind of bullying that happens online. All kinds of bullying are bad and must
always be stopped. I will always defend someone who is getting bullied, even though I don’t
know them; they don't know me. I’ll be there for them because when I was the one who got
bullied, there was no one for me. I will never let that happen to anyone else. If you are
experiencing cyberbullying, take a break from the internet and block them. It is hard to take
action because it is scary, but take one step at a time and take everything slowly! It will be okay;
everything will always be okay.

In the end, all of us make mistakes; we go down and we go back up. When it’s too much, stop
and take a break. We must try to help someone, even if they don’t like us. We are all humans!
Don’t let someone stop you from doing so.

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