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CHAPTER ONE- An unexpected party

1. What is Gandalf’s reputation?

Ans. Gandalf’s reputation throughout the first chapter of the unexpected party, states that
Gandalf is a very wise and adventurous man.

2. What kind of mark does Gandalf put on Bilbo’s door?

Ans. While banging the door with the stick Gandalf leaves a nasty dent on Bilbo’s beautiful

3. How many dwarves come to tea?

Ans. The Dawrves, also known as the uninvited guests all so took part in the tea; there
where a total of 13 Dwarves.

4. What does Thorin wear to distinguish himself from the other dwarves?

Ans. Thorin wears a special long silver tassel to significantly distinguish himself.

5. What two things does Gandalf give Thorin?

Ans. Gandalf gives 2 items to Thorin, which is a key and a map.

6. How did the dwarves lose their treasure and kingdom?

Ans. The dwarves lost their treasure and their kingdom due to Smaug the dragon, he killed
most of the dwarves in the kingdom and all so took their treasure.

7. What are your first impressions of Bilbo?

Ans. The first impressions of Bilbo that I have are that Bilbo is a very organised and
respected Hobbit; as he hasn’t done anything unexpected.
8. What are your first impressions of Thorin?
Ans. My first impression on Thorin the dwarve was very haughty and unique, as he had a
special silver tassel on his hood.

CHAPTER 1- An unexpected party Summary

Bilbo Baggins is a Hobbit, who loves the comfort of his home, one day Bilbo passes Gandalf,
who is wise wizard, Gandalf had told Bilbo about a adventure that he wants to go on with
someone, but Bilbo had clearly declined the invitation. Then the next day, 13 Dwarves and
Gandalf had arrived to Bilbo’s house and demanded for refreshments and cake, while they
enjoyed singing and dancing.

The dwarves where In a seek for their fathers and grandfathers long lost treasure; then Gandalf
pulls out the key and map to success of finding the long lost treasure, then soon the Dwarves
head to bed along with making plans for the next day.

CHAPTER 2- Roast mutton

Comprehension questions and summary together

Bilbo Baggins wakes up the next morning and finds that the dwarves are gone, also read the
note gandalf gave him (left by the dwarves) the the dwarves have asked Bilbo to help them
achieve in their adventurous quest; I think it’s quiete fair as all his food, clothing and all so
funeral expenses and with all that he will also receive a 1-14 share of the gold.

So then the Dwarves and Bilbo take off on their ponies and also Gandalf came along, they ride
comfortable so far but leading to a bad wet weather of May, then soon gandalf disappears; as
the group are trying to set up the camp in the wet weather May, they saw some light in the
forest and they sent Bilbo to investigate and then when he got their he finds 3 trolls, William,
Bert and Tom.

The hungry gang are trying to set up a camp in the unpleasant wet weather, suddenly the gang
of dwarves and the hobbit see light in the forest and told Bilbo to go and investigate what is
going on, Biblo gets there and finds out to see that their where 3 trolls roasting mutton and
complaint for men to eat for dinner. Bilbo is trying to act and behave like a burglar and tried
reaching for Williams purse on his pocket, and he gets caught as William fiercely grabs Bilbo
gets grabbed on the neck.

Bilbo gets caught and the Trolls couldn’t decide what to do with him, eat him or leave him, then
the trolls divided that he won’t make a satisfying dinner so they left him, then Balin walks in
and takes bilbo to the sack and also the dwarves who came looking for him, but Bilbo want in
the sack he was hiding on top of the bush.
As the Dwarves are being held in the sacks and the trolls have been talking about how they
should have the dwarves for dinner; Gandalf diligently and in a invisible manner rescues the
dwarves, by interrupting the trolls, by talking to them in a troll manner. Then Gandalf tricks the
trolls and turns them into stone, then Gandalf and Bilbo free the Dwarves and they also find a
key to the trolls secret hoard.
As Dwarves open up the door to the trolls hoard, they open up and find many treasure,call
kinds of swords, clothing, food, brass buttons, beautiful scabbards and jewelled hilts; as
exploring the the dirty mouldy hoard, the dwarves wanted to come out, as they came out they
brought pots of gold coins, untouched food and also a barrel of ale.

