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Play egrang with fun

Nama : Budi setiawan

Npm : 20228500087
Prodi : POR (olahraga)
Dosen pengampu: Dr. Audi yundayani, M. Pd
Every year before august each school holds a
traditional inter school competition, and all student are
entitled to participated in the event. This event is held
every year to commemorate and preserve traditional
games, so that today’s children know how exciting
traditional games are. Traditional games teach about
cooperation and communication as well as good
motorik skills so that they beneficial for the body and
development of children.
One day during school recess, ruben and doni, who
where interested in traditional games, were having a
conversation and were going to take part in the game.
Ruben : There is a traditional competition, How about is
Doni : oke, but what is the competition?
Ruben : Don egrang.
Doni : Can you play it?
Ruben : I can’t. But we can learn together. We have to
praktice first.
Doni : Ok, it’s new challenge for me.
Ruben : Who can teach us to play it?
Doni : May be Didin can teach us. Didin is the winner of
egrang competition in independence day.
Ruben : Didin? My neighbor?
Doni : yeah.
Ruben : Ok, I will try to ask him after this.
Doni : Ok
After school Ruben went to Didin’s house to ask about
his wishes.
Ruben : Din, Didin?
Didin : What’s up ben?
Ruben : Can you teach me and Doni to practice egrang?
Didin When you will be practice?
Ruben : I’ II let you know later.
Didin : Ok.
Ruben : Don, can we practice egrang after school?
Doni : Ok, please ask Didin first.
Ruben : Ok.
Ruben : Din, can you teach egrang after school?
Didin : Yeah, I can you can go to my home to practice
with me. It will better at 4 o’clock.
Doni : Ben, can he teach us?
Ruben : Yeah, he can.
Doni : What time we , will go to Didin house?
Ruben : At 4 o’clock.
Doni : Ok.
Ruben : Din, I will go to my house now.
Didin : Ok, go ahead.
Ruben : Ok.
Ruben : Will be there soon.
Didin : Ok, ben.
Didin : How about if we prepare the equipments ben?
Ruben : Ok din.
Doni : Hi, friends sorry I’m late.
Didin : Ok
Ruben : It’s okay
Ruben : How do you play it?
Doni : Please teach us din!
Didin : You have to adjust the balance first.
Ruben : How to balance?
Didin : I hold the bamboo and you can practice first
Didin : Hold your balance and hold the bamboo.
Ruben : I’ II try din.
Didin : I’ m off my handle
Ruben : I am fall again din.
Didin : Your hand and feet must be balance.
Ruben : I ‘ II try again.
Didin : Now try to walk
Ruben : Wow, it’s true we have to balance
Didin : Don’t be hurry ben.
Ruben : Ok, din.
Ruben : I’m so tired. Hahaha.....
Didin : Doni, how about you?
Doni : Not bad
Ruben : It was late in the day let’s go home.
Doni : Let’s go
They then go home with a happy feeling because they
can play egrang.

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