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Bài tập 1: Hãy điền vào chỗ trống với những từ cho sẵn:

4.relationships 2. value 3. customers 6. culture

7.want 5. safety 8. managing 9. exchange 10. service
1) Today’ssuccessful companies are strongly customer-focused and committed to marketing.
2) The two-fold goal of marketing is to attract new customers by promising superior value .
3) Marketing, more than any other business function, deals with customers .
4) Marketing is engaging customers and managing profitable customer relationships.
5) Human needs include basic physical needs for food, clothing, warmth, and safety.
6) Wants are shaped by culture and individual personality.
7) Market offerings include a combination of products, services, information, or experiences
offered to a market to satisfy a need or want ____.
8) Customer value and customer satisfaction are key building blocks for developing and
managing customer relationships.
9) Marketing occurs when people decide to satisfy their needs and wants through exchange
10) A market is the set of actual and potential buyers of a product or service_.
Bài tập 2: Chọn đáp án đúng
1) Marketing is more than just selling and advertising; it involves _______________
customers and managing relationships.
a) buying b) engaging: tương tác c) ignoring: phớt lờ d) creating
2) According to Peter Drucker, the aim of marketing is to make _______________
a) selling b) advertising c) buying d) creating
3) Understanding customer needs and wants is the _______________ step in marketing.
a) final b) first c) second d) third
4) Human needs are states of felt _______________.
a) satisfaction b) deprivation/; thiếu thốn c) happiness d) excitement
5) Wants are shaped by _______________ and individual personality.
a) money b) culture c) society d) advertising
6) Market offerings include a combination of products, services, information, or ________.
a) emotions b) experiences c) relationships d) frustrations
7) Customer satisfaction is a key building block for developing and managing
_______________ relationships.

a) employee b) customer c) competitor d) supplier
8) Marketing involves creating, maintaining, and growing desirable _______________
a) family b) customer c) employee d) friend
9) The marketplace is constantly changing, and the ability to change has become a
_______________ advantage.
a) competitive b) difficult c) easy d) irrelevant
10) The explosive (bùng nổ) growth in digital technology has fundamentally changed the
way we ___.
a) live b) sleep c) eat d) exercise
Bài tập 3: Hãy điền vào chỗ trống với những từ cho sẵn:
4.Buyers 1.macroenvironment 6.objectives(mtiêu) 7. microenvironment 2. customers
3.Services 8 microenvironment 9. statistics 10.spending 5. competitors
1) The marketing environment consists of a microenvironment and a macroenvironment __.
2) Marketing management’s job is to build relationships with customers _ by creating
customer value and satisfaction.
3) Suppliers provide the resources needed by the company to produce its goods and Services.
4) Marketing intermediaries help the company promote, sell, and distribute its products to
final Buyers___.
5) The marketing concept states that, to be successful, a company must provide greater
customer value and satisfaction than its _competitors
6) A public is any group that has an actual or potential interest in or impact on an
organization’s ability to achieve its _objectives_.
7) Customers are the most important actors in the company’s microenvironment .
8) The macroenvironment consists of the larger societal forces that affect the
9) Demography is the study of human populations in terms of size, density, location, age,
gender, race, occupation, and other statistics .
10) The economic environment consists of economic factors that affect consumer purchasing
power and spending patterns.
Bài tập 4: Chọn đáp án đúng
1) What are the two main components (thành phần) of the marketing environment?
a. Microenvironment and competitors b. Microenvironment and macroenvironment
c. Customers and suppliers d. Only macroenvironment
2) What is the primary job of marketing management?

