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◦ tu - you (informal, used for people you know or with children)

◦ vous - you (more formal, or for more than one person)
◦ on - here we illustrate on as the informal/conversational 'we' but depending on context it can
be translated in other ways, for example 'one', 'you', 'they', 'everyone', 'someone' and 'people'.
◦ ils - they (used to replace masculine nouns or mixed masculine and feminine nouns)
◦ elles - they (used to replace feminine nouns)


Refer to the course outline page to explore the individual tenses in more detail.

For example, lesson 23 is very useful for comparing the passé composé to the imparfait,
and lesson 10 gives you information on how to express the 'continuous' in French.


◦ j'attends - I wait, I am waiting

◦ tu attends - you wait, you are waiting
◦ il attend - he waits, he is waiting
◦ elle attend - she waits, she is waiting
◦ on attend - we wait, we are waiting
◦ nous attendons - we wait, we are waiting
◦ vous attendez - you wait, you are waiting
◦ ils attendent- they wait, they are waiting
◦ elles attendent- they wait, they are waiting

◦ j'ai attendu - I waited, I have waited, I did wait

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◦ tu as attendu - you waited, you have waited, you did wait
◦ il a attendu - he waited, he has waited, he did wait
◦ elle a attendu - she waited, she has waited, she did wait
◦ on a attendu - we waited, we have waited, we did wait
◦ nous avons attendu - we waited, we have waited, we did wait
◦ vous avez attendu - you waited, you have waited, you did wait
◦ ils ont attendu - they waited, they have waited, they did wait
◦ elles ont attendu - they waited, they have waited, they did wait

◦ j'attendrai - I will wait
◦ tu attendras - you will wait
◦ il attendra - he will wait
◦ elle attendra - she will wait
◦ on attendra - we will wait
◦ nous attendrons - we will wait
◦ vous attendrez - you will wait
◦ ils attendront - they will wait
◦ elles attendront - they will wait


◦ j'attendais - I was waiting, I used to wait, I waited

◦ tu attendais - you were waiting, you used to wait, you waited
◦ il attendait - he was waiting, he used to wait, he waited
◦ elle attendait - she was waiting, she used to wait, she waited
◦ on attendait - we were waiting, we used to wait, we waited
◦ nous attendions - we were waiting, we used to wait, we waited
◦ vous attendiez - you were waiting, you used to wait, you waited
◦ ils attendaient - they were waiting, they used to wait, they waited
◦ elles attendaient - they were waiting, they used to wait, they waited

◦ j'attendrais - I would wait
◦ tu attendrais - you would wait
◦ il attendrait - he would wait
◦ elle attendrait - she would wait
◦ on attendrait - we would wait

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◦ nous attendrions - we would wait
◦ vous attendriez - you would wait
◦ ils attendraient - they would wait
◦ elles attendraient - they would wait

◦ j'avais attendu - I had waited
◦ tu avais attendu - you had waited
◦ il avait attendu - he had waited
◦ elle avait attendu - she had waited
◦ on avait attendu - we had waited
◦ nous avions attendu - we had waited
◦ vous aviez attendu - you had waited
◦ ils avaient attendu - they had waited
◦ elles avaient attendu - they had waited


◦ j'aurai attendu - I will have waited

◦ tu auras attendu - you will have waited
◦ il aura attendu - he will have waited
◦ elle aura attendu - she will have waited
◦ on aura attendu - we will have waited
◦ nous aurons attendu - we will have waited
◦ vous aurez attendu - you will have waited
◦ ils auront attendu - they will have waited
◦ elles auront attendu - they will have waited

◦ j'aurais attendu - I would have waited
◦ tu aurais attendu - you would have waited
◦ il aurait attendu - he would have waited
◦ elle aurait attendu - she would have waited
◦ on aurait attendu - we would have waited
◦ nous aurions attendu - we would have waited
◦ vous auriez attendu - you would have waited
◦ ils auraient attendu - they would have waited
◦ elles auraient attendu - they would have waited

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◦ que j'attende - that I wait
◦ que tu attendes - that you wait
◦ qu'il attende - that he waits
◦ qu'elle attende - that she waits
◦ qu'on attende - that we wait
◦ que nous attendions - that we wait
◦ que vous attendiez - that you wait
◦ qu'ils attendent - that they wait
◦ qu'elles attendent - that they wait

◦ que j'aie attendu - that I waited
◦ que tu aies attendu - that you waited
◦ qu'il ait attendu - that he waited
◦ qu'elle ait attendu - that she waited
◦ qu'on ait attendu - that we waited
◦ que nous ayons attendu - that we waited
◦ que vous ayez attendu - that you waited
◦ qu'ils aient attendu - that they waited
◦ qu'elles aient attendu - that they waited


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