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Q1: Her TV roles have included Brenda Walsh & Prue Halliwell?

The crrect Answer is: Shannen Doherty

Q2: Richard II's Queen Anne is credited with this invention that allowed women to ride

The crrect Answer is: side saddle

Q3: The demise of this monarch is depicted here?

The crrect Answer is: Louis XVI

Q4: This animated 2001 movie about a green ogre was based on a William Steig story?

The crrect Answer is: <i>Shrek</i>

Q5: (Kelly of the Clue Crew shows us the solar array on the roof of Sony Pictures Studios.)
Solar panels like the one used here at Sony convert energy from the sun into direct current,
using these types of cells, PV for short?

The crrect Answer is: photovoltaic

Q6: A dolphin loses its tail in a crab trap in this family film based on a real dolphin named

The crrect Answer is: <i>Dolphin Tale</i>

Q7: In Illinois only Chicago has a larger population than this manufacturing city?

The crrect Answer is: Rockford

Q8: This Asian country's capital city is Dushanbe?

The crrect Answer is: Tajikistan

Q9: In 2000 the Yankees & the Mets played in a World Series dubbed this?

The crrect Answer is: the "Subway Series"

Q10: A Hamburg housewife?

The crrect Answer is: a <i>hausfrau</i>

Q11: 1995: "Every Movie's A Circus", along with "As If We Never Said Goodbye"?

The crrect Answer is: <i>Sunset Boulevard</i>

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