a. Managing finances b. Building relationships with customers
c. Developing new products d. Setting company objectives
3) What do suppliers provide to the company?
a. Goods and services b. Financial support
c. Marketing strategies d. Customer satisfaction
4) Who are included in marketing intermediaries?
a. Only customers
b. Resellers, physical distribution firms, marketing services agencies, and financial
c. Only competitors
d. Only suppliers
5) According to the marketing concept, what must a company do to be successful?
a. Advertise extensively: rộng rãi
b. Provide greater customer value and satisfaction than its competitors
c. Focus only on customer needs
d. Ignore competitors
6) What is a public in the context of the marketing environment?
a. Only customers
b. Any group with an interest in or impact on the organization’s objectives
c. Competitors
d. Only suppliers
7) Who are the most important actors in the company’s microenvironment?
a. Competitors b. Top management c. Customers d. Suppliers
8) What does the macroenvironment consist of?
a. Only internal factors b. Larger societal forces affecting the microenvironment
c. Only competitors d. Only customers
9) What is demography the study of?
a. Marketing strategies b. Economic factors
c. Human populations d. Only customer behavior
10) What does the economic environment consist of?
a. Only economic factors affecting consumer purchasing power
b. Only economic forecasting
c. Economic factors that affect consumer purchasing power and spending patterns
d. Only social codes and ethics
Bài tập 5: Hãy điền vào chỗ trống với những từ cho sẵn:
2. mission and the changing customer and external environments 1. Internal market
4. sales volume, market share, profitability, and other relevant measures ̣(khối lượng bán
hàng, thị phần, lợi nhuận và các biện pháp liên quan khác)
5.resources 6.external environment 7. monitored (theo dõi)
8.change 9. political 3.cultural and structural issues 10.
1) The first aspect of a situation analysis involves the critical evaluation of the firm’s _
Internal market_.
2) A periodic assessment (đánh giá định kì) of marketing objectives is necessary to ensure
that they remain consistent with the firm’s _mission and the changing customer and
external environments_.
3) The marketing manager must review the current and anticipated levels of organizational
_cultural and structural issues__.
4) The marketing manager should evaluate (đánh giá) the performance of the current
marketing strategy with respect to _sales volume, market share, profitability, and other
relevant measures_.
5) The internal culture of the firm, anticipated changes in key executive positions, and issues
related to employee motivation and commitment are part of the review of current and
anticipated __resources__.
Văn hóa nội bộ của công ty, những thay đổi dự kiến ở các vị trí điều hành chủ chốt và các vấn đề
liên quan đến động lực và cam kết của nhân viên là một phần của việc xem xét __ hiện tại và dự
6) The final and broadest issue in a situation analysis is an assessment of the _____external
7) In most industries, customers have preferences and choices in terms of the goods and
services they can purchase. Thus, when a firm defines the target markets it will serve, it
simultaneously selects a set of competing firms. The current and future actions of these
competitors must be constantly ____monitored __________.
8) If there is one truism about any economy, it is that it will inevitably ___change____.
Therefore, current and expected conditions in the economy can have a profound impact on
marketing strategy.
9) Legal and regulatory issues have close ties to events in the __political ___ environment.

