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Believe in yourself

For you to attain the success or the dreams you want to achieve you need to believe in
yourself first. In life, there are many challenges that you might encounter. You will encounter
difficulties that will make you wonder if you can or you cannot do the things you want in life.
There are doubts that will make your mind complicated about the abilities or skills you have.
However, despite of those things you need to set to your mind that the first person who can
believe in yourself is you. Nothing will work if you do not believe in it. If you do not believe in
yourself, then it does not matter how talented you are or how big your dreams are. Being you is
incredibly important because that is what other say. We already hear different quotations or lines
about being you. Those lines or quotations wants to remind everyone that being yourself is not a
very hard task because if you are confident of what you have in life you are fearless of showing
who you really are.


Doubts in life

I deserved to be happy

A painful regret

Afraid of losing everything


Social media has greatly influence generation now it is easier to message your family and
friends. In addition, it helps everyone to see them even if it is not in person. Those great
innovations have made the world smaller in terms of communication. However, what if those
advantages were misuse and abused? Almost all the people now have their own cell phones or
gadgets. Even the children who are at the very young age have their own gadgets. Most of the
teenagers nowadays spend their time surfing on the internet. They say that without internet
connection they cannot survive in this world. Having a innovation through technology was not
bad for everyone if they know how to use it in a nice way. Now teenagers used most of their time
on doing facebook, twitter, instagram, and etc.than spending their time with their family. New
generation now is very common for them to post everything what they are doing on the internet.
Most of the pictures or status that they post is all the happenings that can display and see by
others nice about them. Most of the teens now are all good of hiding the story of themselves so
that they look like seemingly perfect. But behind those laughter, happiness, and smiles that you
see on the internet there is one story or truth that turn them into pieces. Behind that story that full
of happiness, yet it is only mess in their brokenness when everyone knows them. Most of them
are scared to show who is the real them because they are afraid to judge by others. All people
want to accept by other people by not criticizing who they are or what they are. They try to be
perfect because they think that it is the way on how other can accept them. However, do you
think you will be happy if you live on a lifelike that full of secrets or impostures? Some found
social media can gave the true happiness of life. This time teens found social media as their
friend or best friend that they could share everything they have in their mind. Social media
created for everyone, its created not just to forget the physical activity but to help everyone to
communicate to someone whom is far from them. Using social media is not bad it is also not bad
to post the pictures that you want to share with other people. Nevertheless, do not use social
media just to pretend that you are perfect one. You cannot felt the true happiness of life if you
live on a life that full of secrets and mystery. Sometimes you just only forgot the presence of
your family that is always there for to guide and help you. Social media was made not because to
replace the physical interaction with other people. It is created for people to communicate with
the other people who are far from them to tell them how they miss or love them. Social media do
not want to teach you to wear a mask it wants you to learn how to live without hesitating who
you are. If you learn or understand how to live without pretending who you really are, you were
live on a happy life. Always remember that you do not need to pretend that you are perfect or
there is nothing wrong from you. The important thing is live and there is nothing wrong on what
you are doing. It is not important on what other saw about yours just continue on what you are
doing if it is not wrong. Others say no matter how many photos you capture or how many tweets
you have done. Nothing can take the place or the experience when you are with them or with
your family. There is no such amount of likes can substitute the experience when you are with
your friends. Social media is very influential if you get addicted, you might not experience the
life that full adventures that can gave you a memory that endure forever.


