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Argumentative Essay: Stop Bullying, Help Make the

World a Happier, Better Place

Bullying is an emotionally draining issue prominent across the world today.
Bullying is unacceptable, and there are many, if not several movements in an effort to
end bullying once and for all. Throughout the course of this essay, I am going to
discuss the issue of bullying, and formulate an argument towards the issue at hand. In
this argument, I will show my support in the fight against bullying. A lot of things
have changed throughout the course of time; however, it is still prominent throughout
the world today. Bullying is inhumane, and needs to end; what do you think? Do you
think the fights against bullying are effective? Do you all think that everything is right
in the world? Wrong! Despite all the fights against bullying; it still happens. Why?
Well, that is what this essay is about.

Bullying is morally unacceptable; I am a former victim of bullying myself. What

is bullying exactly? Bullying is described as repeated verbal, physical, social or
psychological behaviour that is harmful and involves the misuse of power by an
individual or group towards one or more persons. It can have long-term effects on
those involved. (Bullying No Way!) With that being stated, what can be said about
bullying? Honestly, it is a natural part of life that everyone unfortunately is going to
have to put up with one way or another. Bullying can be done in the following ways:
face-to-face with examples such as name calling; at a distance such as spreading
rumors; or cyber bullying. (Bullying No Way!) Today, the first two are starting to
disappear. However, the third method, cyber bullying is getting more and more
common. We now live in the 21st century; and with our advancements in technology
we have created new means of staying in contact with people. This gives leeway to
potential bullies to target an individual and harass them. Due to the amount of social
media present; people can form new ways to harass others. Cyber bullying is a rather
broad topic; so as a result here are some examples: sending someone mean or
threatening emails, instant messages, or text messages. Excluding someone from an
instant messenger buddy list or blocking their email for no reason. Tricking someone
into revealing personal or embarrassing information and sending it to others. Breaking
into someone's email or instant message account to send cruel or untrue messages
while posing as that person . Creating websites to make fun of another person such as
a classmate or teacher. Using websites to rate peers as prettiest, ugliest, etc. (National
Crime Prevention Council) Those are just basic examples. Therefore, how can this be
prevented? That question can be pondered upon, but to answer it; I argue that parents
should learn their child’s information and regulate just how much social media they
are exposed to. There are a few ways just to how this can be regulated: parents can
keep their computer in a busy area in the house such as a living room. Also, regularly
check their buddy list after helping them set up their e-mails and passwords to see
who they talk to; and who tries to contact them. (National Crime Prevention Council)

Anyway, enough about cyber bullying. Bullying is considered a crime in some

standards. Why does this happen? Well, there a quite a few reasons for it to occur.
Often, children are the age group that commonly bully each other. Why does it
happen? A few reasons include: they think it's fun, or that it makes them popular or
cool. They feel more powerful or important, or they want to get their own way all the
time. They feel insecure or lack confidence or are trying to fit in with a group. They
are fearful of other children's differences, or they are jealous of another child. They
are unhappy.They are copying what they have seen others do before, or what has been
done to them. (Bullying No Way!) Therefore, the teachers or parents need to watch
out for these signs. If these signs seem to be present, then trying to see what the child
feels would help. Nobody needs to pry, but perhaps there could be a way that could be
effective. What parents or others do not seem to consider is that there are innocent
bystanders that witness bullying. One true matter is that these people do not seem to
want to intervene with bullying. Why is this? It is very simple for example bystanders
tend to for fear of their own safety, or position in the group. They think that someone
else will help. They are worried about making things worse. They don't know what to
do. They think their actions won't make a difference. They think it's none of their
business. They think the student being bullied deserved it. They think it's fun to
watch. (Bullying No Way!) If bystanders even attempted to intervene in bullying
instead of just standing there and performing the above reasons; they could stop it.
Therefore, people do not need to be afraid to intervene in the situation. If perhaps,
more people would stand up to the bully for the bullied, bullying could end before it
even starts. This is played out due to the numbers game in which friends and even
total strangers could force a bully to give up and leave the scene.