10) Sociocultural factors are those social and cultural influences that cause changes in
attitudes, beliefs, norms, customs, and lifestyles. These forces profoundly affect the way
people live and help determine what, where, how, and when customers buy a firm’s
Bài tập 6: Chọn đáp án đúng
1. What is the first aspect of a situation analysis?
a. Market segmentation b. Internal environment
c. Economic factors d. Sociocultural trends
2. Why is a periodic assessment of marketing objectives necessary?
_Tại sao việc đánh giá định kỳ các mục tiêu tiếp thị là cần thiết?_
a. To follow competitors
b. To ensure consistency with the firm’s mission and changing environments
c. To increase profitability
d. To implement new technologies
3. What does the marketing manager need to review regarding organizational
a. Only financial resources b. Human and experience resources
c. Only technological resources d. Regulatory resources
4. What is an essential measure in evaluating the performance of the current marketing
strategy? Biện pháp thiết yếu nào để đánh giá hiệu quả của chiến lược tiếp thị hiện tại?
a. Employee motivation b. Customer loyalty
c. Profitability d. Internal culture
5. What is part of the review of current and anticipated organizational culture and
a. Economic factors b. Technological advancements
c. Changes in executive positions d. Sociocultural trends
6. What is the broadest issue in a situation analysis?
a. Internal environment b. External environment
c. Economic factors d. Political trends
7. What do customers have in terms of preferences and choices in most industries?
a. Limited choices b. No preferences c. Unlimited choices d. Fixed choices
8. What is the truism about any economy?
a. It remains static b. It inevitably changes
c. It only impacts marketing d. It is always unpredictable
9. What is closely tied to legal and regulatory issues?Điều gì gắn chặt với các vấn đề pháp
lý và quy định?
a. Economic factors b. Political trends
c. Sociocultural trends d. Competitive intelligence
10. What do sociocultural factors profoundly (sâu sắc) affect?
a. Only technological advancements b. Only economic factors
c. The way people live and buying behavior d. Only political trends
Bài tập 7: Hãy điền vào chỗ trống với những từ cho sẵn:
1. Reason 4. quantitative 3resource 7. personality 9. actionable
8. Loyalty 10 concentrated 2. useful 5 resources 6.needs
1) An organization's mission statement is a clear and concise (ngắn gọn) statement that
explains the organization's __Reason ___ for existence.
2) Google's mission is "to organize the world’s information and make it universally
accessible and _ useful__.
3) Marketing goals and objectives guide the development of objectives and provide direction
for _____resource _____ allocation decisions.
4) Marketing objectives should be stated in _quantitative _ terms to permit reasonably
precise measurement.
5) The major function of goals is to guide the development of objectives and to provide
direction for _resources _ allocation decisions.
6) Market segmentation involves dividing large, diverse markets into smaller segments that
can be reached more efficiently and effectively with products and services that match their
unique _needs____.
7) Psychographic segmentation divides buyers into different segments based on social class,
lifestyle, or _personality __ characteristics.
8) Business buyers can be segmented geographically, demographically, or by benefits sought,
user status, usage rate, and ____Loyalty ____ status.
9) Effective market segments must be measurable, accessible, substantial, differentiable, and
10) Market targeting can be carried out at several different levels: undifferentiated marketing,
differentiated marketing, and __concentrated___ marketing.
Bài tập 8: Chọn đáp án đúng
1) What is the major function of marketing goals?
a) Guide the development of objectives b) Guide resource allocation decisions
c) Both a and b d) None of the above
2) How does demographic segmentation divide the market?
a) Based on social class b) Based on lifestyle
c) Based on age, gender, family size, and more d) Based on usage rate
3) What does psychographic segmentation focus on?
a) Geographic units b) Demographic variables
c) Social class, lifestyle, or personality characteristics d) Behavioral variables
4) What does a mission statement act as in an organization?
a) A sales pitch b) An invisible hand that guides people
c) A product description d) A legal document
5) What does market targeting involve?
a) Ignoring market segment differences b) Targeting the whole market with one offer
c) Deciding which and how many segments to target d) Both a and b
6) What strategy focuses on what is common in the needs of consumers?
a) Undifferentiated marketing b) Differentiated marketing
c) Concentrated marketing d) All of the above
7) What is the purpose of differentiated marketing?
a) To target the whole market with one offer
b) To ignore market segment differences
c) To target several market segments with separate offers
d) None of the above
8) What does concentrated marketing strategy involve?
a) Going after a small share of a large market
b) Going after a large share of one or a few smaller segments or niches
c) Ignoring market segment differences
d) Both a and c
9) How can market segments be useful?

a) If they are conceptual
b) If they are measurable, accessible, substantial, differentiable, and actionable
c) If they are market-oriented
d) All of the above
10) What does a vision statement seek to answer?
a) "What business are we in?"
b) "What do we want to become?"
c) "What is our business?"_ Mission Statement
d) Both a and c
Bài tập 9: Hãy điền vào chỗ trống với những từ cho sẵn:
learned psychological black box responses efforts
consumer purchases focal why decision-making cultural
1. Consumers make many buying decisions every day, and the buying decision is the
________ point of the marketer’s effort.
2. Most large companies research consumer buying decisions in great detail to answer
questions about what consumers buy, where they buy, how and how much they buy, when
they buy, and ________ they buy.
3. Marketers can study actual _________ to find out what they buy, where, and how much.
4. The central question for marketers is this: How do consumers respond to various
marketing _______ the company might use?
5. This figure shows that marketing and other stimuli enter the consumer’s “black box” and
produce certain ________.
6. Marketers want to understand how the stimuli are changed into responses inside the
consumer’s ________, which has two parts.
7. These characteristics include a variety of cultural, social, personal, and ________ factors.
8. Second, the buyer’s _______process itself affects his or her behaviours.
9. Consumer purchases are influenced strongly by _______, social, personal, and
psychological characteristics
10. Culture is the most basic cause of a person’s wants and behavior. Human behavior is
largely ________.
Bài tập 10: Chọn đáp án đúng

