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Abegail Jenn Elis Mulder 2nd year- BSBA in Financial Management (9/13/2023)

Business English and Correspondence Chapter 5 Seatwork

1. Discuss the effective use of email, instant messaging, and text messaging in business

Formal, detailed, and asynchronous.

Use clear subjects, professionalism, and proper structure.

Instant Messaging (IM):

Real-time, informal, and group-friendly.

Be concise, clear, and considerate of timing.

Text Messaging:

Mobile, quick, and suitable for reminders.

Obtain consent, maintain professionalism, and respect timing.

2. Differentiate between web pages, wikis, and weblogs. Discuss how they are different and how
their applications differ.

Web Pages: Web pages are static and typically contain fixed content and structure. They serve as
online documents created by individuals or organizations for informational or promotional
purposes. Web pages are designed to inform, market products or services, and provide static
information. Interactivity on web pages is usually limited to navigation and information retrieval.
They are typically organized hierarchically, featuring a clear menu and navigation structure.
Application: Businesses use web pages for their official websites, product/service descriptions,
company profiles, and customer support information.

Wikis: In contrast, wikis are dynamic and collaborative platforms where content can be edited
and linked by multiple users. They are created and edited collaboratively by a community of
users, making them ideal for collaboratively creating and sharing knowledge, documentation,
and information. Wikis offer high interactivity, allowing users to edit, add, and link content. They
are organized through interconnected pages, often with a search feature for easy navigation.
Application: Wikis can be used for collaborative documentation, knowledge sharing, and project
management within a business. Teams can create and edit wiki pages to compile information,
best practices, and project documentation.

Weblogs (Blogs): Weblogs, commonly known as blogs, are dynamic and diary-like. They feature
regularly updated entries created by individuals, often expressing personal opinions or expertise
on various topics. Blogs are used to share thoughts, experiences, insights, or news. While they
provide some interactivity through comments and discussions, they are primarily organized by
date, with categories and tags for sorting content.
Application: Business blogs can be a valuable tool for sharing industry insights, thought
leadership, company updates, and engaging with customers. They help build brand authority
and establish a company's expertise.

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