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Discussion Assignment Unit – 3

Kenneth Shay- Instructor

University of the People

Submitted by: Maragaret Mogute

December 4, 2023.

Topic: discuss a time you have seen measurements used to manage a process.

Examples might include allowing a certain amount of time for a phone call or

a project deadline. Do you believe the results were optimal, based on the

measurement used?

I remember when I used to oversee software development projects, the strategic use of

measurements was instrumental in ensuring efficient project execution. An illustrative example

involved the meticulous management of project timelines and deadlines. Each project underwent

a meticulous breakdown into tasks, with each task assigned a specific deadline. The

determination of these deadlines was a nuanced process, taking into account task complexity,

available resources, and the overarching project timeline. The progress of each task was

vigilantly tracked against these deadlines.


For instance, when developing a new software feature, we segmented the process into stages:

requirement gathering, design, coding, testing, and deployment. Each stage received a defined

deadline, grounded in past experiences, industry benchmarks, and the intricacies of the task.

The results were predominantly optimal. The utilization of measurements and deadlines proved

invaluable in maintaining team focus and alignment. It fostered a collective awareness of

responsibilities and timeframes, preempting delays and ensuring project completion within the

stipulated timeframe.

Nevertheless, challenges arose when unforeseen complexities stretched the time allocated for a

task. In such instances, flexibility became paramount as deadlines were revised, impacting the

overall project timeline. This underscored the importance of not just relying on measurements

but also incorporating adaptability to accommodate unexpected hurdles.

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