1) What is the focal point of the marketer’s effort in the context of consumer behavior?
a) Purchase decision b) Buying frequency
c) Consumer preferences d) Buying motivations
2) Why is learning about the whys behind consumer buying behavior often challenging
for marketers?
a) Consumers provide detailed answers
b) The information is easily accessible
c) The answers are often locked deep within the consumer’s mind
d) Consumers are not involved in the buying process
3) What is the starting point for understanding consumer behavior according to the
a) Black box b) Stimulus-response model
c) Purchase decision d) Consumer characteristics
4) Which factors influence how a buyer perceives and reacts to stimuli?
a) Cultural, social, personal, and psychological factors b) Economic and political factors
c) Brand popularity d) Geographic factors
5) When does the buyer's decision process begin, according to the passage?
a) After the actual purchase decision b) At the time of purchase
c) Before the actual purchase decision d) During post-purchase behavior
6) Which of the following is an example of a psychological factor influencing consumer
a) Cultural values b) Social networks
c) Perception d) Social roles
7) What does the buyer's decision process include?
a) Purchase decision only
b) Need recognition, information search, alternative evaluation, purchase decision, and post-
purchase behavior
c) Cultural factors only
d) Social factors only
8) What plays a significant role in consumer behavior according to Figure 5.2?

a) Economic factors b) Cultural, social, personal, and psychological characteristics
c) Political factors d) Brand popularity
9) What is the most basic cause of a person’s wants and behavior, according to the
a) Social factors b) Personal factors
c) Cultural factors d) Psychological factors
10) Which factor includes shared value systems based on common life experiences and
a) Culture b) Subculture c) Social class d) Social roles
Bài tập 11: Hãy điền vào chỗ trống với những từ cho sẵn:
unexpected product manageable benefits team
augmented need purpose meet intangible
1. Products must be considered in terms of the total ____________ offering.
2. Kotler et al. defines a product as having three levels: core product, actual product, and
3. Service-based products tend to be ____________ in nature.
4. The augmented product enhances the actual product by offering additional services and
5. Organisations must fully understand their core product(s) - what need does it
6. A product delivers a set of benefits to a customer to meet a ____________.
7. Project management involves achieving unity of ____________ and setting achievable
8. Planning breaks an activity into a series of structured ____________ tasks.
9. Effective managers realize they cannot do everything themselves and understand the
strength, weakness, and group dynamics of ____________ members.
10. Crisis management involves taking urgent action in response to ____________ events.
Bài tập 12: Chọn đáp án đúng
1) Project management involves achieving unity of purpose and setting achievable goals
within given ____________ parameters.
a) budget b) resource c) time d) team
2) Planning breaks an activity into a series of structured manageable tasks, co-ordinates
these tasks, and ____________ progress.
a) avoids b) monitors c) ignores d) hides

3) Delegation extends the capacity to manage and frees the leader from ____________ tasks.
a) complex b) mundane c) creative d) critical
4) Team building is about using the skills and capacity of the team to the optimal level, with
a focus on ____________.
a) competition b) conflict c) collaboration d) conformity
5) Crisis management involves taking urgent action in response to unexpected events and is
a ____________ process.
a) Reactive b) Proactive c) Predictive d) Adaptive
6) The basis of control is the ability to ____________.
a) change b) measure c) innovate d) delegate
7) Good control systems detect and rectify problems before they become ____________.
a) urgent b) obvious c) significant d) manageable
8) Control systems can operate as simple ____________.
a) loops b) cycles c) spirals d) networks
9) Inputs in the control equation include ____________.
a) people b) finance c) operations d) all of the above
10) Efficiency in control refers to how well inputs are ____________.
a) utilized b) ignored c) wasted d) abandoned
Bài tập 13: Hãy điền vào chỗ trống với những từ cho sẵn:
right or wrong strategic marketing planning process social marketing
natural environment philanthropic financial success reputation
1. In response to customer demands and the threat of increased regulation, firms are
increasingly incorporating ethics and social responsibility into the ____________.
2. Poor performance or ethical misconduct can damage an organization’s ____________.
3. Social responsibility consists of four dimensions: economic, legal, ethical, and
4. From an economic perspective, firms must be responsible to all stakeholders for
5. Ethical marketing decisions foster trust, which helps build long-term ____________

