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Comments for Reading Skills:

1. (Name)’s reading skills are great! They can read full sentences by (his/her)self.

2. (Name) is a confident reader. They can read whole sentences by (his/her)self.

3. (Name) can read individual words, but finds it more difficult to read whole sentences.

4. (Name) should use their finger to cover and read individual sounds and words if they
get stuck.

5. (Name) can read short stories by (his/her)self.

6. (Name) tends to rush when reading and skip or make mistakes easily.

7. (Name) can read well but needs more practice, I suggest practising with more short
stories or comics.

8. (Name) can read short sentences in English, but their reading comprehension level is
low, so it often seems that they can’t understand the meaning of the sentence.

9. (Name) can read short passages and then summarise, in their own words, what they
have read.

10. (Name) can read short passages and identify key themes in their reading.

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