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by Don Twistbuck

The Baklunish Pantheon

This penultimate installment of our tour Venerable Pages at some future date) Malthebaal dwells in a magnificent
of the Baklunish gods includes one of the were able to. marble palace on the great white moon,
two moon gods, the aloof Malthebaal, and In addition to these two deities, statistics Luna. The palace is bathed in a glow of
the foreign-born, murder-inspiring Nasri. are provided for a new type of Men as perpetual moonlight, even when the moon
Nasri in particular is an interesting case, found in the Monster Manual. The Alqana, itself is less than full. No color of any kind
being the sole example of an identifiably or Betrayers, are the followers of Nasri can be seen within the confines of the
foreign deity that has been integrated into who infiltrate groups of wanderers with the palace, which is called the Halls of Shining
the Baklunish pantheon. While some of the intention of slaughtering their hosts as Night; all are merely shades of gray and
other “common” gods listed in the Guide to sacrifices for their dark goddess. silver. Malthebaal is attended by a
the World of Greyhawk are known and contingent of Modrons, on perpetual loan
venerated in the Baklunish Basin as recognition of the god’s role as keeper
(particularly in the eastern reaches, and MALTHEBAAL of time and months. He can also travel to
doubly so in cosmopolitan Ket), Nasri (The White God) Nirvana, Arcadia, Acheron, or Concordant
comes to the Baklunish from the distant Lesser God Opposition, all in but a single round.
south; Zihindia. Moon (Luna) Malthebaal appears as an elderly man
The implications of this importation are ARMOR CLASS: -7 with a long white beard. He carries a silver
great. Not only does it signify the existence MOVE: 21” sickle named Luna’s Gift which is detailed
of early and vibrant trade between the two HIT POINTS: 231 below.
cultures (despite the intervening presence NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 Being connected with the measurement
of both the Suel and Celestial Imperiums, DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-6 +3 (magic of time, Malthebaal can guarantee that he
but it also speaks to the dedication of weapon bonus) +1 (strength bonus) will be in any particular place at any time
Nasri’s followers that they found fertile SPECIAL ATTACKS: See below he specifies, from a split-second up to a
ground for their cult in the north, when SPECIAL DEFENSES: See below century in the future. He can also detect
none of her fellow gods and goddesses of MAGIC RESISTANCE: 40% any lycanthrope instantly, and no creature
that pantheon (to be detailed in these SIZE: M (6’ tall) infected with the disease will willingly harm
ALIGNMENT: Lawful neutral him.
WORSHIPPERS’ ALIGNMENT: Lawful As mentioned, Malthebaal gets along
neutral, neutral, lawful good, lawful evil very well with his sister Waadi, as well as
SYMBOL: Crescent moon the eastern god Cyndor. The Suel god
PLANE: Prime Material Lendor despises Malthebaal, seeing him
CLERIC: 11th level rashaw as an upstart. Mat’ur, on the other hand, is
FIGHTER: 11th level fighter on good terms with Malthebaal, as are
MAGIC-USER.: 11th level illusionist Malakim and Zuoken.
THIEF: Nil Rashaws of Malthebaal wear robes of
MONK/BARD: Nil white and grey, while his temples have
PSIONIC ABILITY: II windows in the walls aligned to the rising
Attack/Defense Modes: All/all and setting of the moon Luna on different
S:17 I:20 W:22 D:20 C:19 CH:20 significant days of the year.
Services consist mainly of long, slow,
Malthebaal is the god of the large white sonorous hymns and chants. Offerings of
moon, Luna. He is the brother of the other special incense and, on the night of the full
Baklunish moon goddess, Waadi, and moon, pearls, are made to the god.
though the two siblings love one another Large idols of Malthebaal always take
very much, they could not be more the form of a life-sized human with a long
different. The two were born of the waves beard holding a sickle. Small idols are
of the sea, having been flung into the about six inches across, round, and show
heavens as the breakers crashed on the the god’s face in profile.
primordial Oerth in the distant past. Small idols can be used to invoke the