6. Ignoring ethical issues can destroy stakeholder trust and prompt ____________
7. Economic and legal responsibilities are the most basic levels of social_______________
8. At the top of the pyramid of ________ responsibility are philanthropic responsibilities.
9. Sustainability involves the assessment and improvement of business strategies, economic
sectors, work practices, technologies, and lifestyles, all while maintaining the
10. An ethical issue is an identifiable problem, situation, or opportunity that requires an
individual or organization to choose from among several actions that must be evaluated as
Bài tập 14: Chọn đáp án đúng
1) What can damage an organization’s reputation according to chapter 7?
a) Increased regulation b) Poor performance or ethical misconduct
c) Economic challenges d) Social responsibility
2) What does social responsibility consist of?
a) Three dimensions b) Four dimensions
c) Five dimensions d) Two dimensions
3) What do economic and legal responsibilities serve according to the passage?
a) Stakeholders b) Government regulators
c) The community at large d) All of the above
4) What do ethical marketing decisions help build according to the passage?
a) Short-term profits b) Legal compliance
c) Trust and long-term marketing relationships d) Economic responsibilities
5) What is sustainability focused on maintaining?
a) Economic sectors b) Natural environment
c) Legal standards d) Marketing strategies
6) What is the deceptive marketing practice that involves misleading consumers about a
product’s environmental friendliness?
a) Green marketing b) Cause-related marketing
c) Greenwashing d) Sustainability
7) What is an ethical issue, according to the passage?
a) A legal problem b) An identifiable problem requiring ethical evaluation

c) Any marketing activity d) A manipulation of customers
8) What can ethical issues in the marketing program develop into if not addressed?
a) Marketing opportunities b) Legal problems
c) Sustainability challenges d) Economic responsibilities
9) What is at the top of the pyramid of social responsibility?
a) Economic responsibilities b) Ethical responsibilities
c) Philanthropic responsibilities d) Legal responsibilities
10) What does strategic philanthropy involve, according to the passage?
a) Financial contributions only b) Nonfinancial contributions only
c) Both financial and nonfinancial contributions d) Legal commitments

Dịch các câu sau sang tiếng Việt

1. Marketing is engaging customers and managing profitable customer relationships.
2. Marketing aims to attract new customers by promising superior value and to keep and
grow current customers by delivering value and satisfaction.
3. Needs: include basic physical needs for food, clothing, warmth, and safety; social needs
for belonging and affection; and individual needs for knowledge and self-expression.
4. Wants are the form human needs take as they are shaped by culture and individual
5. Demand: a very strong request for something
6. Customers buy products based on their expectations of value and satisfaction.
7. Dissatisfied customers often defect and badmouth the goods.
8. Satisfied customers return and recommend.
9. Marketers aim to generate interest in a product or service.
10. Companies use various platforms to assist customers in shopping and solving problems,
ensuring a seamless experience for consumers.
11. The microenvironment includes all the actors close to the company that affect, positively
or negatively, its ability to create value for and relationships with its customers.
12. There are 6 actors in the microenvironment: company, suppliers, marketing intermediaries,
competitors, publics, customers.
13. Suppliers form an important link in the company’s overall customer value delivery net-
14. Marketing intermediaries help the company to promote, sell, and distribute its goods to
final buyers.
15. A public is any group that has an actual or potential interest in or impact on an
organization’s ability to achieve its objectives.
16. Customers are the most important actors in the company’s microenvironment.
17. The macroenvironment consists of broader forces that affect the actors in the