The next morning the group take their gold to keep it safe, so they burry it near the river for
safekeeping, then Gandalf told Thorin about what was going in Rivendell.

1. Why does the expedition take shelter in the cave?
Ans. The travelers are caught in a very bad weather condition causing by a massive and violent
thunderstorm and all so the three are the stone giants who are who are fighting and the
expedition took place in the cave.

2. Why isn’t Gandalf captured?

Ans. Bilbo wakes up Gandalf when Bilbo loudly screams and escapes by striking out the fierce
lightning at the goblins.

3. What do the goblins usually do with their prisoners?

Ans. With the prisoners the Goblins make them as slaves and use them for building things and
instruments and making all the things they can until their death for a want of air and light or
they eat them.

4. How does Gandalf rescue Bilbo and the Dwarves?

Ans. Gandalf rescues the Dwarves and Bilbo by stabbing and killing the great goblin and
distracts the others and meanwhile Bilbo gets lost because he gets dropped off by Dori, which
means that Bilbo is not rescued yet.
5. What do you think the feeling of the group are at this moment now that they have found a
shelter? Is there any tension between any of the characters?
Ans. As the dwarves have found a shelter away from the violent and fierce weather, i guess
they are feeling safe but i think they also have a slight fear as they in a unknown place and as
they could hear the Goblins.

1. How does Bilbo to know his sword was made in by elves? why is it good Bilbo lost his
Ans. Bilbo recognizes that the sword is made by elves as he sees the the sword glow when the
sword is near the Goblins. It’s good that Bilbo lost his matches as ends up finding the ring when
he is finding his way around the dark, or else someone could have smelt the fire or the tobacco
burning and the act of looking for them revealed his anger.

2. How does Gollum guess that Bilbo has his ring?

Ans. Gollum guesses that Bilbo has his ring by failing to answer the riddle correctly and in his
last chance he went to look for his ring and it wasn’t there, and he remembered Bilbo’s
question he put 2 and 2 together and later on Gollum asked Bilbo, what he had on his pocket
and Bilbo refused to answer to Gollum’s question.

3. How do the Goblins know that someone is at the gate? which of dwarves is most surprised to
see Bilbo?
Ans. The Goblins see Bilbo’s shadows and believe that there is someone is there and it is Bilbo;
The most surprised dwarve to see Bilbo is Balin.

4. Explain what the feelings of the dwarves would be when they first see Bilbo?
Ans. The dwarves would be very surprised, happy and mostly relieved as he is safely back to

1. After reading this chapter why do you think it has been given the title it has, “Out of the
frying pan and into the Fire”?
Ans. As the title of the title of the of the chapter is much more interesting, it makes sense as
Bilbo and his group get out of the caves with his group and he ends up climbing up the tree
which refers as the frying pan and when they get outside of the tree, there’s a fire when the
wolves come, so it basically means when they got out, they get into the fire.
2. How does Bilbo know he is on the east side of the Misty Mountains?
Ans. Bilbo had wandered on and on till he saw the sun began to sink westwards, behind the
mountain, so they realized he was at the west side of the misty mountains.

3. What is the proverb that Bilbo invents? Try to create a modern proverb with a similar
Ans. Bilbo creates a proverb saying” out of the frying pan and into the fire” The proverb I came
up with is, “strive to achieve” as it means you have to strive hard enough to achieve something

4. Why does the lord of the eagles notice the expedition?

Ans. The Eagles notice the expiation because they could see there was a lot of fire, and the
Eagles noticed the fire made by the pine cones.