following powers:
• Light (least) has become a fixture in the Baklunish underground or hidden in abandoned
• Slow (lesser) Basin, and many have taken to offering the structure in more civilized locales. As
• Moonbeam (greater) goddess votive sacrifices in order to members of the cult are almost always
appease her and avoid her attentive gaze. secret, they can be sure to place
Large idols can be used to invoke the Nasri is an enigmatic goddess. Neither themselves in positions where they can
following powers: she nor her followers are necessarily evil, protect the secrecy of the temples’
• Darkness (least) but they see the culling of sacrificial victims locations.
• Ultravision (lesser) to be a necessary function of the smooth Large idols of Nasri depict the goddess
• Globe of Invulnerability (greater) operation of the multiverse. The cult claims in her ogre mage form, usually with a
they are merely enacting the will of Istus as necklace of skulls. Small idols are skulls
Luna’s Gift set down in the strands of Fate. The priests intricately inscribed using scrimshaw with
of Istus resist this implication, although various scenes of human sacrifice,
This enchanted silver sickle was was a they do not explicitly condemn it, and the assassination, murder from behind, and
gift to Malthebaal from the eastern god goddess herself is, naturally, silent on the the like.
Cyndor. It’s strength and powers wax and subject as she is in most things. Small idols can be used to invoke the
wane with the phase of the moon, Luna. Nasri has two main guises; the one is an following powers:
Each of the phases below lasts for one innocent, wide-eyed maiden of Zihindi • Friends (least)
week. descent. The other is a black-skinned ogre • Feign death (lesser)
mage with four arms, each wielding a • Polymorph self (greater)
New moon: +1 to hit and damage, moon different weapon. According to the
beam once/turn Baklunish, she wields a scimitar +3, a Large idols can be used to invoke the
wavy-bladed dagger of venom +4, a following powers:
Half moon, waxing: +2 to hit and footman’s mace +2, and a glaive +2/+3 vs. • Rope trick (least)
damage, time stop once/day, moon beam lawful creatures, which she can use with • Phantasmal killer (lesser)
once/round but one hand. If she uses both hands for • Dream (greater)
the latter weapon, it will do double damage
Full moon: +3 to hit and damage, time if it hits.
stop 3 times/day, moon beam once/round She has the power to cause any
creature to sleep (as per the spell) if she
Half moon, waning: +2 to hit and meets their gaze. She can also turn any
damage, time stop once/day, starshine liquid to Type A Poison within 30’ at will,
once/round once per turn.
Nasri and Duhl Parath have a complex
relationship. On the one hand, he is a
NASRI natural ally of a goddess whose chief
sacrament is the murder of innocent
(The Black Mother)
Lesser Goddess travelers, but on the other hand she
Murder, assassination, banditry, terror resents the fact that he wishes to make her
ARMOR CLASS: -2 his vassal. Mouqol and his followers loathe
MOVE: 24” Nasri and her cult, as they use caravan
HIT POINTS: 199 trade routes to ply their vicious trade.
NO. OF ATTACKS: 4 Al’ydor is, somehow, a good friend of
DAMAGE/ATTACK: By weapon, +8 Nasri; their mutual disdain of convention
(strength bonus/magic bonus) and order has much to do with their
SPECIAL ATTACKS: See below relationship.
SPECIAL DEFENSES: See below Nasri’s vast dwelling rests in the vast
MAGIC RESISTANCE: 66% tunnels and caverns of Pandemonium,
SIZE: L (7’ tall) known as the Skull Palace, and
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil constructed of the millions of skulls of
WORSHIPPERS’ ALIGNMENT: Any non- those who have been sacrificed to her. As
good, non-lawful more sacrifices are made, the Skull Palace
SYMBOL: Curved dagger grows, adding new rooms, galleries, and
PLANE: Pandemonium wings as her cult thrives on the Prime
CLERIC: Nil Material Plane. The work is done by lesser
demons and slaadi in thrall to Nasri. MEN
MAGIC-USER.: 9th level illusionist Nasri’s rashaws are completely non-
descript. They appear as ordinary people Alqana “Betrayers”
THIEF: 15th level assassin
MONK/BARD: 13th level monk at all times; even when performing rituals
