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Death and the knight

It narrates the feats of a highborn knight, unmatched strategist in the battlefield, she
met and unwinnable battle. Calling upon help from the gods, only Death answered.
And there their love story was born. The battle was won. For the language and
references this looks like a tale from and earlier age. It reads she spent her last days at
her fortified retreat with a view to the sea. There’s no mention on how her life ended.

Chapter 2 Litua
The legend of the 5 blades

This seems like a logbook authored by Dabron Sashenstar. He was driven to find the
five blades. From his scribbles you can gather he might have flown over the cuckoo's
nest. He seemed fairly convinced a band of mercenaries had come across 5 powerful
artifact weapons, conquered the continent and splitted it between them. Apparently
they might have been the father’s of the nations we know today. In his notes he says
he found one. On a crypt on the old capital of Ariso. He mentions he was on his way
to retrieve the second one on Pantoy. His journal stops abruptly. At the end of it, in
a little pouch on the back of the tome there’s notes about the blades themselves,
but they look like the fixation of a madman, he seemed obsessed with the metal this
weapons were made with, the rest of the scribbles are illegible.

Chapter 2 Litua

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