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Classroom Management Plan

J Ashley Azucena
May 2020
Table of Contents
Classroom Procedures.............................................................................................................3
Classroom Discipline Plan/Rules..............................................................................................6
Seating Chart/Rationale..........................................................................................................8
Before the Students Arrive Checklist......................................................................................10
Letter/Postcard to Students...................................................................................................11
Letter to Parents....................................................................................................................12
Schedule for the First Day......................................................................................................13
First Day Bell Work Assignment.............................................................................................16
Teacher Welcome/Introduction.............................................................................................17
Classroom Procedures

¨ Teacher will greet students on arrival.
¨ Students are to arrive on class on time. If early students will wait in the hallway and read
a book.
¨ Students will enter class quietly and put away backpacks and other belongings.
¨ Students will then turn in homework or required papers to students’ mailbox.
¨ Students will wait for class to start by listening to music that is playing and looking at the
board to see if any bell work is available.
¨ Attendance will be taken once bell has rung.

¨ A student is considered late if they arrive in the classroom after the bell rings.
¨ If a student is tardy three times in a six-week period, a note will be sent home.
¨ If a student is tardy an additional three more times during the same six-week period, the
teacher will contact the parents with either a phone call or an email.
¨ If a student is tardy nine or more times during the same six-week period, the teacher
will contact the principal.

¨ If a student is absent a note needs to be sent to class prior to the absence, or the day
that the student returns back to class.
¨ If a note is sent to the class prior to the absence, teacher will have classwork available
for students to bring home.
¨ If a note is sent after absence, the student will be able to bring home the missed work.
¨ If a note is provided the absence is excused, if no note is provided then the absence is

¨ Students will be given a take home folder which is where all their homework
assignments will be.
¨ The take home folder will have a calendar that explains when homework is due.
¨ Homework is typically due on Fridays unless stated differently on the calendar.
¨ On days that homework is due, students will place homework in their mailboxes.

Getting the Class’ Attention-

¨ To grab the students’ attention, an attention grabber will be used. Different types of
attention grabbers will be taught during the first week of school.
o An example of an attention grabber:
o Teacher: Hocus Pocus Student: Everyone focus
¨ When students hear the attention grabber they will stop working on their current
assignment, stop talking and face the teacher.

Visitor in the Room-

¨ Visitors are always welcome.
¨ Visitors will be introduced to the class.
¨ If visitors arrive during a lesson, the lesson will continue.
¨ If visitors have arrived to volunteer in the classroom, then they will help students once
the students have reached their guided practice and independent practice of the lesson.
¨ Visitors should not interrupt the classroom by talking or distracting students.

Getting the Teacher’s Attention-

¨ Students who want to get the teachers attention should raise their hand quietly.
¨ Students should not yell for the teacher.
¨ During individual and quiet time, students may approach teacher without having to
raise their hands.

¨ Students will use a bathroom pass to monitor restroom use.
¨ Only one student will be allowed to use the restroom at a time unless it is at recess or
¨ During instructional time a student needs to raise their hand to show they need a
restroom break.
¨ During individual time or quiet time students may use the restroom at any time if the
bathroom pass is available.

What to Do When Done-

¨ The teacher will have a list of different activities that can be completed once a student is
done with their current work.
¨ Different activities can be: finish a different assignment that was not previously finished,
write in their journal or read their chapter book.
¨ These activities can only be done once their current work is completed.

¨ Students will clean their desk and put away their work fifteen minutes before the bell
rings. Teacher will notify students when it’s time to do this.
¨ Students will turn in all finished and unfinished work to mailboxes.
¨ Students will clean their desks and nearby areas.
¨ On days that the classroom will be vacuumed, the students will place their chairs on top
of their desks.
¨ Once the classroom is cleaned, students will be instructed to get their backpacks and
¨ Students will then line up at the door and wait for the last bell to ring to be dismissed.

Home and School Connection-

¨ The students will be sent home with a weekly newsletter at the beginning of each week.
This newsletter explains all the information about lessons for that week as well as
important dates and reminders.
¨ Parents are encouraged to contact the teacher through email, text, phone call and face
to face during conference times.
¨ Teacher will contact parents throughout the year to ensure there is open

Bullying Pledge-
¨ The students will work with the teacher to create a bullying pledge.
¨ The bullying pledge will be hung on the wall in front of the classroom for all the students
to see.
¨ The students will write down the different steps they plan to take whether they are a
victim or bystander.
¨ Different instructions that will be on the pledge are:
o Treat others respectfully
o Don’t bully others
o Refuse to watch, laugh or join in when someone is being bullied
o Tell an adult
o Help those who are being bullied
¨ All students will sign the bullying pledge and will adhere to the rules of the pledge.
¨ This classroom will not allow for any type of bullying.
Classroom Discipline Plan/Rules

A discipline plan will help to have a more effective classroom. A good classroom management
plan needs to show discipline and how it will be enforced, as well as how rewards and
consequences for when a student follows the rules or when they break the rules. Making sure
that students know the discipline plan for the classroom will ensure that no instructional time is
wasted as well as keep students accountable for their actions.