"Be careful of what you wish for" we all know that almost all people want a happy and easy life.
People nowadays always seek more than enough of what they have or deserve. Some of the
people now cannot deny that they are not careful about what they wish for their life. They are not
careful on the things that they want or the decision that they made. They always think first what
could be the possible thing that can bring them happiness. They do not realize that those things
they want in life is a superfluous on them. However, those decisions have a negative outcome
that can affect the whole life of someone that does not think first before they do the actions. In
making decisions, it is very important to analyze and reflect first before doing those actions.
Once you made it, you cannot restore or bring back the situation to make things all right. All you
can do is learn from the entire mistake that you made and make sure that it could not happen
again. Maybe now you fixed those mistakes or wrongdoings. Do not let everything become
miserable and complicated because of immaturity or helter-skelter decisions. In this situation,
people know that in every experience, there is a lesson that can remind and help everyone to be a
better person than before. Just like on making a wish, you need to become more careful because
you do not know what could be the consequences of that wish. Maybe now it is good but what if
in the other day might bring lots of problem. You do not know what could be the possible
outcome of your wish, should it have a good or bad effect for you. Once it happen you cannot
return the situation from the first situation before it happen. Those acts that did not think or
analyze first can affect also the important person around .You need to be wiser in terms of
making decisions and you need also to be more careful about what you wish because you do not
know what could be the consequences of that decision. God is always having a plan to make
your life very interesting. Those situations that you encounter are just the challenges of God to
make you to become a stronger and better person.

Social Change

Poverty is a major issue nowadays in our society, especially here in the Philippines, rich people
keep getting richer, and the poor keeps getting poorer. There is a saying that “giving what you
don’t have makes you richer by heart”. Poverty can easy be avoid, if we share what we have, all
the things and clothes that we do not need. This is very common in this generation; we keep
collecting stuff that we do not need, in other words, garbage. A person who wants to have a
better life does not need to be rich if they want to be happy although money is one of the
essential things that an individual need for them to survive in society. Social change is an
adjustment in the social order of a society. Social change may include changes in nature, social
institutions, social behaviours, or social relations. This social experiment causes social change,
because this experiment shows how society or an individual make a standard between rich and
poor. It cause social inequality they limited the capability of a poor person to do something
because they think that they have the power to judge them because they are richer than they are.
This situation has a big impact in social change because this can change the perception on an
individual between poor and rich. Because sometimes-poor people is more generous than the rich
individual is. They change or they can convince individual about their perception because in has
social interaction that can prove the situation. If you have clothes to wear, food to eat, and a roof
over your head, increased disposable income has just a small influence on your sense of well-
being. Yes, money can buy some happiness, but as you will see, it is just one piece of the puzzle.
In addition, there is a real danger that increased income can actually make you miserable if your
desire to spend grows with it. However, that has not to say you have to live like a monk. The key
is finding a balance between having too little and having too much and that is no easy task.

Believe in yourself

For you to attain the success or the dreams you want to achieve you need to believe in
yourself first. In life, there are many challenges that you might encounter. You will encounter
difficulties that will make you wonder if you can or you cannot do the things you want in life.
There are doubts that will make your mind complicated about the abilities or skills you have.
However, despite of those things you need to set to your mind that the first person who can
believe in yourself is you. Nothing will work if you do not believe in it. If you do not believe in
yourself, then it does not matter how talented you are or how big your dreams are. Being you is
incredibly important because if you do not believe in yourself who would believe in you. We
already hear different quotations or lines about being you. Those lines or quotations wants to
remind everyone that being yourself is not a very hard task because if you are confident of what
you have in life you are fearless of showing who you really are. Being different from others is
not the weird thing that you can do. Being different is also just like showing who you really are.
Think about the meaning of the word special, special means being unique, different, or even
precious. Being special is about you are one of a kind; you stand out in a crowd. You have the
skills or ability that is different from others. Showing the real personality of a person is one of
the biggest things, that one person can give to himself or herself. Being different from others can
give you the chance to have some opportunity to do special thing. Being different from the
people makes, you become more special from others because you have many different thoughts
and ideas compared to everyone else. Do not be afraid to become a different person. Show your
real identity do not hide the truth about yourself. Be confident of what you have. Always
remember that everyone have their own uniqueness so be true to yourself and have confident to
believe in yourself. Just because you should be yourself does not mean that you cannot do the
same things as other people do. This means that if you are doing something, you want it to do
with all your heart not just because others like it.