in their temples they could look like FREQUENCY: Rare
Attack/Defense Modes: All/all merchants, beggars, scholars, tradesmen,
etc. All rashaws of Nasri have the ARMOR CLASS: 8
S:23 I:22 W:23 D:25 C:20 CH:6 HIT DICE: 1-6 hit points
assassin’s ability of disguise, but must
sacrifice 5% of their earned experience % IN LAIR: Nil
Nasri is one of those few foreign gods TREASURE TYPE: Individuals M, leader
who has made her way into the regular points in recompense. Her followers in
general are referred to as the alqana, types M, Q
pantheon of Baklunish deities. Brought to NO. OF ATTACKS: 1
the north from distant Zihindia by far- which means “the betrayers.”
Nasri’s temples (in the Baklunish lands, DAMAGE/ATTACK: By weapon type
reaching caravans traversing the eastern SPECIAL ATTACKS: Leader types
reaches of the Celestial Imperium, Her cult at least) are hidden places, usually
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Leader types smoldering carts and wagons and bodies. somewhere where they can get to it
MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard They take nothing that might even quickly.
INTELLIGENCE: Average to very remotely link them to the attack.
ALIGNMENT: Any non-good, non-lawful New Rules for Caravans
SIZE: M Smaller groups of travelers can be
PSIONIC ABILITY: Nil similarly infiltrated by the alqana. Such will Any caravan of merchants or pilgrims can
Attack/Defense Modes: Nil simply happen on a smaller scale. Some run into smaller groups of travelers, who
alqana will wait in caravansaries and by will often seek to join the larger group for
Alqana (“betrayers”) are worshipers of the city gates, hoping to join a small group of mutual protection.
Zihindian/Baklunish deity Nasri. They are travelers who “just happen to be traveling
never found alone in large groups; rather, in the same direction”, so they can travel For every day a caravan travels, there is a
they infiltrate merchant and pilgrim together for “safety.” The confounding 10% chance of encountering such a group
caravans, joining their host in small groups thing is that such arrangements, done (this chance is over and above normal
of 2-5 (occasionally larger groups will have legitimately, are an everyday occurrence, chances for random encounters).
already banded together). No two groups and there is no way to tell the good from
will look the same; one might be a tin the bad, save through constant vigilance. Roll to determine type using the standard
smith’s family traveling to visit relatives in encounter tables. If a monster or non-
another town, another might be a group of For every 20 alqana there is a 25% chance intelligent animal is indicated, the group
out-of-work mercenaries, while yet another there will be a cleric of level 4-7, with an will consist of ordinary tradesmen, farmers,
might appear to be a mendicant beggar- assistant of level 1-3. etc., on some journey for personal
preacher of Istus. They will all recognize business.
one another, however, through means of For every 40 alqana there will be an Whether ordinary people or soldiers,
secret signs of recognition whose assassin of level 5-8, and a 35% chance of merchants, pilgrims, etc., the number
interpretation has baffled outsiders for 1d3 fighters of level 1-4. appearing will be as follows; 1-4 (35%
centuries. chance), 2-5 (25% chance), 2-8 (20%
Ordinary alqana will be unarmored, but will chance), 2-12 (20% chance).
Once the alqana have achieved sufficient carry a bladed weapon (usually a scimitar
numbers in the caravan, they will strike in or dagger) on their person unobtrusively. In the World of Greyhawk Fantasy Setting,
the night, butchering as many of their Sometimes caravans will insist on taking there is a 10% chance that such hangers-
fellow travelers as possible, all the while weapons from newcomers to help stave off on will actually be alqana in disguise, if
shouting their chilling war-cry, “Souls for such attacks; an alqana will do so encountered in the Baklunish Basin or
Nasri!” Once the slaughter is complete and cheerfully and with understanding, and will other regions where the worship of Nasri is
any valuables burned or broken, they will always have another weapon hidden away common.
melt into the countryside, leaving

