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Brandan Haag

Courtney Nixon
Vanessa Ontiveros
Terence Clarke Lesson Handout
For each day of the lesson (see below), describe the steps necessary in teaching the lesson
content. This includes introducing the essential question, the key concepts, any discussion
questions, use of supporting materials, instructions and demos for students, and classroom
procedures that include how materials will be distributed and collected. Instruction focuses on
facilitating what the students will do during the lesson and in relationship to the essential
question. Be sure to select and vary instructional strategies appropriate for your unit (i.e.
demonstration, presentation/lecture, class discussion, audio/visual, individual work,
collaborative group activities, field trips, games, student research, visual displays, . . .etc). Plan
each day using the following six-part framework:
Day of the Lesson
How will I get students interested (the hook to get a students attention) in todays
exploration of the essential question? My goal is to present information about the unit in
a fun and exciting way that facilitates learning among students.
Make a fun and colorful compositions! Personal photography of things.
Guided Practice
How will I help students practice the new knowledge to make it their own? List any
reflective questions here.
Walkthrough on photoshop effects. Experiment on images.
3. Independent Practice
How will students demonstrate their knowledge without my help?
Play with it til satisfied.
What concluding event can I design that allows students to reflect on the essential
question and how the lesson helps to investigate the big idea?
Compare/Contrast with artist. Compare with past artists. Post online.
Formative Evaluation
How will I check to see if students are constructing knowledge for themselves in
relationship to the lesson objectives? How will I determine what my next instructional
steps will be during the learning process? Formative assessment is on-going throughout
guided and independent practice and takes place prior to the summative assessment.
What will I do if students need re-teaching?
Observing students, leading instructions. Ask if students need clarification.

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