Classroom rules will be selected by both the teacher and the students. I will have a guideline of
what types of rules I want for the classroom and I will help the students get to those guidelines.
I will also use the different rules that the students decide on their own. Having the students
decide what types of rules we will set for the classroom will help them to feel as though they
have a choice in how our classroom will be run. I believe the students will be more willing to
follow the rules if they are the ones who helped create them. Once we decide as a class the
most important rules, I will write them on a poster board and each student will sign the poster
to show that they plan to follow the rules daily.

¨ Be kind, polite and courteous to others.
¨ Listen and respect the teacher as well as classmates.
¨ Follow directions.
¨ Always work hard and try your best.
¨ Have a good attitude.
¨ Be safe.

¨ Individual students:
o Every day a student follows the rules they will receive one sticker on the calendar
in their take home folder.
o For students who receive five stickers, they will be allowed to receive a prize from
the treasure box.

¨ Whole class:
o Extra recess.
o Extra story time.
o Educational board games.
o Show and Tell.
¨ Student will be the last dismissed for class.
¨ Student will describe the appropriate behavior and how they will achieve it.
¨ Student will lose five minutes of recess.

Accountability Component:
Accountability will be enforced by using stickers on the calendar. Parents will be able to tell
whether the student followed the rules that day based on whether or not they have a sticker
for the day.
¨ First offense: Verbal Warning
¨ Second offense: Lose recess for the day
¨ Third offense: Contact parents (Email, note, phone call)
¨ Fourth offense: Parent-teacher conference
Seating Chart/Rationale
Smart Board Vocabulary
Teacher stora
Word Wall
desk ge

o *Desks/Lear
r ning Centers
a *Desk *Desk
g B
e a
*Desk p
*Desk a
*Desk k
Class library/
reading corner Desk for teacher/mini
with flexible group interaction

Written Rationale:

The main part of my classroom is the seating arrangement for the students. In my
classroom I decided to have tables instead of desks. On the map I divided each table into sections
to show that there will be four students per table. I like the idea of having the tables be used as
the student’s desk but can also be used for learning centers. This will save space in the classroom
but also make sure that the students are able to do more than one thing in the area. I decided to
put the tables in a U-shape in front of the smart board so that it was easier to see. I also liked this
type of shape so that I am able to easily help the students if they need help.
Another area in my classroom is the class library/reading corner. I like the idea of having
this corner where the students can go and sit and read if they do not want to read at their table.
This corner of the classroom will have flexible seating available for students who want to use it.
Different ideas for the flexible seating are bean bags, pillows, and pod style seats with no legs.
Students are also allowed to use the flexible seating in the middle circle in between the student
desks/tables as well.
The classroom has two different desks for the teacher. The main teacher desk is at the
front of the classroom next to the smart board. I decided to put this up front because this is where
I will have my computer as well as where I will make my lessons, grade papers and take
attendance. Having my computer close to the smart board will also allow for activities on the
board to be easier. The second teacher desk will be a kidney style desk in the back of the room.
This desk will be used to work with students one on one, or in groups such as reading groups or
math groups. Putting this desk in the back of the classroom will allow me to see the rest of the
students while I am working with the mini groups, that way if I see a student who needs help, I
can go easily help them.
I decided the smart board needed to be in the front of the classroom so that it was easily
accessible for all the students to see. The U-shape of the tables allows for the board to be seen
easily. I have put the tablet cart next to the board so that all of the technology is together. I think
this will be easier for the students if they are next to each other instead of separated. The
vocabulary word wall is important because it allows the students to see the weekly words as well
as their sight words. I decided to put it in the front of the classroom so that the students will be
able to see it easily since they will be more likely to keep looking towards the front of the
classroom then behind. I added the storage and the backpacks to show that there will be an area
for all the supplies as well as an area for the student’s belongings.

