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My autobiography is about how many hours I spend doing different activities in a day.

In general, I spent 10-15 minutes doing housework. I should certainly do more cleaning and washing
dishes , but there are so many other things to take off. Housework is not usually at the top of my priority

An hour of studying is almost useless if I spend half of it on Facebook sharing memes with my friends. If I
use proper time management skills, I can reduce the amount of hours per day that I need to study. I
spent an hour and 40 minutes on average answering self-learning modules. I used 25 minutes periods
and then take a 5-minute break. I take a half-hour to an hour rest after four 25-minute work periods.
This helps me focus while also allowing my mind to relax on a break periods. I believe that spending
more time on the subjects in which I lack understanding is the best way to improve.

I think that I spend a little too much time on my phone each day. And by a little, I mean a lot. I’m not
sure of my average, but I know I could be going to bed a lot earlier and getting my work done quicker if I
just put it down. I do many things on my phone, like I spent 4 hours on Facebook, 3 hours on Messenger,
2 hours on YouTube, and 5 hours playing online games, and so on.

I think it has a positive impact on my well-being because I would not have the friendships and
relationships that I do now without it. It has a negative impact on my time management and prevents
me from getting work done and going to bed on time. I'm worried about being to much on my phone,
but I don't believe it prevents me from being social, especially in this day and age.

I don't know my average screen time in a day and I worry a lot about how much time I spend on my
phone. But the way I socialize is through my phone. I use social media to communicate, and I have to
use my phone to make calls and send texts. But if I need to study, I put down my phone and spend about
an hour on it. When it's time to go to my sleep, I go on my phone in my bed. I want to remove it, but I
can't because I'm too attached to my phone. I once fell asleep at 2 a.m. while on my phone, which made
me extremely tired. I've noticed a clear correlation between how much time I spend on my phone and
how productive I am on that given day. I feel like I can get ready faster and am more energized and
motivated if I don't pick up my phone as soon as I get out of bed.

I spend too much time on my phone. I'm disgusted by how much time I feel like I'm wasting when I think
about how much time I spend on my phone. But the truth is that I do a lot more than just scroll through
social media and watch useless videos on my phone. And those silly videos and posts sometimes
completely change my day for the better. Sometimes, if I have a lot of modules one night, I put down
phone, so I won’t think about it. It’s just so easy to forget about the essay you need to write if you
unlock your phone and start messing around. They’re excellent distractions.

It is spent with me going on social media, playing games, or watching videos. Every weekend, a
notification appears informing me of how much time I have spent, and it has gone up each week. I'm
starting to be more conscious of how much time I spend on my phone because it's becoming to worry
me. My phone has become something that I always have to have and it never leaves my side. It has
started to bother me because it has tried to prevent me from studying and spending time with my

Observing my friends and classmates, I think that most of us have a handle on what an appropriate
amount of screen time is. Social media can be a breeding ground for bullying, which can then lead to
depression and anxiety, but I'm not sure how it relates to simply spending more time on devices.

For me, though music is far from my main hobby, it's still a good few hours. I use my phone to listen to
the music when im resting in the bed. And then I listen to a fair bit at home as well. I don't always have
music playing all the time, especially when I'm at work. But I'd estimate maybe 10-20 minutes in a day I
spent listening to the music. In watching television, I don't spent too much time because I usually used
my phone but if the show in the TV is interesting, I will watch it. More that 1 hour in a day is enough for
me to watch television.

Generally, I go to sleep around 11:00 pm, which is part of what makes waking up so difficult. I'd be much
better off if I went to bed at 9:30 pm. There’s no good reason for me to be up. I just have trouble going
to sleep early because I have lots of energy at night. I don’t do well when I don’t get good sleep. So
getting to sleep at a good hour is important for me. I try to make sure I’m going to get at least seven
hours, but I usually aim for eight.

It's great to be more productive, but don't expect to be able to concentrate on the same task for long
periods of time. Take short breaks to recharge your batteries. You shouldn't feel guilty about it because
you're too busy. You don’t have to become a time-management expert to be more productive in your
life and work. Just be aware of how you spend your time and allocate as much as you can to the
important and non-urgent category of tasks. Finally, try to avoid multitasking. Then you can have the
time to work productively on your goals and still have enough left over for the things that you enjoy and
that make you happy.

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