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What I Learned From a 24-Hour Social Media Detox

1. Social Media is only media and not social.

Social Media aims to let us socialize with other individuals far away from us. They let us
communicate even though we are at different side of the globe.

I always thought that having social media provides me a platform to communicate well. I cannot
deny the fact that I am not doing the sole purpose of it. I always told my friends that I am “one chat away”
but whenever I receive their messages I ignore them because I was busy scrolling through my news feed.
Whenever I am having dinner with my family I put more attention on my phone than what they are saying.
Social media locks me in a place where I don’t want to be. The next thing I knew is that I have hard time
getting out of that place.

As I undergo 24 hour social media detox I reflected on what I have been doing in social media. I
called my friend and ask how they are doing and realized that I’ve been missing out lately. I tried
engaging in a conversation with my family and it turns out to be so fun. It’s been a long time since I heard
them laugh.


2. 1080p does not matter when your vision fades.

Truly, scrolling in your news feed is fun not until you have to wear eye glasses to aid your vision.

To tell you the truth, I spend most of my time looking at my computer screen or phone until late
night. I do not have time to rest my eyes. Sometimes I am having a really bad headache but I always
ignore it. Even though I am using my phone just for fun it does not matter to me whether my eyes hurt or

With my behaviour I develop poor eyesight. This social media detox helps me to rest my eyes.
Since I do not spend my time on screen my feelings improve. I do not have headache and I can rest
calmly. I also thought of limiting my exposure to screen in order to not further damage my eyes.
It’s not too late for us to change and set boundaries after all it is ourselves who will suffer sooner
or later.


3. Less scrolling.
Do More.
Social Media is a beautiful place for freedom, encouragement, and inspiration for many but for me
it is too addictive.

Honestly speaking, it distracts me whenever I am trying to do something worth doing. I tried

uninstalling it once and I manage to go on with my daily life without it but the longer I am not using social
media the more I desire of it. Maybe I cannot just simply remove all at once the things that I used to. With
discipline and control I can eventually live without it.

This time-off helps me to become productive. I found out that I finished my school activities a lot
faster than before. I spend most of my doing household chores, read books, and exercise. I have done
more valuable things with my time-off in social media. At some point social media is good, we just need to
properly use it and set limitations while using it.


4. Social Media stoles our happiness.

The longer I use social media the more I was affected by negative feelings. I tend to compare
myself to other people I saw on social media. I slowly lost confidence in myself and doubt whether I will
be accepted by the society. It forces me to change to reach the standard that the social media sets to us.
It is a good thing that I give myself a break. It shows me true happiness and I do not need to
compare myself to others. I do not need to change to be accepted. I just need to accept myself and I will
be truly happy.

My worth does not depends on how many reaction and share I got from strangers online. Even
before I undergo 24 hour detox challenge, I rarely post myself because I was afraid to be criticize but now
I do not flaunt myself because I do not need validation from other people.


5. Unplug and refresh

I always remind my friends to take a break and rest. Stop using phone when they do not need
them. I always advise them but I cannot apply it to myself.

I spend most of my leisure time sitting and scrolling through my news feed. At night I was busy
with my phone to the point that I did not know its past midnight. This lessen the time that I should spend in
sleeping and resting.

This social media detox helps me to recharge and gain more energy. I was able to sleep
peacefully and it improves my overall mood for the day. It makes me energetic and help me to get along
with people better. Resting is an investment of time for yourself it is not a waste of time.


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