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There’s an old saying, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never

hurt me!”
But I disagree.
Our words and actions can be hurtful. Whether it is happening on the playground.
Or on a phone screen.
Whether you say something mean in person.
Or write something mean online.
Cyberbullying can be as hurtful as face-to-face bullying.
In fact, sometimes it’s more hurtful because it is permanent, it can be done anytime,
anywhere and sometimes you don’t know how many people will see it or join in.
It’s hurtful when you’re excluded from a conversation or an activity on purpose.
Or you’re deliberately unfriended by someone. And others are encouraged to do the
When accidents happen, and others laugh.
Or they take a video and then share it with others. Maybe think about this little
When you are online….W…..W…..W means, the Whole World is Watching.
Cyberbullying is never a joke, it can even be illegal and the police may become
Poor choices and poor behaviour stop with one person, and that one person is you!

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