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3 french revolution II

After the French revolution, everybody had equal rights, however this didn’t end the ancien
regime immediately.

March on Versailles oc 1789

- suspicion of king -he wanted to restore the old political situation (absolutism)
- hunger / famine

Market Women revolted (women’s march on versaille) a+ later revolutionaries:

- they destroyed the palace
- King Louis XVI h-> to Paris to accept the Declaration, -> prisoner of the third estate.

Failed escape from Paris

The King tried to escape -> with loyal troops start a counter-revolution,
(recognised at the town of Varennes, because his face is on every coin in France).

The National Convention accused him of ‘treason’ and he was classified as an enemy of the
nation. He got executed for this after voting in 1793 with the guillotine.

Reign of terror
In 1792 the National Assembly officially ended the monarchy, now France was a French
Republic with a new government.
A violent chapter began: The Reign of Terror.
The leader of the reign was Maxime Robespierre, He was strongly influenced by the
enlightened ideas, but he thought that if you didn’t agree with his ideals, you should be
He wasn’t very popular because of this.

Some thought he was too extreme, Robespierre was supported by the Jacobins: a political
group. They dominated the National Assembly and soon the reign of terror began.

Thousands of people were killed during the reign of terror.

Victims of the guillotine

The guillotine was a painless method of executing victims, the king and his wife were also
executed by the guillotine.

During the French revolution approximately 40,000 people were killed by the guillotine

A new constitution for France

The reign of terror ended in 1794 (people were done with all the killing, want more peaceful
Maxime Robespierre -> executed on the guillotine in 1794 dictatorial behavior’ Now Jacobins
were powerless, so they got replaced by new educated persons, like doctors.

They made a Constitution called the: Directoire: France got an parliament for the first
time in history !!!! Chosen by people who pay taxes
The parliament was divided into 2 divisions:
1. The council of Five Hundred
2. The council of Ancients (250)

These branches were legislative branches = wetgevend,

the 750 members appointed five directors: The executive branch. = uitvoerend

A new leader
Despite the Directoire, people still had to pay high taxes and starvation. France was on the
end of a revolution. This was however prevented by the appearance of a new leader:
Napoleon Bonaparte.

He was a general who returned to france after he won many battles in Europe.
The First Coalition War: The war between France and all the other countries that feared the
revolution of France, they thought that it would also affect their country.

The people of France saw him as a hero , but they didn’t know what would happen it the
next decades


1. french revolution : violence = reign of terror (robbespiere)

2. French revolution = Directoire = peaceful
3. napoleon takes power

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