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Business Letter
a) Number 1, is recipients :
Rachel Gomez
b) Number 2, Body (What is the purpose of the letter sent) :
The letter is about a business letter given to another company, to
recommend Ashley Singer who works as a Junior Analyst at
Clouddatanow. Rachel Gomez made an offer to Vincent Prasad to
accept Ashley Singer into his company.
c) Number 3, is sender or signature ( For whom the letter is for):
The letter is to be addressed to Vincent Prasad

2. Mistake 1 : shortened words, “u” instead of “you” (Thank u for your

Mistake 2 : “n” instead of “and” (Prices n terms satisfactory).
When we write the formal letter, we shouldn’t shorten common words.
Mistakes 3 : july (should be July), name of months must start with capital
Mistakes 4 : the question mark (?) after word payment, the sentence is a
positive sentence not a question sentence. So, there is no need to add a
question mark at the end.
Mistake 5 : word waste “Robert Brown”. The sender’s name is only
written once.

3. Dear Prof. Allen Smith,

I trust this message finds you well. I want to extend my sincere

appreciation for your acceptance of our invitation to speak at the upcoming
International Conference on Education and Technology. Your expertise
and contributions in the field of Education and Technology are highly
esteemed, and we feel privileged to include you in our event. Your
participation is a source of honor for us, and we believe that your extensive
experience and research in the Technology field will greatly benefit our
eager participants, who are keen on learning from distinguished experts
like yourself. The seminar program has been meticulously crafted to
ensure a diverse range of topics and perspectives, and Your keynote
address on "Sustainability in Tropical Environments for Education and
Technology" is expected to set the tone for the entire event, inspiring
participants to explore this subject matter further. If We eagerly anticipate
your presence at our seminar and value the feedback you will provide.
Should you have any questions or require additional.

Thank you once again for your support and participation.

Best regards,
Cendi Alby Bagakara

Youth Organization Movement

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