Is bullying getting worse? It solely depends on the situation at hand. Cameron

Conaway, an MMA fighter turned  poet and writer explores just what he believes is
causing bullying to become worse. (Conaway, 2012) Within his article, he gives five
valid reasons that he believes is causing bullying to become worse as time elapses.
First, Conaway discusses technology can contribute to an increase in bullying.
Conaway states that technology allows children to bully in new ways; due to this they
are unable to relate to each other; feel empathy; or any other form of
compassion. (Conaway, 2012) Next Conaway states that the lack of physical
education can be a point that can cause bullying. Basically, he puts it as if we
Americans are compensating due to the fact that China is focusing more on intellect
than physical education. (Conaway, 2012) Therefore, if there is a lack of physical
education; then perhaps we all should place more emphasis on physical education.
The next argument that Conaway brings to our attention; is the emphasis on nutrition.
I do agree that nutrition is indeed very important; and a balanced diet can lead to some
amazing turnouts. Conaway believes that there is way too much of feeding our
children with fatty junk food. He believes that a healthy diet with real  food can help
children handle stress. (Conaway, 2012) Therefore, based on this point; we need to
focus more on feeding our children with natural fruits and vegetables; as well as foods
with nutrients and natural vitamins. Also, parents need to regulate just how much junk
food their children are exposed to on a daily basis. Next, Conaway places a point
upon the educational system. His argument states that due to the focusing of
educational standards on standardized testing; this tends to “suck the life” out of the
children. So if the children have the “life sucked out of them;” then this creates a
“breeding ground” for bullying. (Conaway, 2012) If this is such a big issue, then
perhaps teachers as a whole should possibly plan different activities that teach
empathy like Conaway states. (Conaway, 2012) For example, activities that instruct
empathy need to be executed. Children need to learn how others feel about their
actions, and if they realize what emotional play it causes on a peer; then bullying will
possibly cease. Last point that Conaway brings to our attention is the matter of
Parenting is where a lot of bullying tactics begin. Conaway states, “These days,
parents simply cannot pop out a kid and expect to learn everything on the fly. There
are some tools like creating teachable moments, talking about difficult issues,
handling inter/intra personal stressors, etc., that could significantly help how a parent
raises their children.” (Conaway, 2012) His point is quite valid; parents influence how
other children view their peers. They can also influence just how they can deal with
bullying if their child is the one being bullied. Therefore, there needs to be raised
awareness on the signs of bullying.

Unfortunately, bullying is not always dealt with effectively. A lot of children tend
to not know just how to deal with bullies. Sometimes bullying ends badly; one reason
is that bullying can escalate into physical violence; genocide or homicide; or even
suicide. It is very unfortunate for bullying to fall into physical violence; therefore
there needs to be effective means to fight off bullying without resorting to physical
violence. Sometimes, if bullying continues; then it may escalate into the most
unforgivable deed ever; genocide, homicide, or suicide. This can mean that the bully
or the bullied will attempt murder against the bully and those that instigated such an
action. The bully would possibly go on a rampage and feel “invincible” and attempt to
“bully” someone in the highest degree possible. The last reason; suicide, is lead up
from endless bullying. What bullying does to a victim is cause them to lose high
amounts of self-esteem, and make them feel helpless to stop the situation. So
naturally, the depressed victim will take their own life to end their suffering. A lot of
physical aggression stems from anger issue. If you're in a situation where you have to
deal with a bully and you can't walk away with poise, use humor — it can throw the
bully off guard. Work out your anger in another way, such as through exercise or
writing it down (make sure you tear up any letters or notes you write in
anger). (Dealing With Bullying, 2010) These are some effective ways to deal with
anger. Anger is a natural emotion that can sometimes be very difficult to control. I
even find myself still having issues controlling anger, but not as much as when I was
younger. Anyway, what should be done is that there needs to be guidance. The
parents need to teach their children just how to control their bursts of anger. These
bursts of anger, especially when someone is bullied; can often lead to several
problems. If these are not controlled, then there can be some dire consequences.
I mentioned earlier that bullying is considered a crime. I honestly think that
bullying is taken way too lightly. For example, from personal experience nothing is
ever truly done to prevent bullying these days. There was once a time when bullying
was not even possible like when my parents were growing up. These times had
discipline that made bullying impossible; this was deemed illegal due to the fact that it
inflicted physical harm to a child. I disagree with this entirely. Therefore, what really
needs to happen is allowing administrators and even teachers to discipline a child like
this. This unfortunately is not as effective as it used to be however. Anyway, I am
getting off-topic; bullying is indeed considered a crime. People spoke against this idea
that such training does not need to cost any money whatsoever. So as a result, we
need to create non-profit volunteer services that teaches people how to effectively
deal with bullies. Particularly the people that need to be taught are the teachers and
administrators of schools and other public area that supervises children.

Here’s a good rhetorical question: What if your child is the bully? More questions
include: What would you do? How can you tell if your child is a bully? These
questions can be answered quite simply. If your child is the bully they can easily talk
to those that they look up to; or perhaps they can level themselves with someone else
while considering the feelings of those they are bullying. (Dealing With Bullying,
2010) The signs of your child being the bully are not always obvious; they can easily
go undetected. Common bullying methods include: repeatedly teasing, imitating, or
making fun of the same child. Appearing to repeatedly dominate or control others.
Showing no compassion for someone who's experiencing bullying. Repeatedly
excluding or ignoring the same child. Whispering about the same child behind their
back on a frequent basis. (Bullying No Way!) Actions can be taken to stop your child
from being the bully. These children often need help in developing empathy, and
knowing  just what your child’s behaviour is.Therefore, if your child is the bully and
you know it take these course of actions. If your child is the bully and you are not
aware of it; then observe their behaviour indiscreetly.

So the whole point? Bullying needs to end once and for all. Bullying is an
unacceptable action that is morally draining; and I am a former victim of such an
action. Bullying needs to end, and I greatly support all the movements to end
bullying. What should be done is that people should volunteer and support these

Works Cited

(n.d.). Retrieved July 23, 2012, from Bullying No Way!:
(n.d.). Retrieved July 23, 2012, from National Crime Prevention Council:
Dealing With Bullying. (2010, October). Retrieved July 24, 2012, from
Conaway, C. (2012, April 30). Retrieved July 23, 2012, from Good Men Project:

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