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Q1: Tatiana Maslany stars as this title character: "Attorney at Law"?

The crrect Answer is: She-Hulk

Q2: (Kelly of the Clue Crew shows a brainy animation on the monitor.) When cerebral
arteries become dilated, it can often lead to this vascular pain also known as cephalalgia?

The crrect Answer is: a headache

Q3: A small army unit for Shiva or Zeus?

The crrect Answer is: God squad

Q4: The Second Punic War was Rome vs. this?

The crrect Answer is: Carthage

Q5: Toads get 'em, frogs don't, & neither of them can give them to you?

The crrect Answer is: Warts

Q6: Don't borrow money from one of these, who'll let you have it at an excessively high rate
of interest?

The crrect Answer is: a loan shark

Q7: An airplane reservation made on the Internet & that you print out yourself?

The crrect Answer is: an e-ticket

Q8: The cardoon, a type of thistle, is closely related to this "globe" vegetable?

The crrect Answer is: artichoke

Q9: At the far turn, it's my friend this horse now ridden by Alison Lohman, taking over for
Roddy McDowall?

The crrect Answer is: Flicka

Q10: (Kelly of the Clue Crew presents the clue from the Winterthur Museum in Delaware.)
Distressed by the discount-store furnishings, this woman reached out to the man who built
up Winterthur to redecorate, especially the Green Room; she later wrote to him,
"Everything lovely in the White House now is all your contribution"?

The crrect Answer is: Jackie Kennedy

Q11: (Hi, I'm Brian McKnight.) In 1993 I sang on & also co-produced these guys' "Christmas
Interpretations" album?

The crrect Answer is: Boyz II Men

Q12: A man reported the theft of these pipes, like the one Alice's caterpillar smokes; the
cops came & made a pot-growing bust?

The crrect Answer is: hookahs

Q13: Chris Cagney & Rosie O' Neill?

The crrect Answer is: Sharon Gless

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