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Typically, there are two types of family nowadays: nuclear and extended families.

Here arises a question which type of family would be better for the growth of a
child. Personally, I’m in favor of the latter ( the extended family) for several
Firstly, children are protected and taught by the grandparents when their parents
are two busy at work. They will feel safer and happier when there are more people
to take care of them or simply play with them.
Secondly, it helps children be more responsible and enables them to live more
independently. The elder members of the family will teach the younger to
recognize their own values and roles in society. In addition, children will learn how
to respect and take care of the old so that they have an environment to develop
social virtues such as empathy, sacrifice.
In short, we should live in an extended family because of the invaluable benefits it
brings us.

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