18. Demography studies human populations, including size, density, location, age, gender,
race, and occupation.
19. The economic environment consists of economic factors that affect consumer purchasing
power and spending patterns.
20. Environmental sustainability concerns have grown over the past few decades.
21. The internal marketing environment refers to the factors within an organization that affect
its marketing operations.
22. The external marketing environment refers to the factors outside a company that affect its
ability to serve its customers.
23. Competitive marketing intelligence involves monitoring and analyzing publicly available
information about consumers, competitors, and marketplace developments to improve
strategic decision-making.
24. Competitive marketing intelligence also aims to predict and anticipate market actions and
25. Forecasting the future differs from market research, which focuses on identifying
consumer activities and perceptions.
26. The marketing function involves a thorough SWOT analysis, evaluating a company's
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
27. Strengths include internal capabilities, resources, and positive situational factors
28. Weaknesses involve internal limitations and negative factors.
29. Opportunities involve favorable external trends, while threats present challenges.
30. Threats present challenges.
31. An organization's mission is a main aspect of strategic planning, guiding its people and
guiding them towards a common goal.
32. Goals guide the development of objectives and provide direction for resource allocation
33. Marketing objectives are more specific and require quantitative terms for precise
34. Competitive advantages refer to real differences between competing firms, stemming from
strengths or weaknesses.
35. Organization's position in a market impacts strategic options, with differences in aims,
capabilities, and resources between market leaders and niche competitors.
36. The design, development, branding, and positioning of a product are crucial strategic
decisions in marketing plans.
37. A target market consists of a set of buyers who share common needs or characteristics that
the company decides to serve.
38. Positioning creates a mental image of a product offering in the target market's mind.
39. Branding involves strategic decisions like positioning, name selection, sponsorship, and
40. Marketers who focus on developing product offerings that truly meet the target market's
needs are more likely to succeed.
41. Consumer purchases are influenced strongly by cultural, social, personal, and
psychological characteristics.
42. Cultural factors exert a broad and deep influence on consumer behavior.
43. Small groups, such as membership groups and reference groups, significantly impact a
person's behavior.

44. Family members significantly impact buyer behavior.
45. A person has various needs, including biological and psychological.
46. Marketers analyze these beliefs to create product and brand images that impact buying
47. The buyer decision process consists of five stages.
48. Purchasing through electronic connections between buyers and sellers—usually online.
49. Using digital and social media marketing approaches to engage business customers and
manage customer relationships anywhere, anytime.
50. Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of human needs helps explain why people prioritize personal
safety over others' esteem.
51. Product development involves understanding the core product(s) and addressing their
needs to create attractive offerings.
52. These products can be goods, services, ideas, or information.
53. Kotler define a product as having three levels: core product, actual product, and
augmented product.
54. Project management is a transferable skill that can be applied to any situation.
55. Control is the ability to measure and compare expected outcomes with actual events.
56. Social responsibility consists of four dimensions: economic, legal, ethical, and
57. Ethical issues are problems or opportunities that require individuals or organizations to
choose between actions.
58. Firms must be familiar with potential ethical issues in their marketing programs to identify
and resolve them.
59. Employees in an ethical climate are more likely to understand customer demands and
60. Companies that fail to Incorporate ethics and social responsibility into a company's culture
can lead to poor marketing performance.


EX 1.

Stephanie Rahlfs is a keen follower of the latest fashion trends. She reads a dozen fashion
magazines. She writes a blog called Adventures in the Stiletto Jungle, an online source for fashion
product reviews. Rahlfs, a 30-year-old former lawyer in Santa Clara, also is one of the style-
setters helping to power the next generation of online shopping sites. On ThisNext, Rahlfs
recommends must-have clothes and accessories, from a Marc Jacobs bracelet to a Juicy Couture
sweater. Her suggestions feed into an engine that lets other shoppers - not just her friends and
readers of her blog - find products online.

Called social-shopping sites, ThisNext, Kaboodle, Stylehive, StyleFeeder and others are
incorporating the community features of Web 2.0 into online shopping. They represent the latest
tool for online shoppers this holiday season, using the power and expertise of friends and others
online to help locate the perfect gift.

“I’m a really good shopper in fashion and beauty, but I don’t know anything about shopping for
gadgets or kids,” said Rahlfs. “The great thing is I can share my expertise and I can pull from the
expertise of others and find out what other people would buy.”

