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Guidelines for Annual Spring Cleaning

Dear Teachers,

Please refer to the guidelines for the Annual Spring-Cleaning Session.

1. Please follow the time slot allocated for this event to be held simultaneously for Years 7-10.
2. Students are required to remove all belongings from under the table or left behind in any
part of the classroom.
3. All joint project work that is still on display in the classroom is to be removed.
4. Reusable class decorations and unclaimed books can be put into a box that will be provided.
5. We will provide garbage bags for scrap paper and other materials. Bring the garbage bags to
the main bins located in the canteen areas.
6. All notices put up by students on the notice board are to be removed. (the ones provided by
the school to remain)
7. All sticky notes or posters put up on classroom partition walls and glass panels on doors are
to be removed. Please ask the students to be extra careful when removing wall posters. If
pulled off too roughly then it would peel the wall paint together and leave an unsightly mark
on the partition walls.
8. Classroom to be arranged 2 or 3 desks in a row.
9. There has to be 25 tables and 25 chairs in addition to a table and chair for the teacher
10. To report in the Repair and Maintenance group chat any of the furniture or fixtures that
require repair or replacement. Please give some details e.g. the class, item, photograph, etc.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation in working with the students for this Annual Spring-
Cleaning exercise.

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