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Do animals talk?

According to the Oxford dictionary, talking is providing knowledge or expressing sentiment. People often
raise the question of whether animals speak. It is true that they do have different communication
systems, but do they use language?

It is widely believed that animals do have a way of communicating with each other and providing each
other with information, but they do not use language. Language is a form that is made of grammar and

Firstly, animals have limited communication therefore they can inform each other about danger or
where they can find food. Animals cannot share ideas or feelings as deeply as humans can, they can
produce some sounds that indicate hunger or anger but nothing more than that. And that is the main
reason why it is believed that animals do not talk. They can not share information about their feelings.

Different systems that animals use for communication can be visual, auditory, tactile, or chemical
(pheromones). Ants use pheromones to inform other ants that there are dangers nearby or dogs that
use their urine to mark their territory. Birds use auditory signals to warn others or attract mates. Some
birds use bird songs that convey messages to other birds. Monkeys cry out for warnings, and there are
even some species that have different signals for different predators to remind them of danger.

Talking is connected to the brain and animals do not have as developed brains as humans do. They can
mimic some sounds and there are even examples of birds that can repeat the same words, but they do
not understand the meaning of them. For example, parrots understand how to make sounds, but they
do not understand what they represent. There is an example of an African grey parrot Alex that was
learning colors and in one moment during an experiment, he looked at himself in the mirror and asked:
“What color, am I?.” The parrot is an exception that showed an understanding of what words mean.

In conclusion, animals do not use language and they do not talk with each other, but they do use other
systems of communication with which they can convey simple messages.

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