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As my team conducted interviews with students on Pitt campus regarding their physical health

habits, we were able to observe a trend of improper sleep. Students oftentimes neglect physical
health while balancing school and a social life. We needed to create a solution that helps students
get better sleep while also recognizing that students are unable to commit a lot of effort or time
to our product, which led to the Sleep Watch. It is a watch provided to every freshman student by
the University of Pittsburgh. This way of distribution, rather than individually selling them for
example, will greatly broaden our user base among our target audience. The watch tracks your
sleep and also provides alarms or reminders to sleep. It will have unique features such as
connection to a Pitt supported mobile app. On the app, students can access the statistics of their
sleep, suggestions, educational information, and a leaderboard system. We believe the aspect of
competition can add additional motivation to sleep more. When we asked students to interact
with our product, they responded that they do not wear a watch at night because it is bulky and
uncomfortable, and the screen is too bright at night. In response to our user needs, we ensure that
our wristband is a stretchy, comfortable material with a flat screen and the brightness of the
screen adapts to the environmental light. Overall, our watch’s purpose is to make it easier for
students to be aware of their sleeping habits. With healthier sleep, students are able to thrive in
other fields of their life, such as academic success, and mental or physical health.

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