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Menulis Novel untuk Pemula

1. Ide utama cerita

2. Genre cerita
3. Target pembaca
4. Alternatif ide
5. Judul yang menarik (unik, provokatif, bombastis, memiliki ‘tenaga’,
menandakan inti cerita)
6. Tokoh Utama
7. Outline
8. Mulai menulis
9. Setting cerita
10. Dialog penuh arti
11. Plot besar
12. Klimaks novel
13. Cover yang menarik

Badass Female Character

1. Don’t make them rely on the opinions of others.
2. Make them stand up for themselves and others.
3. Give them a set of skills beneficial for combat.
4. Have them speak their mind regardless of what others think.
5. Give them a few weaknesses.

To write assassins
1. Give them a simple weapon (Unique weapons makes them easier to
track down afterwards).
2. Give them camouflage to help blend into the crowd.
3. Do they feel some sort of long lasting mental trauma be of their job
as an assassin?
4. What led them to become an assassin in the first place?
Title Fantasy Novel

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