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Lily Cave

Ms. Gonzales


12 September 2023

Major Assignment 1

Exploring the distinctions of “Heritage Literacy” written by Suzanne Kesler Rumsey and

“Sponsors of Literacy” written by Deborah Brandt. Opens up about how the nature of literacy

accentuates the gravity of both the cultural background and outside support, helps embody

people’s literacy knowledge.

My ancestral heritage and culture emanates from the Southern parts of North America.

My roots delve deep into the heart of Arkansas, although I was not born here it still resonates

within my literary knowledge. Growing up immersed in a big family all with the usual southern

cultural milieu, gave me a unique angle of Southern storytelling and their hospitality. There are

many famous authors that have the same roots as me that have changed and inspired my outlook

on literature such as Maya Angelou, whose pieces are about the experiences of African

Americans in the south and their hardships. Through her writings and narratives, I have captured

a further meaning of the historical endeavors and triumphs. Maya Angelou influenced me

greatly, however the South has an array of magnificent writers like William Faulkner, Flannery

O’Connor, Mark Twain, Harper Lee, among many more. Their pieces illustrate the meaning of
the true Southern culture, which is where I develop a genuine appreciation for the immersive

storytelling and relevance of literature.

Outside support systems, often specified as “sponsors” has partook in a pivotal role in the

relation of my literacy. “Sponsors of literacy to think of them, are any agents, local or distan

enable, support, teach, model, as well as recruit, regulate, suppress, or withhold literacy-and gain

advantage by it in some way” (Brandt, 166). As Brandt describes, Sponsors come in various

forms; my parents being the most valuable. Growing up, my parents perceived the importance of

growing my creativity and literacy abilities. By using the art of imagination that is beyond

reading books. My parents taught me to create my own stories. At a young age, the stories were

always centered around fairies and compelling narratives about their lives, living in tiny nooks

and flowers. These young experiences grounded the base of a exciting awakening of new stories

and literature to be discovered in the future. Through the years I have gained insight about

writing techniques, genres, analysis, as well as opening my eyes on different perspectives of


In conclusion, in the analysis of “Heritage Literacy” by Suzanne Kesler Rumsey and

“Sponsors of Literacy” by Deborah Brandt, goes in depth on the important role of cultural

heritage and outside supports systems on an individual’s literary knowledge. My personal

experience, came from the heart of the Southern culture. Authors like Maya Angelou, William

Faulkner, and Flannery O’Connor made the rich storytelling of Southern literature relevant.

Storytelling is a big characteristic of the South, which is why my parents grew up teaching me

the significance of using my imagination. Encouraging me to delve into different worlds of

imagination. From early on this has been a crucial play in shaping my literary knowledge.

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