5. Why won’t the eagles fly near where men live? What do you think Tolkien us suggesting
about mankind’s place in his imagined world? Are men the wisest, noblest, or most powerful
beings, if not, who is?
Ans. The Eagles won’t fly near where the live because the men would shoot the Eagles; I think
the most wisest and the noblest or the most powerful beings are wizards (Gandalf)

1. What is a skin-changer?
Ans. A skin changer, is recognized as Beorn because he can change into a big bad bear and
also into a huge black-haired man with a huge beard.
2. What does Beorn eat (p. 116)? Why do you think he chooses to eat this way? What does
it suggest about his inherent character traits?
Ans. Beorn mostly lives on cream and honey, he chooses not to hunt nor eat the wild
animals, which tells the readers that he is not a animal killer or a meat eater.
3. How does Gandalf get Beorn to shelter thirteen dwarves?
Ans. Firstly, Beorn didn’t show much interest at all on the dwarves later on Beirn gets
interested in them by hearing a story that Beorn and the dwarves both related to, then he
got more enthusiastic about them.
4. What eventually interests Beorn about the dwarves’ tales? What group of creatures does
Beorn seem to dislike?
Ans. Beorn got interest on the tale of how the dwarves had killed and escaped the goblins
and then beorn got interested because he seemed to dislike the the goblins as Aswell as the
goblins and Beorn where enemies.
5. What is the most important advice that Beorn and Gandalf give about Mirkwood? Do you
think this advice will be followed? Defend your answer.
Ans. Beorn had told and advised the group that the Mirkwood is dark, dangerous and
difficult, it is also hard to find food and water, there is only one streams river which is
deadly, then Gandalf added that they must stick to the path and keep their hopes up.
1. What do the dwarves shoot with their bows?
Ans. The dwarves and Bilbo attempt to shoot and kill the deer for feast, but they couldn’t
kill any of them.
2. When Bilbo climbs the tree, why doesn’t he see an end to the forest?
Ans. The trees have might of stretched all over the place and made it look like a never-
ending path that’s why they didn’t get to see the end of the forest.
3. What does Bombur dream of?
Ans. No but wakes up from a dream him being in a feat in the woods, and he remembers
nothing about the journey he had.
4. What does Bilbo name his sword? What does his decision to name his sword reveal about
the heroic qualities he is developing?
Ans. Bilbo names his sword sting, he had killed dangerous and deadly spiders with that
5. How does Bilbo rescue the dwarves? What skills does he use to defeat the spiders?
Ans. Bilbo throws stones at the spiders and uses his sword, sting to scare them off and he
realizes the dwarves.

1. Why, where, and how are the dwarves imprisoned? Why wasn’t Bilbo imprisoned as
well? How does Bilbo get in and out of the palace?
Ans. While trying to find their way around Mirkwood the dwarves are captured by wood
elves, and Bilbo is invisible as he has his ring on and follows to a cave across the river where
the dwarves are taken to Elven king. As Bilbo could see the dwarves placed in separate
prison cells, he met Thorin and passed on a message to the other dwarves that he was there
and of a plan of escape, the plan is to get the king drunk and get the wine barrels and place
the dwarves in each wine barrel and drop them off to the lake just underneath cave and to
meet up at lake town; so they did follow the plan and ended up at the lake town; basically
he comes in and out of the magic door.
2. How many entrances does the palace have?
Ans. there are 2 entrances in the palace one is main entrance and the other is in the wine
3. Where is the elves’ wine made?
Ans. The wine is made from the heady vintage of the great gardens of Dorwinion.
1. What are the connotations of the word master? What does the fact that the town’s leader is
called “Master” rather than: King” or “Mayor” or “Governor” suggest about the way he rules?
Why does the Master welcome the expedition?
Ans. By saying master it’s all so refers him to like someone who is controlling and views his
subjects as something he owns. The master welcomes the expedition because everyone was
already cheering, the return of the king under the mountain.
2. What is the history of the relationship between the dwarves and the men?
Why are the dwarves happy? Why is Bilbo unhappy?
Ans. The men are wealthy and powerful men when Dale was rich and prosperous, some people
had hopes Thror and Thrain would return so they could be happy and wealthy again. Bilbo is
unhappy because he is worried about thinking how they will kill Smaug while the dwarves
where being treated well.
3. What does the Elvenking think will happen to the dwarves?
Ans. Elvenking suspects that the dwarves are very bad burglars and thinks that they will come
to a bad end.
4. What is the Master’s reaction when Thorin announces his departure?
Ans. When Thorin announced his departure, the master’s reaction was that he was very
shocked and all so frightened.

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