Online Christmas holiday shopping is expected to grow this year, despite fears that the economic
crisis could discourage people from spending too much money. A report by the Forrester research
firm predicts that online shoppers will spend about $33 billion this season, 21 per cent more than
last year.
“The online shopping population is more affluent and less price-sensitive,” said Sucharita
Mulpuru, an analyst with Forrester. “They’re busy and time-starved and looking for solutions on
the Web.”

1. What is Stephanie Rahlfs’s blog about?

2. Are social-shopping websites like ordinary e-commerce sites?
3. What is the advantage of social-shopping websites for StephanieRahlfs?
4. Why is it surprising if online Christmas shopping grows by 21 per cent this year?

EX 2.

From the beginning, the key to Starbucks’ success was its upmarket image. That the coffee itself
was rather expensive only added to its appeal. If you wanted cheap coffee, then go to a diner.

For a long while Starbucks managed to keep ahead of the game, expanding very fast, buying
competitors and launching new products. Premium coffee remained the basic product - and one
others could easily copy. Now McDonald’s offers premium coffee, not only cheaper than
Starbucks’ but of a quality that won first place in a survey in March by Consumer Report.

As a result, Starbucks finds itself caught in a new, unwelcome ‘third place’, pressed from below
by the fast-food chains that until recently had been considered more downmarket, and from above
by a new generation of more upmarket, exclusive and sophisticated coffee houses.

1. What kind of image did Starbucks have when it was launched?

2. Was the fact that it was expensive a problem?
3. Did Starbucks grow just by opening new coffee shops?
4. Is Starbucks in a good competition position? Why?

EX 3.
In Paris, 500 organizations offer language training to companies. However, 90 per cent of sales are
made by the top five language training organizations. The market is not growing in size overall.

Organization A has 35 per cent of the market, and faces stiff competition from B which has about
25 per cent of the market and from C, D and E who have 10 per cent each, but who are trying to
grow by charging less for their courses.
1. How many competitors are there in this market?
2. Is competition in the market strong?
3. Who is the market leader?
4. Who are the two key players?
EX 4.
Honest Tea, the Coca-Cola brand that produced $130 million in global revenues last year, got its
start because cofounder Seth Goldman didn’t like the options in the beverage coolers at conve-
nience stores. So with the help of a former professor, he launched Honest Tea—the nation’s first
fully organic bottled tea.
But the company’s drive for success was not based not as much on profits as on a desire to change
the world. With social responsibility steeped deep into its business model, Honest Tea set out to
help develop the economic structure of poor nations. Honest Tea purchased raw ingredients from
Native American and South African farmers and invested in its supplier- farmers to help them
become self-reliant. Although Honest Tea has been a wholly owned subsidiary of the Coca- Cola
Company since 2011, it continues to operate on the principles of social responsibility established
by its founders.
1. What is Honest Tea?
2. What was the main goal for Seth Goldman when he started the Honest Tea company?
3. How Honest Tea helped poor countries?
4. Is Honest Tea kept its culture after Coke buyout?
EX 5.
Printing paper goods may not sound like the best business to get into these days. But
Hammerpress is a company that is carving out a niche in this old industry. And Hammerpress is
doing it by returning to old technology. Today’s printing firms use computer- driven graphic
design techniques and printing processes. But Hammerpress creates greeting cards, calendars, and
business cards that are hand-crafted by professional artists and printed using traditional letterpress
When it comes to competing, this presents both opportunities and challenges. While
Hammerpress’s products certainly stand out as works of art, the cost for producing such goods is
considerably higher than the industry average. A video illustrates how Hammerpress employs
dynamic pricing techniques in order to meet the needs of various customer segments and thrive in
a competitive environment.
1. What is the product of Hammerpress?
2. How does Hammerpress differentiate itself from the other brands in the market?

3. What is the pros and cons of Hammerpress’s products?
4. How Hammerpress can meet the needs of customers and take competitive advantage?

