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Anja Drexler

22 October, 11.45 am.

Is the Internet addictive?

I think the Internet is addictive because most of the young people always have their mobile phones with them.
Most people need to stay UpToDate. They feel that they must respond straight away every time they get a message.
This alone can already be very stressful, but there are other dangers to our mental health when it comes to
excessive use of the Internet.
I think we all shouldn't be on the internet so often because we destroy ourselves by always seeing pictures of
perfect people that are often fake. A lot of people don't have self-love because of such people, hate themselves as
a result and increasingly think about changing themselves just because of images that aren't real. Nowadays, more
and more young people are struggling with depression because they get hate on the internet and are insulted or
criticized by strangers.

Here is my advice for using the Internet: People shouldn't look at their cell phones as soon as they get up because
that's not good and you shouldn't stay awake for too long, because otherwise you'll always be tired. You shouldn't
take everything that's on the internet seriously and you should think more about whether it can be right and good
for you. If you know that certain things make you sad, just don't look at them and you'll feel better straight away.

What do you think about what I wrote? Let me know in the comments!

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