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"A Change of Heart"

Characters:Devyansh(Lazy Boy)
Hemaditya(Devyansh’s Best Friend)
Suvan(Devyansh’s Best Friend)

Scene: School Classroom

[The classroom is filled with students, and the teacher, Mr. Rithvik, is at the
front, waiting for everyone to settle in. Devyansh, who has a reputation for being
lazy and unproductive, enters the room slowly, yawning.]

Mr. Rithvik: Devyansh, you're late again. Please, try to be on time.

[Devyansh takes a seat at the back of the classroom, looking disinterested. Suvan
and Hemaditya, his classmates, exchange glances.]

Scene: Football Field

[Children are playing football in the field and Devyansh is just sitting on the side
watching the others play. The ball rolls towards him…]

Hemaditya: Devyansh! Can you pass us the ball?

Devyansh: …… (Gets up saying nothing)

[Devyansh kicks the ball slightly away from where it originally was and in another

Suvan: Poor Devyansh. He's always like this.

Hemaditya: Yeah, it's like he doesn't care about anything.

[Mr. Rithvik starts the lesson, and Devyansh seems disengaged as usual.]

[Days pass, and Devyansh's behavior remains consistent. He never participates in

class, never joins any sports activities, and his grades continue to decline.]

Suvan: Hemaditya, I really feel sorry for Devyansh. It's like he's given up on

Hemaditya: I know, Suvan. But what can we do? He doesn't seem interested in

[As the days pass, Devyansh continues to show some sudden progress. He starts
participating in sports activities and his grades steadily improve. One day, during a
class discussion, Devyansh raises his hand and answers a question correctly. The
class and Mr. Rithvik are surprised.]

Scene: School Library

Suvan: Hey, Devyansh! What's going on with you? You seem so focused on your
studies lately.

Devyansh: Oh, hey, Suvan. Yeah, something changed in me recently.

Suvan: Changed? You've never been this serious about studying before. What

Devyansh: Well, it all started one night when I overheard my dad talking on the

Suvan: What was he talking about?

Devyansh: He was talking to a creditor, asking for more time to pay back the loans
he took for my education.
Suvan: Loans? I thought your family was fine.

Devyansh: We were, but my dad had to take those loans to ensure I could go to a
good school and get a proper education.

Suvan: Oh, I had no idea. That must have been tough on your family.

Devyansh: It was. That night, I couldn't sleep. I realized how selfish and lazy I
had been, wasting the opportunity my parents worked so hard to provide. I decided
that I needed to change.

Suvan: And you did! I mean, look at you now, Devyansh. You're studying like a

Devyansh: I have to make it worth the sacrifices my parents made. I can't let
them down anymore.

Suvan: That's a great attitude, Devyansh. I'm proud of you.

Devyansh: Thanks, Suvan.

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