Seating Assignment Method:

For the beginning of class I will have the students assigned randomly. I will use name
tags so that the students know where they sit. After a couple weeks of getting to know my
students I will rearrange their seating and assign them to spots based on their different levels of
learning. I think it would be best to have a variety of levels available at each table. This will help
the students in the lower levels of learning because they will be able to ask for help from their
peers. This will help the students in the higher levels of learning because it will give them a
chance to better understand the content while they are helping their peers. I think that all students
will benefit from this type of seating arrangement. I will continuously rotate the seating
arrangements throughout the year so that students will get the chance to work with different
Before the Students Arrive Checklist

o Create Classroom Management Plan-

o How to enter the classroom
o How to get students attention
o How to collect papers
o How to get the teachers attention
o What to do when finished early with assignments
o How to exit the classroom for dismissal
o Create a Classroom Discipline Plan-
o Create guideline for rules
o Create Rewards and Consequences for both individual students and whole class
o Create an accountability component for the rules and procedures
o Plan out two bulletin boards
o The first bulletin board will have important information and will be where the
classroom rules will be
o The second bulletin board will have sight words. The first week of school the
sight words will be used from the rules and procedures
o Create a classroom map that will outline where desks, storages and technology will be
o Create the seating chart for the students
o Create a first day of school script
o Create what will be said to parents on the first day
o Create what will be said to students once the school day begins
o Prepare the first couple weeks of lesson plans
o Allow lesson plans to flexible in case they need to be changed or altered
o The first few days the lesson plans should be about teaching the management
plan and the classroom discipline plan.
o Have games ready for students to introduce themselves
o Organize the classroom
o Have all supplies put away in storage.
o Have all the desks cleaned and storage with the daily supplies
o Have the library organized and filled with books

The teacher will meet the students at the front door. The teacher will either shake the student’s
hands or give them a high five. While the students are entering the classroom, the teacher will
say different things such as “welcome to our class,” “I am excited you are in our classroom this
year,” or “we are going to have a great year.” Saying these different things to the students will
not only help them to feel welcome but will help them to see how the classroom will be our
classroom and not just the teacher’s classroom.
Letter/Postcard to Students

The students in

Mrs. Azucena’s
2nd Grade Class!
Letter to Parents

Dear Parents, About Me:

My name is J Ashley Azucena and I
My name is J Ashley Azucena and I will be your am a first-year teacher. I have
child’s second grade teacher this following graduated with my bachelors from
school year. I am looking forward to working Tarleton State University. I am
with your child and help them succeed in currently working towards a
second grade! We have so many fun and master’s degree to become the
exciting things planned for this year and I can’t most effective teacher I can be. I
wait for your child to experience it. Your child am married with 3 kids. I have
will be learning many different things from
lived in Fort Worth for 10 years
math, English, social studies and science. I hope but before that I moved every 3
to get them as excited as learning as I am. years because I grew up in the
military. I have known since I was
On the first day of school I would like to get to 8 that I wanted to be a teacher
know my students and one of our activities will and I am finally fulfilling my
be to create our discipline plan for the year. dreams. I am excited to be
Our discipline plan includes our classroom working with you and your child.
rules, rewards, and penalties. We will create
this plan as a class and once it is completed, I
will be sending a copy home for the parents so Contact Information:
that they are aware of the plan. I also have fun Email:
activities planned for the first day of school and Phone: 817-XXX-XXXX
will be sending home a fun activity for you to Room Number: 18
work on with your child that will allow me and Grade: 2nd
the other students to get to know them better.

I am looking forward to not only working with

your child but to also work with you. Please Important Dates:
contact me with any questions or concerns. August 16, 2020- Meet the teacher

August 20, 2020- First day of school

J Ashley Azucena September 3, 2020- Back to school
Schedule for the First Day

¨ Before Class-
o Have students’ names on assigned desks so they know where to sit.
o Have all the students supplies organized and ready on their desks.
o Have the bell work posted on the interactive smartboard.
o Have soft music playing for when students enter the classroom.
o Have the daily schedule available on the board for students to see.
¨ 7:45- Before Bell Rings
o Greet students at the door with either a handshake or a high five.
o Ask the names of each student and welcome them to the class.
o Tell students where they can put their backpacks and jackets.
o Tell students to find their name on the desks and read over the bell work.
¨ 8:00- Start of the day
o During the announcements, tell students they should be listening.
o Model the correct way the students should be during the announcements.
o Take attendance by walking around the room.
¨ 8:10- Bell Work
o Introduce myself to the students.
o Begin class with bell work/ice breaker.
o Explain to the students how daily bell work will happen.
o Explain what they students are expected to do once the announcements
¨ 8:30- Procedures
o Begin explaining the procedures to the students.
o Go through all of the expected procedures as well as practice the procedures.
o I will explain each procedure one at a time. We will spend time on procedures
until all the students understand.
¨ 9:00- Discipline Plan/Consequences
o I will explain what a discipline plan is as well as give examples to the students.
o I will have a discussion with the students about what they think the
discipline/rules should be for our classroom.
o As a class we will decide on 5 rules that we want for our classroom.
o We will then create a poster board that shows all of our rules.
o Each student will sign the poster of the rules.
o We will then talk about the bully pledge and decide as a class what we want to
put on our classroom pledge.
o We will create another poster for the bully pledge which all the students will
then sign.
o Once both posters are signed, we will talk about the consequences of breaking
any of the classroom rules.