Similarities and differences of each person may become the cause why some
people experience discrimination with the other people around them. Most of the time
discrimination experience by the student based on their schools because of their differences in
terms of their skills and knowledge. Discrimination also may occur when the differences on sex
or gender, physical appearance, age and other characteristic was acknowledged. People
discriminate against each other whether their actions are intentional or unintentional due to the
lack of knowledge. Discrimination could do when someone is having bias between two situation
and people. When discrimination occurs between students, the reason behind this is feeling
insecure and having social relationship problems together. Students have conflict about who is
the best section or the kind group. Now discrimination was encounter by the senior high school
student. Senior high school has the comparison between on the different strand that DepEd offer.
Students start a commotion between their strand they gave a level between the strand.
Comparison is not bad but if you compare something and you tell some of the negative side of
the other one just for you to become the one who is the best. From this thing, nowadays, students
are experiencing some kind of judgments by other students or other people. Some students are
giving shameless feedback to the other student who belongs to the other group for some certain
reasons. They treated some students unjustly because of who they are or because they possess
certain characteristics. Through this, students are experiencing the feeling of being victim in that
phenomenon. From that experience, discrimination arises. Discrimination can prevent in
spreading by stopping the comparison between the two variables. If you want to grow in life,
don’t make the success of other be the basis of how far you reach something. Just simply do and
make a better plan on how you can achieve your dreams. You do not need to compare yourself to
other people because if you know that you are good enough on something you do not need to
compare yourself to other people.

True knowledge

Base on Plato’s philosophy of knowledge, knowledge did not consider knowledge if it is only
perception on one thing and if you cannot justify it. It must be true for you to have knowledge.
Knowledge is not always what you know it is important you to have a knowledge or idea it must
be satisfied the statement of Plato about knowledge that it is “justified true believe”. The
proposition of analyzing knowledge is to state conditions that are individually obligatory and
jointly sufficient for propositional knowledge. Thoroughly answering the question what does it
takes to know something. Plato believes that having knowledge need to be justified. Plato wants
to say that knowledge it not about how you understand different things it is not about how your
ideas or having an information in your mind. Based on Plato’s philosophy even though you have
a mind or you believe on something you have knowledge it is important you to understand that
the ideas you have in your mind is true and it can be justified. It has lots of explanation about on
knowledge not only Plato give the definition of knowledge. In Plato‘s philosophy it has lots of
dialogue about the understanding of knowledge they argue about having knowledge they have
different explanation for that topic. Most important thing, this philosophy is pointing out that
knowledge is not always, what you have in your mind you need to justify it. Many people know
that knowledge is about having skills or knowing something. According to a dictionary,
knowledge is about facts, information, or a skill acquired by a person through experience or
education but Plato say is knowledge is justified true belief.. It is not enough for everyone to
believe in something if they don’t know if it is true. Knowledge sometimes gives us a high pride
we believe on something that it is not justified. In today’s life people will easy believe on
something because they know that they have enough knowledge to prove something but most of
the time they don’t justified it. Our present environment believes on something does not have
evidence. They have knowledge but they do not use it well. Definition of knowledge now and
definition of knowledge by Plato has big differences. Everyone of us have their own opinion but
according to Plato opinion is not considered as knowledge even if it is comes from your mind
because opinion is just your prediction and it has no evidence that it is true and it is not justified.
Majorities of the people have knowledge but not the true knowledge. People use now their
knowledge for them to succeed in life. In addition, it has many people use their knowledge in
right way. They use their knowledge to give or spread true information to everyone. Just like a
lawyer, they use their knowledge to justify something. Into day’s life for you to have knowledge,
you must need to study. Studying means a lot for everyone because if you lack to go to school
you have a poor knowledge or the worst is you don‘t have knowledge. Plato’s philosophy about
knowledge is means justified true belief now knowledge is about having a lot of idea or
information now it is not essential or important to justify something. The important thing about
knowledge now is you can explain it or you stand on your own belief or opinion. Time pass so
fast it has a lot of changes just like the definition of knowledge by Plato and now has a big
difference but the important thing is you know what is right and wrong.

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