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chaptea 2
Constitutinal Design

QL Hce ae sme false sta temen tu Identity the

mstake in cach case Gnd xeite.these omecty
based on what have sead in this chaptes
a)Ledes of the oeedom moement hadl an pen
mind about whetnox the caunty, should be demoat
o not afto ihd qpngden ce.
b) Mem bes of the Cons tibuent agembly oft indig
held the same vieus on all pravislons of the consti

A coun a that hasa Consttcrton must be a

demac elic one
d) The Constitutin cannot be amehled becaso It is
the supxeme læ law of aCantay
Ansa) Leadess of the teadom movemeht had an pen Mind
that Caun bay Should be adem o, acatic hation aftex
b) Membess of the constituen t q'sembly. of indig did
hot hove the same vieS_on all povSlonN of the
con aAi tu tion.Howevesthey held the Same vie on
|the bosiC principles of the const itutin.
c) AGuntag that is de moctcy must have a coh s tituti
d) The constityton Cah be ame nded to keep it up da ted
Camlin age

l which of these bas themost oin ert underhying (pflat

ConAic in the making of a demccolatic Costitiinin
South atica 1
) Be twe en south atica and its he ghbus.

b) Be tweeh meh and wom en.

c Betueen the auhite majoity ond black matoity

d Be tiwseh Cdoured majoaity and the black majoaiy.
Q3 which of these is apzovision that a de moatic
Constittian does not have
a) Poes of the heodof the state

Name ofthá heod ofithe stote

) Powe of the legis la tuse

A) Nameof the County.
Qu match the following leades wlth theix 2oles in the
making of the oñgtitutin
a)notilathehau pesiden t.of the Constituen
bl B.R Am bedktoy
Aembe of the (on situent
chajamah of the asafting
dSaxouini naidy eputed a corstitation fo
lhd 426

RSRecd agbin sex bacts from nehay Speech Tgt
De stiny and answ es the kollang
a) tuhy did hehs ase the epaesion not howhallg
tull measude in the fixst

b) what pledge de he wnt makeas of the intiah


C The ombibon of the gneu test manof our gehesatlo

has beeh to aipe Qvey teax faom evey eye+
ws heefeiny to?
Ansa) hehu uSed to Kression hat wholly or i full
measure because accocding ta him thà itask cndertakeh

was not Complete and the pledges cauld not he fulle

a day or two but.they woul ElE)led one byoe
b)He wan ted the makess ofindian Consti tution to tke
the pledge of dedication bo the Serice of india gndhez
people and to stilllazge. CaAse of hm an ity
Q6 He
Soine of the quiding valuer of the Gonsttution
Gnd theix meahing Bewaite Eem by matching them conety
al Soy eegin lhvea nment il at favow.
any Yehgion
b) Re jpubli'C >i people have the Supteh e aigl
ot make decision
cta tesnity >i) Head of the state elecked pt
)se culax peop e shauld live alike bothexs
CAncl sis tes

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