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Practicing SEL in my Future Classroom

1. Daily Check-Ins: Start each day with a brief emotional check-in. It encourages students to

recognize and articulate their emotions and creates an environment where all feelings are

acknowledged and respected.

2. Collaborative Learning Projects: Regularly engage students in group projects that require

teamwork, communication, and empathy. These activities help students develop social

awareness and relationship skills. Ensure that projects are diverse and inclusive, allowing

all students to contribute and learn from each other's perspectives.

3. Mindfulness and Self-Regulation Exercises: Incorporate short mindfulness exercises or

breathing techniques into the day. This helps students learn to calm their minds, focus,

and regulate their emotions, especially in challenging situations.

4. Emotion Management Curriculum: Implement a curriculum that teaches emotion

management skills. This could include lessons on identifying emotions, understanding

triggers, and practicing constructive responses. Tools like storybooks, role-playing

activities, and discussion circles can be effective in teaching these skills.

5. Positive Reinforcement and Reflection: Create a positive reinforcement system to

encourage SEL skills, such as empathy, cooperation, and kindness.

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