EX 6.
Cyber Gear’s Dubai City Guide has been active online since 1996. It has become a vital source of
news and information for Dubai residents and visitors. With a wide range of stories covering
news, city events, promotions, sales, art events, movie timings, and other features, it is constantly
being updated.
The website is well organized and attractive, and it reflects the vibrant nature of Dubai itself.
Many tourists visit the site before coming to Dubai, and the guide has in excess of 80,000 sub-
scribers and attracts over a million visitors per month. The site is largely funded by advertisers,
and Cyber Gear has created a system by which advertisers can choose pages that best fit their
target audiences.
The site is very open about its visitor statistics, which is understandable given the fact that it faces
a huge amount of competition from other advertising outlets and opportunities. The following
statistics on the web traffic for the site as of October 2010 are available at A common measure of advertising efficiency is cost per thousand
impressions (CPM). The following table outlines the typical CPM rates for advertising on the
Standard banner $25 CPM
Leaderboard banner $40 CPM
Skyscraper banner $35 CPM
Space banner $50 CPM
1. What Cyber Gear’s Dubai City Guide is?
2. Is Cyber Gear’s Dubai City Guide attractive? Why?
3. How advertisers can meet their target audiences?
4. If a standard banner reaches 10,000 impressions, what would be the cost to the advertiser?

EX 1.
1. Many supermarkets run competitions and a) promotions
offers to encourage people to buy from
2. Yesterday, I bought two kilos of oranges b) price
for half the usual price.

3. I bought some coffee that came with a free c) Distribution channel
4. Cars in Bond films have ranged from an d) free gift
Aston Martin to a BMW.

5. I sometimes forget to take it when I go e) product placement

shopping, but you can add the points later.

6. Apple launched new Iphone a week ago f) product development

with lots of innovations.
7. My company set up $3 for one bottle of g) loyalty card
juice .
8. Our products are delivered from h) special offer
manufacturer to super market before
coming to customers.
EX 2.
1. Marketing a. Include basic physical needs for food,
clothing, warmth, and safety
2. A market b. Products, services, information, or
experiences— to satisfy consumers' needs and
3. The external marketing environment c. A very strong request for something
4. Needs d. Engaging customers and managing
profitable customer relationships, aiming to
attract new customers by promising superior
value and to keep and grow current customers
by delivering value and satisfaction.
5. Competitive advantages e. Refers to the factors that the company can
control and manipulate to meet its objectives.
6. Market offerings f. A group of purchasers.
7. The internal marketing environment g. These factors refer to the factors outside a
company, include micro and macro
8. Demand h. These differences between competing
firms, stemming from strengths or
EX 3.
Put the following words and expressions to the right column of
Cost Coupons Location Special deals Quality Branding Reputation
Distribution channel

product price place promotion
Quality Cost Location Branding
Reputation Coupons Distribution channel Reputation
Special deals
EX 4.
Match the needs from Maslow’s pyramid with the reasons for buying products.
1. Physiological needs
2. Safety needs
3. Social needs
4. Esteem needs
5. Self-fulfilment needs
a. A consumer purchases a smoke alarm because she wants to be warned if there is a fire.
b. A consumer purchases an English course because he wants to become the best English
spoken in his class.
c. A consumer purchases some snacks because he has invited his friends to watch an
important football match on the television.
d. A consumer buys a banh mi because he is hungry.
e. A consumer buys a trendy coat so she can look and feel good.
f. A buyer purchases a life-vest when he swims in the swimming pool.
g. A buyer purchases a bottle of water for his thirst.
h. A customer buys a latest I-phone to show off herself.
EX 5
Put the following words and expressions to the right column of Political issues, Economic
factors, Cultural issues and Technological factors.
Taxation policy Family structures
Inflation rates Developing technological processes Interest rates
Age Rate of technology transfer Employment law

Political issues Economic factors Cultural issues Technological factors

Taxation policy -Developing technologic
al processes
- Inflation rates (tỷ lệ
lạm phát) -Rate of technology trans
- Interest rates (lãi su

EX 6
Put the following words and expressions to the right column of internal environment and
Product Unemployment Rate Price Physical Evidence
Labor laws Price Staffs Technology

Internal environment External environment

Product Unemployment Rate
Price Labor laws
Physical Evidence
- Technology


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