Peregrinations of the
1. Kilali: Badshah/Shah Yaheed (14th level fighter; his title is disputed). 15,000
warriors. Four subject tribes (500, 400, 450, 350 warriors). Tribal totem is a falcon..

Openly hostile to the Udhfan, allied with the Yamifa.
2. Hekrodeen: Amir Jafar (12th level fighter). 12,300 warriors. Five subject tribes
(250, 300, 350, 250 warriors). Tribal totem is a griffon. Friendly towards the Udhfan,
One of the limitations of the WORLD OF hostile towards the Yamifa.
GREYHAWK™ Fantasy Setting has been 3. Zahila: Padishah al-Mutadi (13th level barbarian). 15,500 warriors. Three subject
a distinct lack of clarity regarding one of tribes (600, 500, 400 warriors). Tribal totem is a scorpion. Formerly allied with the
that world’s most powerful nations; the Kilali, currently they spurn and mock their former allies.
Paynims of the Plains. While those 4. Yamifa: Shah al-Maryah (11th level barbarian). 13,750 warriors. Four subject tribes
interested in such matters have learned (200, 250, 250, 300 warriors). Tribal totem is a whip snake. Allied with the Kilali,
about noble titles and a general population hostile towards the Hekrodeen.
of half a million, few specifics as to the 5. Udhfan: Udhfanishah Sulazid (15th level fighter). 17,100 warriors. Six subject
tribes themselves and their locations have tribes (300, 350, 350, 400, 400, 450, 500 warriors). Tribal totem is a bat. Friendly
been forthcoming. towards the Hakrodeen, hostile towards the Kilali.
The map on the page opposite shows 6. Mushneera: Tulbuga Orakhon (13th level thief). 16,900 warriors. Four subject
the summer and winter fields of the eleven tribes (400, 450, 500, 550 warriors). Tribal totem is a fox. Hostile towards both the
major tribes of the Paynims. As a rule, the El Alla-Druffi and Jalwedreen, friendly towards the Shebnuli.
tribes summer in the north, along the 7. El Alla-Druffi: Urus Beg Ilkhan (12th level fighter). 12,800 warriors. Three subject
borders of Zeif, Tusmit, and Ket, and tribes (350, 400, 450 warriors). Tribal totem is a flamingo. Allied with the Jalwedreen
winter in the south, when the rains coming against the Mushneera. Friendly towards the Yazprimi.
in from the Gulf of Ghayar make the Dry 8. Pashwiri: Nawbuga Khan (14th level barbarian). 15,600 warriors. Four subject
Steppes habitable for them and their tribes (400, 450, 450, 500 warriors). Tribal totem is an eagle. Hostile towards the
innumerable horses. Yazprimi.
Each major tribe will have up to a half- 9. Shebnuli: Tudbeg Kha-khan (10th level rashaw). 11,900 warriors. Three subject
dozen much smaller tribes as tributaries. tribes (250, 300, 325 warriors). Tribal totem is a viper. Carefully neutral between
These smaller tribes, though nominally their neighbors the Pashwiri, Yazprimi, and Jalwedeen. Friendly towards the
independent, pay homage to their larger Mushneera.
masters, and can be called upon in time of 10. Yazprimi: Malee Beg Tarkhan (12th level fighter). 14,800 warriors. Four subject
war. Such arrangements are often tribes (400, 400, 450, 450 warriors). Tribal totem is a lizard. Hostile towards the
cemented with multiple marriages, Pashwiri, friendly towards the El Alla-Druffi.
sometimes in the hope that the ruling 11. Jalwedreen: Sardir Khan (11th level barbarian). 12,400 warriors. Three subject
family of a smaller tribe may come to tribes (300, 325, 350 warriors). Tribal totem is a scarab. Allied with the El Alla-Druffi
power over the larger, through skillful against the Mushneera.
arranged marriages.
Naturally, each marker represents only For identification, each tribe has a unique method of tying their turbans which is as
an approximation of the range across distinctive to another Paynim as heraldry is to an Easterner. In addition, the tribes will fly
which the tribe in question will roam. banners bearing their tribal totems. The colors of the banners will change depending on
Territories in the north and west tend to be the clan within the tribe to which it belongs, but those belonging to a clan or tribal leader
smaller, owing to the greater crowding, but will be trimmed in silver or gold, respectively. Skilled riders with keen eyes can determine
that is also occasion for more warfare and the exact identity of a distant group by the banners they bear across great distances on
raiding between tribes, which is seen as a the flat plains or steppes.
pleasurable thing for its own sake.
The listing below is accurate (or as
accurate as an accounting of a half-million
nomad horsemen can be) as of the spring
of CY 580; these spots in summer and
winter tend to drift slightly from year to
year. On the map, the numbers indicate
which tribe makes its camp in the area,
and the letter indicates whether that area
is used in summer or winter. Thus, 3S
means that the Al-Shasri tribe spends
there summer in and around that location.
Naturally, the migration process is a
relatively gradual one, and not every tribe
will begin to move on the same date.
Collectively, the Paynim tribes can be on
the move for six weeks or more at the start
of both summer and winter. It is also true
that such movement does not represent a
100% evacuation; there are always
stragglers, outcasts, the sick and
wounded, and the like who remain behind
for various reasons of their own, so that
even in the depth of high summer the Dry
Steppes are never completely empty.

4S 2S

5S 3S





10S 9W


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