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Example Questions

Example Question 1: Verbal Reasoning

Read the passage and answer the question that follows.
“The annual profit report from Acme Building company shows that there was a 2.3% growth
year-on-year. This is due to better hiring decisions and less staff turnover, which has
streamlined our employee retention skills.”
Was the increased profit due to having more staff?
a) Yes b)No c)Cannot say
The answer would be c) because better hiring decisions was the stated cause, and it is unclear
whether this meant that there were more or less employees.
Example Question 2: Numerical Reasoning

Example: find the percentage increase of 200 to 300

300 - 200 = 100

100 ÷ 200 = 0.5

0.5 x 100 = 50

Answer: 50%

On which day was there most profit recorded?

a) 20/01 b) 21/01 c) 22/01 d) None

The answer is b).
Example Question 3: Logical Reasoning
Find the next number in the sequence.
a) 11 b) 12 c) 10 d) 9
The answer is a) 11 - all these numbers are prime numbers and the next in numerical order
would be 11.
Prime numbers are numbers greater than 1 that only have two factors, 1 and the number
itself. This means that a prime number is only divisible by 1 and itself. If you divide a prime
number by a number other than 1 and itself, you will get a non-zero remainder.

So, from the table it is clear that 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61,
67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97 are the prime numbers.

There are 25 prime numbers between 1 and 100.

Tips to prepare for general mental ability tests

Tip 1: Practice your mental agility
There are many ways that you can hone your mental skills even before you are facing a general
mental ability test. The skills that you use in the test are those that you will need to put into
practice when you get the job.

At home, you can practice doing word searches, crosswords or other puzzles, or you can
download ‘brain training’ games for your smartphone that will utilize all sorts of different skills.
It is also a good idea to refresh your maths skills - the numerical reasoning assessment is not
challenging in terms of maths content (it is based on GCSE level maths), but you will need to be
confident in mental calculations and things like percentages and ratios.
You should also try to read widely, making use of formal writings, journals, and broadsheet
newspapers. This will help you with the verbal reasoning questions.
Tip 2: Practice tests
There are general mental ability tests available to practice online. These tests are based on
those created by the test publishers, and are an excellent way for you to get used to the way a
test is formatted and structured, the type of question that you might face, and how you need to
Taking online assessments is nerve-wracking, and unfamiliarity can make taking the test more
difficult than it needs to be.
For the best results, take practice tests under exam conditions. This should include a timer, no
distractions, and everything else that comes with taking a test.
Tip 3: Feed your body and mind
The best thing you can do for your overall performance is to ensure that you give your body and
brain the best fuel.
This means both eating well and drinking plenty, as well as getting enough sleep in the run-up
to the test. On the day, have a good breakfast and keep some water at hand to help you get
Tip 4: Read the questions
With so many different question types, you will be expected to answer questions in different
ways. It is important that you take the time to read the questions and all given information so
that you know exactly what you need to do to find the right answer.

Tip 5: Take your time

Although the general mental ability test is probably timed, you do not want to rush into
answering the questions.
Don’t let the time pressure force you into making mistakes or missing easy answers, and
remember if you get stuck on a question then move on and come back at the end if you have
time. Use the time you have wisely.

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