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C.E.R. Short Answer Question Workbook

Student Activity: read a passage and use CER to complete the short answer questions.

How to share with students: These pages are sized for printing or can be assigned digitally
using an LMS (like Google Classroom), where students can work on their own slide decks via
“Make a Copy for Each Student.” Each slide is set up with text boxes for students to type in.

Please Note: Because Diffit resources can vary in length, be sure to check the formatting on
each slide.

Suggested Lesson Flow:

1. Preview Vocabulary with students prior to reading.
2. Have students read the passage and take notes.
3. Complete the Claims Evidence Reasoning graphic organizer for each Short Answer
4. Have students go through the Multiple Choice Questions. Students will answer each
question and explain their thinking.
5. Have students complete the Open Ended Questions and discuss with partners or groups
their responses.

Feel free to edit, remix, and use this resource however works best for you and your students!

Learn More: Please reach out with any questions or feedback. You can also learn more on our
FAQ page, or get more resources at!

TEACHER INSTRUCTION PAGE (delete this slide)

Claims, Evidence, Reasoning
Instructions: After reading, answer the following short answer question using evidence from the
text. Use the C.E.R. format to ensure you answer the question, include evidence, and explain how
the evidence supports your answer.

¿Dónde se celebra la Feria de Abril?

Write a sentence that
clearly answers the

Use evidence from the
text/source to support
your answer. Be
specific as you quote
or paraphrase the text.

Explain the evidence in
your own words and
elaborate on its
significance or
implications to the
topic and/or to your

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Claims, Evidence, Reasoning
Instructions: After reading, answer the following short answer question using evidence from the
text. Use the C.E.R. format to ensure you answer the question, include evidence, and explain how
the evidence supports your answer.

¿Qué tipo de vestimenta usan las mujeres en la Feria de Abril?

Write a sentence that
clearly answers the

Use evidence from the
text/source to support
your answer. Be
specific as you quote
or paraphrase the text.

Explain the evidence in
your own words and
elaborate on its
significance or
implications to the
topic and/or to your

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Claims, Evidence, Reasoning
Instructions: After reading, answer the following short answer question using evidence from the
text. Use the C.E.R. format to ensure you answer the question, include evidence, and explain how
the evidence supports your answer.

¿Cuánto tiempo dura la Feria de Abril?

Write a sentence that
clearly answers the

Use evidence from the
text/source to support
your answer. Be
specific as you quote
or paraphrase the text.

Explain the evidence in
your own words and
elaborate on its
significance or
implications to the
topic and/or to your

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Read & Summarize
Instructions: Read the passage below. Take notes as you read in the space provided.

Take Notes Here

La Feria de Abril es una fiesta muy famosa en España, especialmente
en Sevilla. Se celebra en un lugar llamado Real, donde hay muchas
casetas blancas con rayas rojas o verdes. Dentro de las casetas, la
gente come, bebe, habla y baila para divertirse. Pero no todas las
casetas son públicas, algunas son privadas y solo los dueños o
personas invitadas pueden entrar. También hay música y baile
sevillano, que es muy popular en España. Durante la feria, también
hay corridas de toros y un parque de diversiones llamado Calle del
Infierno. La gente se viste elegante y hay carrozas y caballos por las
calles. La Feria de Abril dura una semana y es una fiesta muy
entretenida para todos.
Durante la Feria de Abril en Sevilla, la gente celebra durante una
semana. Comienza con el encendido de las luces en la fachada y la
tradición de comer pescado frito. Hay un parque de diversiones
llamado Calle del Infierno con puestos de comida y restaurantes. A la
gente de Sevilla le gusta mucho la corrida de toros y durante la feria
participan los mejores toreros. También hay música y baile en las
calles y dentro de los puestos. Algunas personas están emocionadas
por ir al Rocío. La fiesta continúa durante la noche con luces
encendidas y mucha diversión.
En la Feria de Abril, la gente se viste muy elegante. Los hombres
llevan traje americano y corbata, y las mujeres llevan vestidos de
flamenco. También los cocheros y jinetes de caballos se visten
elegantemente. La feria es muy hermosa por la noche, con más
carrozas y caballos en las calles. Además de la comida típica como el
jamón y el pescado, hay una bebida llamada "manzanilla" que es muy
popular. Si le agregas una bebida gaseosa a tu "manzanilla", tendrás
un "rebujito". La Feria de Abril es una fiesta muy divertida para todos,
desde los jóvenes hasta los mayores, incluso si no nacieron en Sevilla.

