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This Lesson’s Objectives from the Utah Core Standards:

4th Grade Utah Art Benchmark: Students will analyze, interpret, refine, and select
artistic work for presentation. They will convey meaning in the manner in which
the art is presented.
Standard 1: Compare and contrast purposes of art museums, art galleries, and
other venues, as well as the types of personal experiences they provide.
Objective 1: Compare and contrast purposes of art museums.
1. Describe the purposes of art museums, galleries, and other venues.
2. Compare and contrast them.
3. Explain what personal experiences they provide.
My restated objectives for my 4th grade students
This week, by the end of this lesson, you will be able to present a presentation with a
partner, if you choose to have a partner, about art museums, galleries, and other
venues, and explain what they have in common, and things that are different.
Throughout this lesson, you will also have your own individual experiences with these
different art venues, and you will be able to explain them.

The Lesson Plan

Grab their attention (8 minutes):
Without taking the students to an art museum on a field trip, I will show them a virtual
fieldtrip video, walking them through an art museum so they can learn all about them,
and see just how much they have to offer. I will show this short video: Art Museum
Virtual Field Trip

Art Museum | Virtual Field Trip | KidVision Pre-K

Inform students of the lesson objectives: (1 minute)

After the video, I will tell the students “Today, we will start to do more research on art
museums and other art galleries, to gather enough research to create our own
presentations on art museums. By the end of this week, you will be able to present a
presentation about the differences and similarities between art museums, and what you
personally learned from your own research.”

Stimulate recall of prior learning: (5 minutes)

I will ask the students by raise of hands who have been to an art museum, or an art
gallery. If students raise their hands, I will then ask what they liked or disliked about the
art museums and/or galleries. I then will ask the students what they already know about
art museums and art galleries. I will either write down answers as they come or ask a
disengaged student to come and write them down for me.
Present the lesson in an engaging way for students and provide guidance: (45
Describe the purpose of art museums, art galleries, and other venues: I will have the
students stay at their desks, and I will share a presentation about art museums and art
galleries. This will give them a better sense of what they are, what their purposes are,
and why people enjoy visiting them.
I will then ask the students if they understand why people enjoy going to look at art and
ask students if they have had any cool experiences within museums of any kind, so they
can better understand why people enjoy art museums and galleries.
I am aware that they may have a few questions, so I will hold time to do a mini-Q&A
session so they can ask any questions, and I can answer the questions for them.
Compare and contrast art museums and art galleries: I will have images of both art
galleries, and art museums so they can visually see a difference, and to engage the
students, I will ask them questions about what they notice in similarities and
Same as before, I know that they may still have questions about how they are similar
and how they are different, so I will give them more time to ask questions, and I will be
more than happy to answer them.

I then will allow students to choose a partner to work on this project with. I know that
there may be some students who are not confident enough to ask someone to be their
partner, or there may be some who feel like they don’t have a friend to ask. I will be
mindful of this and keep a close eye on who is not finding a partner, and I will pair those
students with a student that I feel like they would work well with. Once every student
has a partner, I will have them pull a computer from the computer cart and sit at desks
next to each other.
Once the students have their computers, they will be given time to research and find
pictures of art museums, art galleries, and other venues. They will have a couple of days
to do the research and creating of a PowerPoint presentation, and the last couple days
of the week will be spent presenting these presentations to the class.
• Before the students begin working on researching and the presentation, I will
give them websites that will be useful in helping them find information, as well as
demonstrating how to use PowerPoint, by creating one myself in the classroom,
while they watch my screen.
• Once I have given them an example of how to research and how to create a
PowerPoint, they will be given time to create this on their own.
• As they research and create, I will walk around the classroom to monitor their
work, and ask them if they need any help
After a couple of days of spending time on this, I will check in with my students to see if
they feel confident enough to present, and when the whole class is ready, we will have
time to present to the class, and this is how I will gauge what they have learned, and
how confident they are in their knowledge.

My reflection about my lesson plan:

Overall, I feel really good about my lesson plan. Fourth graders are at an age where they
can work together with a partner without being too overwhelmed or without getting
too distracted. I also think that at this age, they can learn how to do things on their own,
such as research, without feeling abandoned by the teacher. PowerPoint is a simple
technology to use, and at this age I don’t think it is something that will be to stressful for
students to learn and use, and it gives them some independence in the classroom,
which can be very beneficial. I think this lesson will be engaging for students because it
gives them independence, and they are able to work with a friend, or a classmate that
will become a friend. I am comfortable using the technology PowerPoint because it is
something I use in several of my classes, and I have been using it for quite a few years
throughout my education.

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