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john paul ii parish, kang barombi


The bishop goes to the place where the foundation stone is to be laid and, taking off the miter, he
makes the sign of the cross and greets the people in the following words:

Bishop: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit
Answer: Amen.
Bishop. Our help is in the Name of the Lord;
Answer. Who made heaven and earth.
Bishop. O Lord, hear our prayer;
Answer. And let our cry come before you.

General Intercession

Bishop: Brothers and sisters, let us ask God, our all-powerful Father, that the
work we have begun here will contribute to the building up of His Kingdom and
join us in faith and love to Christ, who is the cornerstone.
Response: Blessed be God forever.

Assisting Minister:
1. Lord God, you have given us the knowledge and power to become your co-workers.
(Let us bless the Lord:) R:
2. Through your Son, you have chosen to build your Church upon solid rock. (Let us bless
the Lord:). R
3. Through the Spirit of your Son, you form us into a spiritual house where you make
your dwelling place. (Let us bless the Lord:) R
4. You inspire in us the firm hope that the building we have commenced with your
blessing will be brought to completion with your protection. (Let us bless the Lord:) R
5. With much labour you shape and polish us into living stones until you make us worthy
to be built up into a new and holy Jerusalem. (Let us bless the Lord:) R

With hands outstretched over the foundation, the celebrant continues with the prayer of blessing:
All-Powerful and all-merciful Father, you have created all things through
your Son and have made him the unshakable foundation of your Kingdom.
Through the gift of your eternal wisdom, grant that the undertaking we have
begun here for your glory and our own well-being may progress day by day to
its successful completion.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
As circumstances suggest, the celebrant may sprinkle the construction site with holy water.
When this is completed, the celebrant turns to the foundation stone and says:

st. john paul ii parish, kang barombi 4th june 2023

st. john paul ii parish, kang barombi
Let us pray:

(He takes a pause and then, with hands outstretched, the celebrant says)

Father, the prophet Daniel spoke of your son,

as a stone wondrously hewn from a mountain.
The apostle Paul spoke of him,
as a stone firmly founded.
Bless + O Lord this stone,
which we lay in His name
and grant through the invocation
of Thy holy name that all who with
pure intention promote the building of this church,
may enjoy health of body and soul.
You appointed him
the beginning and the end of all things.
May this work begin, continue,
and be brought to fulfilment in him,
for he is Lord for ever and ever.

Then the bishop may sprinkle the stone with holy water and incense it. Afterward he receives the
miter again.
When he has finished, the bishop lays the stone on the foundation in silence or, if he wishes, saying
these or similar words:

With faith in Jesus Christ

we lay this stone
on which a church will rise.
May it be a place of sacrament
and a source of grace
to the glory of the Father
who with the Son and Holy Spirit
lives and reigns for ever and ever.

A stone mason then fixes the stone in with mortar. Meanwhile, if the occasion demands, the
following song(s) is sung.

- My Hope is built on Nothing Less…, on Christ the Solid Rock I stand….

- The Church’s one Foundation….

Final Blessing at the End of Mass

st. john paul ii parish, kang barombi 4th june 2023

st. john paul ii parish, kang barombi
Celebrant: The Lord be with you
Response: And with your spirit
With hands outstretched over those present, the celebrant concludes the rite by saying:
May the Lord almighty bless you and kindly
receive the desire of your hearts. R: Amen
May the Lord give you trust in him so that
you will do all things in his name. R: Amen
May the Lord regard your work with
kindness and watch over your lives. R: Amen.
And may the blessing of the Almighty God,
the Father+, and the Son+, and the Holy Spirit +,
come down upon you and remain with you now and forever. R: Amen
Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your lives. R: Thanks be to God.

It is preferable to end the celebration with a suitable song while the Celebrant and Ministers
process to the sacristy.

st. john paul ii parish, kang barombi 4th june 2023

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