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Violent movies... yes or no?

Many of the films presented on the big screen or on television contain a high level of
violence. Aggressive heroes, impunity villains, people who kill people, violent cartoons
are some of the examples that can be seen day by day. Some studies have shown that
watching violent films makes people more aggressive but only if they had a violent
personality from the start. Experts agree that no single factor can cause a nonviolent
person to act aggressively but other studies suggest that heavy exposure to violent
media can be a risk factor for violent behavior.

However, it is not advisable for the youngest to see these films because that's (at that
time in their lives it is ) when their character is formed. Watching violence can leave
children fearful or make them less sensitive to real violence and its consequences in the
real world. Although the effects of violence are not immediate, why take the risk?
Violence must not be naturalized. If we want a cooperative and solidary society we
shouldn't encourage bad behavior at home.


Violence, screens and kids

Every day in every home a child turns on the television, the computer or the tablet and
spends a lot of time in front of a screen. Many videogames and movies contain high
levels of violence. What should we do as parents? This is difficult because when
children are young we can limit or deny the use of electronic devices. On the contrary,
when children are older it is not so simple. In this case, we must control what they see
and talk about it.

Unfortunately, violence is a daily issue in our society but we must avoid it in our
children's lives. Although the effects of violence are not immediate and there is no solid
evidence on the relationship between violent movies or games and aggressive behavior,
we should not encourage these practices. Instead, there are a million activities to do with
the kids: you can read a book, ride a bike, cook, play music, dance, draw... Less screens
and more healthy games!

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