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Key Vocabulary
Instructions: For each term, use the word in a sentence that shows you understand its
definition. Then create an image to represent the term. Be ready to explain the image.

Vocabulary Term Use It In A Sentence: An Image to Represent It:

Feria noun
una celebración o fiesta

Vocabulary Term Use It In A Sentence: An Image to Represent It:

pequeñas estructuras

Vocabulary Term Use It In A Sentence: An Image to Represent It:

Corridas de toros
eventos donde se
lidiarán y matarán toros

Vocabulary Term Use It In A Sentence: An Image to Represent It:

vehículos decorados
utilizados en desfiles

Vocabulary Term Use It In A Sentence: An Image to Represent It:

una bebida popular

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Answer and Explain
Instructions: For each question, answer the question and then explain why you picked the
answer you did using specific evidence from the text.

Question: Explain:
Which answer did you pick and why?
¿Cuál es una afirmación específica hecha en el texto con una pieza de
evidencia que el texto utiliza para respaldar esa afirmación?

A) La Feria de Abril se celebra en un lugar llamado Real, donde hay muchas

casetas blancas con rayas rojas o verdes.

B) La gente se viste elegante y hay carrozas y caballos por las calles.

C) La Feria de Abril dura una semana y es una fiesta muy entretenida para

D) Durante la feria participan los mejores toreros.

Question: Explain:
Which answer did you pick and why?
¿Cuál es un detalle importante específico del
A) La Feria de Abril se celebra en España.
B) La gente come pescado frito durante la feria.
C) La gente se viste elegante durante la feria.
D) La feria dura una semana.

Question: Explain:
Which answer did you pick and why?
¿Cuál es la idea principal del texto?
A) La Feria de Abril es una fiesta muy famosa en
B) La gente se divierte en la Feria de Abril.
C) La Feria de Abril tiene corridas de toros.
D) La Feria de Abril dura una semana.

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Reflect and Discuss
Instructions: Respond to the following question using the reading and your own knowledge
and experiences. Be as thorough as possible.

¿Has participado en alguna fiesta o celebración similar a la Feria de Abril? ¿Cómo


Write Your Response Here. Be sure to use what you learned in the reading and your own
knowledge and experiences to answer the question thoroughly.

Instructions: When instructed, you will share your responses with your group. Take notes
on their responses in the boxes below. Be sure to write their names at the top of each box.

Student #1: ______________________ Student #2: ______________________

Student #3: ______________________ Student #4: ______________________

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Reflect and Discuss
Instructions: Respond to the following question using the reading and your own knowledge
and experiences. Be as thorough as possible.

¿Qué te gusta hacer para divertirte en una fiesta? ¿Hay algo que te gustaría
probar en la Feria de Abril?

Write Your Response Here. Be sure to use what you learned in the reading and your own
knowledge and experiences to answer the question thoroughly.

Instructions: When instructed, you will share your responses with your group. Take notes
on their responses in the boxes below. Be sure to write their names at the top of each box.

Student #1: ______________________ Student #2: ______________________

Student #3: ______________________ Student #4: ______________________

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Reflect and Discuss
Instructions: Respond to the following question using the reading and your own knowledge
and experiences. Be as thorough as possible.

¿Qué tipo de ropa te gusta usar cuando vas a una fiesta? ¿Te gustaría vestirte
elegantemente como lo hacen en la Feria de Abril?

Write Your Response Here. Be sure to use what you learned in the reading and your own
knowledge and experiences to answer the question thoroughly.

Instructions: When instructed, you will share your responses with your group. Take notes
on their responses in the boxes below. Be sure to write their names at the top of each box.

Student #1: ______________________ Student #2: ______________________

Student #3: ______________________ Student #4: ______________________

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