¨ 9:30- Specials
o Students will have their specials at this time.
o Students will practice the procedure of cleaning up their desk as well as lining up
quietly to leave the classroom.
¨ 10:30- Math
o As students re-enter classroom, practice the procedure of entering the
classroom quietly and returning to desk.
o Teach students to look at the board to figure out if there is anything they should
be working on.
o Explain the procedures of what to expect during math time.
o Explain the different aspects of math time such as the lessons, guided practices,
independent practices and math circles/stations.
o Students will practice transition procedures for transition between each aspect
of math time.
¨ 11:30- Lunch
o Students will practice the procedure of cleaning up and getting ready for lunch.
o Students will learn how to either get their lunch card or their packed lunch and
practice lining up for lunch.
o Students will practice walking in the halls towards the cafeteria.
¨ 12:30- Reading/ ELA
o As students re-enter the classroom, they will practice the procedure of entering
the classroom and returning their lunch boxes and going to their desks.
o Explain the procedures of ELA/Reading time.
o Explain different aspects of ELA time such as lessons, guided practices,
independent practices, ELA circles/stations.
o After explaining these aspects, explain reading groups and how reading groups
will work.
o Students will practice the procedures for Reading/ELA transitions.
¨ 1:45- Recess
o Students will practice the procedures of lining up.
o Students will practice the procedures of quietly walking the hall towards outside.
o Students will play at recess.
o Students will practice the procedure of lining up and re-entering the classroom.
¨ 2:00- Science/Social Studies
o Students will practice the procedure of re-entering the classroom.
o Explain the procedures of science/social studies time.
o Explain different aspects of this time such as the lessons, guided practices,
independent practices, and science/social studies stations.
o Explain how the time will be split between science and social studies.
¨ 2:45- Cleaning Up
o Explain to students how to put away all current work that they are working on.
o Explain to students how to clean their desk as well as put away their supplies
o Explain to students how to clean up the floor around them and throw away all
o Students will practice the procedure of cleaning up.
¨ 2:50- Packing Up/Dismissal
o Explain the procedures of packing up backpacks and dismissal.
o Explain to students how to get their backpacks ready to go home.
o Explain to students how to get in line according to how they get home: walk, bus,
or pickup.
o Students will practice dismissal procedures.
o Teacher will tell each student what a wonderful day they had and how I am
excited for our journey for the year.
o Students will be dismissed for the day.
First Day Bell Work Assignment

For the first day of school, I plan to have an ice breaker as the first bell work assignment.
The type of ice breaker that I am going to assign is “Talk and Walk.” In this ice breaker each
student is given a different type of question on a card. Students will have to walk around and
introduce themselves to another student and then they each ask each other their question and
share their answers. The students will also be doing this with the teacher as well. The students
must talk to each person, no one will be left out. One all the students are done they will each
share something they thought was interesting about one other student.
I believe that an ice breaker will help build not only the relationship between the
teacher and students, but between the students as well. I believe that this will help the
students get to know each other and not be too shy on the first day. This will also help students
to learn how to work collaboratively with their peers. In my classroom there will be many
activities where students have to work in pairs or groups so this will allow them to get to know
the other students. The collaborative work they will work on in the future will be more
successful if students are willing to talk to each other. I also believe that an ice breaker will help
to create a relaxed environment for the classroom and make the students feel safe, which is
especially important on the first day of school.

An example of “Talk and Walk:”

Teacher Welcome/Introduction

This presentation will be presented to the students after the bell work ice breaker. I chose to
put pictures and not too many words so that I have the student’s attention while we are going
over this PowerPoint. I believe that the students will listen to me more if they are not distracted
by trying to read what the PowerPoint is saying. This introduction presentation will transition
me into teaching the students about the procedures of the classroom.


With Mrs. Azucena

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