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Violent cartoons can be harmul to children. They should be banned.

Does cartoon violence make kids more agressive? Today s animation and
games are so realistic, that can be hard for kids to tell the differecen between
pretend violence and live action. Lots of parents question the violence in
many of todays cartoons and videos, but in my opinin, there is no reason to
ban cartoon from Tv, after all many of us grew up watching Tom and Jerry,
The Road Runner, and violence was a key element.

Television is a major influence in a kids life, it shows them a different world,

how to do things , how to behave, particularly boys. It is though that there is
two sides in the matter. Some children are more predisposed to being affected
by media violence tan others, but it depends on what sort of kids they are. For
example,the loners who spend excessive amount of time playing video games,
those who dont fit in a social group-they are more susceptible.

Meanwhile, everything is well documented. There are hundred of studies that

show if you have a lot of exposure to violent media , the person tend to
develop a belief system that thinks the world is more harmful and violent than
it really is.

Nevetheless , I believe it is all about balance. Parents must not be pressure into
thinking they have to allow their children to have the latest game console, play
the latest computer games and watch the latest movie, they need to be aware
of what kind of material they are consuming, that is why Communication is
essential. The evidence also shows other types of results, e.g , Japanese
cartoons traditionally are much more violent tan Latin or Americans ones, to
back up this theory japanese in general, a very polite, non-agressive people.

In conclusion, I have to say that I have watched cartoons all my life, my parents
did a great job in my education and giving me advice when it comes to see
different programmes in Tv, the things I did not understand , were explained to
me, but I do admit that nowadays Violence has more presence . So, what it is
need , is more Parenting. Education and real life starts at home. A Young child
needs a parent to help him or her to separate right form wrong, to express their
feelings, all those things shapes a childs life.

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